I was playing mvc3 online last night

the guy i went against had the mic on and laugh cuz i chose ryu as my last character
this comes to mind why would he laugh at him and why dont i see many players use him online
my team was captain america/akuma/ryu
i need more work on my captain
he had dante/whesker/sentinal
i ended up beating all his 3 characters with ryu :smiley:
my last question is
would team be better then wolverine/akuma/ryu
i need work on wolverine and captain america

Play whoever you want.

In my opinion, I think Wolverine / Akuma / Ryu would have better team synergy than Captain America / Akuma / Ryu. A lot of good players like to pair Wolverine and Akuma together, because Akuma really helps Wolverine extend some of his combos. For example, you could combo after doing OTG -> Akuma tatsu assist.

If you’re still unsure, try using this assessment that Windsagio came up with:

You could fill that out, and then ask others for their opinion in the thread as well.


I would drop Ryu and replace him with someone else, but it’s your team, your choice.

wolvie has better chemistry than Cap for your team.

keep ryu. your doing something right with him. but in the end, play whoever. but also remember team combos

are you sure he was laughing at ryu? I’ve come across a shitload of ryu’s online

I’m comfortable with my team I just need more work on them got ryu down same with akuma now working on wolverine
Yes he was laughing at ryu he said “(laughing) can’t believe this guy pick ryu as last”. Wich didn’t bother me cuz I know I can do good combos with him. My point is ppl shouldn’t laugh at other ppls character selection / team

Funny that he was laughing at you choosing Ryu last, and then you destroyed his entire team with Ryu.
I wonder if he would laugh at Chris G. when he throws Ryu last on his team? Because we’ve never seen that work out for him or anything , mirite?

Glad you aren’t switching your team up just because of what one online scrub had to say.

Don’t judge you’re gameplay/team based on what you see online. So far in this game we’ve seen a lot of people make a lot of things work. Mike Ross plays Thor and Hulk on a team. Like the guy before me said, Chris G blows people up with Ryu. There was a guy at WNF last week with a team that had Chris and Hsien-Ko on it and he did some crazy stuff. If you’re willing to put the work in for your character, you’ll get stuff out of it.

it was pretty funny that i destroyed his team with ryu
i always try to put some lab hours to learn more thats y i like coming here always learning something new
but i still need lots of work on wolverine but i aint worried cuz i know ill get it down aslong i put more hours in
once again
i freaking love this site

They guy use arthur as his main n jst kept trowing this spears ( sorry if not the technical term) so I tried jumping towards him n blocking bt he jumps n trows a sword I was using wolverine then called akuma for assist bt he would call in doom and use bhis beam to keep me away I ended up losing …is ther a way I can of range in order to do combos? I ask my bro. To do the same thing so I can figure out how to get acros from it bt had no luck
Any advice suggestions will be greatly appreciated

P.s his psn tag was I spam u l