I see dead people: Hsien-Ko Video Thread

i liked certain things, he played with armor and didn’t just go to assist mode once activated
did a command grab setup in the first vid but got pushed blocked out :frowning:
that imo is not a hsien-ko team it was a zero team;
outside of otg to extend combos not once does he use assists but still manages to get in consistently against zoners which is pretty cool
for as many times as he had his opponent in the corner we didn’t get to see any gong loops :frowning:
oh and why(2nd vid) did he dhc into trigger happy hyper after tenrai ha? made no sense to me
thanks, I enjoyed watching :slight_smile:

Too slow, you can DHC into Happy Happy Trigger and Cutting Time after Tenraiha if you do it reasonably fast due to the ground bounce caused by the overhead anvil (or whatever it is) before the rest of the balls end up grounding them. There’s a problem with both though since DHCing into Cutting Time will remove a lot of the damage and it’s possible for the spiked balls to knock them out of the bullet stream from Happy Happy Trigger :frowning:

Midscreen your best option is probably Cheireitou and you’ll have enough time to hard tag Deadpool and link into Happy Happy Trigger. In the corner… I dunno, if you’re not unlucky doing Tenraiha then DHC into Happy Happy Trigger is probably your best bet. You can always to a quick back dash and to Cheireitou and you’ll get at least two spikes hitting, you won’t have any problem with missing the DHC into Happy Happy Trigger but you’re not getting max damage from both Hypers :frowning:

Good to see her being used though :3 I get the feeling she doesn’t make a good point character and is probably best starting in the #2 spot.

It was only recently that I realized that Tenraiha causes a ground bounce. I was experimenting with combos that involved a ground bounce and kept wondering why my opponent would almost instantly recover after being hit with Tenraiha. Or why they would recover after doing Tenraiha -> X-factor -> Tenraiha. Now I know.

It seems pretty stupid that the anvil would cause a ground bounce. I know that it’s to enable the balls to hit, but I still wish they had designed it better since you’re only allowed one ground bounce per combo.

In other news I’ve been putting some more training time in with Hsien-Ko and I’m convinced that she is capable of more actions in the air off of a normal jump than any other character - not that I mean she can do more special moves, but she is allowed 3 specials and her air dash, and you can call assists at any time which gives her a lot of options . I’m beginning to think that taking advantage of her strange air game might be the key to making her a better character on point.

oh ok, didn’t know the dhc actually worked,I guess because it was done so late it just looked impossible to me.

yeah, i definitely find myself spending more time in the air with her aside from f+h <i like her air normals so much more, plus I have x-23 assist to give me low high mixups I haven’t got an unblockable setup yet unfortunately

It frustrates me sometimes that Hsien-Ko has to put in so much more effort than the rest of the cast to even deal mediocre damage.

i’ve reverse ocv’d with hsienko LOL i’m no better then anyone else with her but when she has someone cornered and does senpu bu (while armored) cross up into H and when you hit the ground cr. LMH S … noone blocks the low is it that crazy a mixup?

Actually the spiked balls continue to hit after they’re grounded (like most things aimed towards the ground), I think the reason for the ground bounce is two fold.

  1. Allows to DHC after it for non-OTG Hypers.
  2. Stops you from chaining them together.

If you think about it we’re able to link Tenraiha and Cheireitou together, Tenraiha is faster than Cheireitou so without the ground bounce it’d be too easy to link Tenraiha after Tenraiha until you run out of meter.

