I was playing with a group of buddies last week. First time in a really long time that I’ve played CvS2. They’re pretty good and all, and I give em a run for their money despite that I don’t play CvS2 anymore and they play everyday or so.
I thought, awww hell why not? I don’t get chances to play with friends usually, so I’ll have to play at MGL and SVGL frequently.
A more important question that I was really curious about and maybe someone has an answer. My arcade stick just gives up on me randomly when I play CvS2 on xbox. Anyone know about any conflicts with the stick and xbox version of CvS2? Like I can start a match and the stick just won’t do any moving commands. The buttons work, but the stick just dies on me and I have to restart my xbox.
Now, I know some of you may have already said something like
"the xbox version isn’t accurate, the buffering is wrong. etc etc…"
I don’t even do those moves btw. I know you can’t do it in arcade, thats why I just don’t do it.
Another bunch of questions that I got. Maybe buktooth could come in and answer them. I’d really like that.
Which of the following can ONLY be parried low? Blanka’s c.fp? vega’s c.any punch? Sagat’s c.fp?
What kind of priority does Cammy over on opp. on wakeup in the corner if you’re spaming close range s.fp’s? Could it stop wakeup DP? Could it stop Charge moves? What frame advantages or disadvantges do I have on spamming close range s.fp’s? Would it be practical? I ask this because I’ve seen close range s.fp, close range s.fp, c.mk xx super. I’ve seen this connect before, but I want a general idea on how tight the frames are on wakeup.
My favorite sagat mixup to use to brake down gaurd meter is: j.lk, s.lp, s.lp, c.lk, c.lk, c.fp
Can you suggest something better for gaurd breaking?
How many frames does a person have from landing to crouching blocking? Example: Sagat jumps empty in front of an opp. so when he touches the ground, how many frames would Sagat be vunerable to low hits?
My Sagat s.fp, fierce dp doesn’t work. Any suggestions?
I might have more questions…maybe later.