Most assists should work on the corner as long as it doesn’t cause a knockdown. On mid screen, they have to be more specific. Some kind of projectile assist that causes enough hit stun for Hsien-Ko to able to keep the combo going.
I’ve been following your matches on youtube LLND! I really like Hsien-Ko. She’s my most favorite character since the Dark Stalker day. Too bad I rarely see anyone using her and the ones that use her are only using her Gold Armor and they can barely chain any good combo when she fights alone. I’ve watched many of your matches and one thing I’ve noticed is that you rarely use Hsien-Ko’s projectiles. Are they really that bad? When you fought against Taskmaster, you didn’t use too many Gong to reflect his arrows. I figure Taskmaster is probably a very hard match up for Hsien 'cause he can shield charge through Whirlwind Dance in air?
Have you tried using Hsien-Ko’s other assists with success?
Keep posting your matches! Hsien-Ko 4-ever!
I have a question: Where in SoCal do you guys play at?
Thanks for watching! Yeah, you won’t see me do anki hou very much since most match-ups have opponents rushing towards and I already have gongs to help against most offensive approaches, namely tri-dashes & jump ins. Against zoning attempts, that’s when I use gong+anki hou L(sometimes M) to pester them to come to me. Zero in particular, gongs+anki hou H(usually canceled into a tenraiha) does a pretty good job of hitting/keeping him out. Besides that, Anki hou isn’t that good for reasons that it has considerable start-up/recovery, negative on hit/block, useless bombs, and the mechanic determining what item you get being pretty much random.
Task is difficult to approach because his ground vertical arrows go over any gongs you have out, air angled arrows prevent you from advancing, shield skills nullify your gongs and you can’t senpu bu without assists to cover you or he’ll counter it.
At a lot of places. if you’re in the socal area I recommend you join our facebook group::
There should be a comprehensive list of places for gatherings, tournies and such. We still post events individually, so look out for those. Tonight is FNFS in long beach, most likely I’ll be there with royalflush and others streaming at around 8pm or so.
At a lot of places. if you’re in the socal area I recommend you join our facebook group::
There should be a comprehensive list of places for gatherings, tournies and such. We still post events individually, so look out for those. Tonight is FNFS in long beach, most likely I’ll be there with royalflush and others streaming at around 8pm or so.
Thanks man. I live in Los Angeles, not very far from Long Beach. Sadly, i think you guys only play with sticks right? Something i am not good at ;*(
Wow, didn’t know Hsien-Ko’s projectile is that bad. It does seem to have long recovery time if you miss. Have you tried using Gong assist with gold armor? I feel that those that have fought Hsien Ko many times don’t really fall for the whirlwind dance assist. I guess whirlwind dance assist is perfect to hide Chris in the corner to throw fire bombs?
What is the best youtube channel or stream to watch your fights? I just randomly searched your name LLND on youtube but I think I’ve seen all of your uploads! lol I want more! Do you have any plan on changing your team? I really like your Hsien-Ko and Chris. I am not too sure about Ammy to be honest. Do you like Ammy because you love the character? Do you have another type of team with Hsien Ko? Have you tried teaming Hsien Ko with Hawkeye? I assume with Gong assist, Hawkeye may be able to hide in the corner and spam arrows? I see Hsien Ko as a great character for “keep away” type of team.
Lotta questions there. @.@
Not trying to be mean or anything, but we oughta keep this video related.
As for the video question, I have linked stream archives in this thread if you’ve already watched the youtube vids. You can also check out
But I should do a AMA on reddit like royalflush did awhile back. I’ll be using a friend’s account and it’ll most likely be this coming tuesday. Hope to answer your questions there!
Regarding this front page video:
(Not my video)
What’s the glitch at the end there? Seems very similar to the Chireitou DHC glitch that LL.ND noted at release.
It’s the same thing. It must be an unpatched version.
I need some help finding the umm… The video where Hsien-ko does a solo relaunch. Not using the Knives. It involved doing umm the gong stair case. It was a apart of a video about solo relaunch. Don’t know the actual term for it. So it’s so hard to find right now…
You mean this?
FFFFF… Hsien-ko was nerfed. I swear to … That people just flip out of combos so easy now! This is some… No…
I made some more improvements on my Hsien-Ko combos from my last video. Funny how Hsien-Ko can actually do decent damage and good meter building if she can somehow extend combos.
I’ll just leave this here =)
hsien-kos one of my mains but i still fell like i need to work on her
heres two matches of mine
theres were very lucky endings imo
oh also i just uploaded hsien-kos special conversations in eng and jap
Found this in the Stream thread a week ago but forgot to post it. Casual set between Chou and LL.ND, if he doesn’t mind my posting it here:
^Not at all!
Here’s also this past TRB I got 2nd at: (I start playing at 0:44:00, 2:19:00, 2:53:49, 3:52:40)
Yo, the combo at 45:25, I’m so stealing that. Didn’t even know that was possible outside of xf.
I posted this as my smaller characters combo but then found out it works on everyone with some character weight knowledge/timing involved. It’s also finicky in that you have to eyeball if your foe is enough high so that you can link st.M after L gong, otherwise omit the L gong and go straight into cr.HS. It’s worth doing imo; it pretty much carries your foe to a corner if you use chireitou and can either raw tag into another character, do oki setups, or plink dash>tenraiha(loop).
Yea, I’ve tried it out myself. Besides the L gong part, the combo is pretty simple. I might be able to get 600k meterless on mid screen with 2 assists if I work on it more.