Also means you can’t end a combo with Tenraiha if you used the ground bounce Team Areal Exchange thing :frowning:

Also I remember watching a match where someone does Tenraiha KFC Tenraiha and it worked, maybe if you do it faster enough the second anvil hits before ground bounce, that or the guy didn’t block or tech recover and just got hit by the second lot shrug

Actually, I have been experimenting about the issue with the ground bounce and Tenraiha, and it can be solved by calling an assist right before using the hyper since I believe the victim is still vulnerable after the second ground bounce, but they recover much more quickly before the set of spiked balls land, so as long as the assist hits the victim between the anvil and the spiked balls, it should continue the combo. Though, I only tested this with Haggar’s lariat and Arthur’s daggers, so that might not apply to other assists. I can even link more than 1 Tenraihas by doing the trick. I got up to 4 Tenraihas by doing hyper, assist + hyper, XFC hyper, 2nd assist + hyper. Oh, and the Tenraiha XFC Tenraiha works perfectly fine as long as you do it as quickly as possible before the rain of spiked balls end from the 1st hyper. Hope this helps to extend combos that uses a ground bounce, as I use it from my Haggar into DHC glitch with Hsien-Ko combo.

So how much damage does that end up doing after say, ABCS -> sj. BBS -> Tenraiha/Assist -> Tenraiha? I am at work and can’t test it. Also, can you link a Cheireitou after the second Tenraiha?

well I just did that sequence that you inquired about on v.joe with arthurs dagger toss assist and it got 638k
I didn’t try to cheireitou after so if someone else has time before I get back to edit it they can post it for you

I got it to work after way too many tries. I forgot to record the exact number, but it was around 750k or so. Worth it if you need to kill somebody really bad and need the extra damage I guess, but in most situations you would probably just want to DHC into something else.

That’s interesting, wonder how it works. Usually a second ground bounce will cause them to get up instantly stopping anything from hitting afterwards.

Might be something to do with catching them early on so that the ground bounce isn’t “registered” or something but you still get the effects of it, like a glitch perhaps… I dunno, I have no idea how these things work :rofl:

I’ve tried Tenraiha KFC > dash (change sides) > Tenraiha before and they’d always get up after the second anvil hit :frowning: And like I said before, using Tenraiha after a ground bounce Team Areal Exchange causes them to pop up instantly too :frowning:

Ground bounces only register if they actually hit the ground. If they get hit by the anvil and then hit a spiked ball or an assist’s attack before they hit the ground, no ground bounce occurs.

Justin.tv - 2GoodGaming - CSULB 2GG SMACKDOWN 1.4

Hsien-ko’s make grand finals! matches between me vs airtola in gf as well as other matches that involve the dead girl.

Thanks for posting the stream. You guys are fun to watch. I enjoy seeing Weskers fall at the hands of our favorite Jiang Shi (do we know any others? Chiaotzu?).

ll.nd nice matches. i also play ammy/hsien-ko but my 3rd is sent. you play the ammy/hsien-ko combo very similar to the way i do. you could have had that last one if you didnt drop that combo at the end with hsien-ko. good shit though

6:23 vs nerses(mag/sent/gouki)
33:39 vs mike ross(hulk/thor/sent)
58:28 vs infiniteImage(zero/dorm/wesker)
vs p.gorath(joe/wolvie/shuma)(wolvie/shuma/phoenix)
losers finals vs mike ross(storm/thor/sent)(hulk/thor/sent)
winners finals vs viscant(wesker/ironman/phoenix)

LLND you kinda my hero right now. Best Hsien I’ve seen by far. Takin notes and gettin in tha lab.

wow that comeback vs mike ross in the losers finals last match was epic. I dont get why you didnt just burn a meter to kill hulk with okami shuffle when you had the chance. your hsien-ko assist got mangled when you brought her in unarmored like that. good shit overall though. I like how you bring them back to the ground off a connected air to air C by using the gong loop into an air combo. that definitely helps Hsien-ko’s game a ton.

… man I havnt played for a whole month. I cant wait for PSN to come back online in Japan. so much stuff I wanna try

EDIT: wow wtf, wesker is too good

Thank you for those videos iinara! See, if she had some speed… then mixup stuff. And great Chris too. That last Mike Ross match was tense!

Seems like we’re gonna have to explore the Gong loops here. I mean, they were already important, but LL.ND did some good stuff with them.

And yeah, I haven’t played in about a month and a half, and probably won’t get to for a little while anyway. I’m going to be worse than terribad, seeing as I was pretty average anyway.