I still think Sentinel has the best loop or even has an infinite combo in UMVC3

Yes it would be incorrect. But whats your point?

It would’ve been correct at a time.

Jaks statement was never correct.

It wasn’t, but if the patch comes, the statement

“Sentinel doesn’t have an infinite”

will become true. BTW, this conversation is dumb.

Bringing this back on topic. Anyone seen this yet?

I’ve only seen side and down but now up too?


Thanks for linking my video. :smiley:

He’s one that combines down, side and up in the corner into one video:


I’ll take a look at the side midscreen one that’s posted above and try and do something for up and down, and then make a complete Sent TAC MADNESS video. Bear in mind that due to the way the screen moves, there are going to be a lot of variations that need to be covered.

The loop itself actually isn’t that tough, and it’s probably one of the easiest… but the fly-unfly-fall-hit-at-the-last-second to start it is rough. :sad:

not really bro. once the cleats hit the floor just jump up/upforward and it’s easy sailing from there

I feel that out of all of the current TAC infinites, Sentinel has the absolute easiest of them all. The only “hard” part of the infinite is that if you go too fast, they’ll drift higher, making the last hit whiff.

You can fix the whiff prevention by seeing how high is the opponent, and if they are getting high (lol), then you just omit 1 j.:l: during the jump from the ground and delay the j. :l: j. :h: after flight mode.

even then you don’t need to omit a j:l: instead you just have to watch the speed of your inputs and how high :smiley: the opponent before the second j:h:

like how i showed the down infinite video, i adjusted the speed/timing of each rep til i reached 1.2mil which is enough to kill anybody. i should be coming out with another showing it done on the small/smaller than average sized characters