I need some help canceling into Bison's Scissor kick

Hey all. I’m new around Shoryuken. Please forgive me if there is a similar discussion or if I use incorrect terminology; please direct me to the similar discussion if there is one or if there is a helpful discussion I should read.

I’m new to Bison and I’m trying to get better at SSFIV:AE in general. Today, I come seeking advice on execution.

A hit confirm I’d like to use is 3 crouching light kicks canceled into light scissor kick. I use double tap to link Bison’s crouching light kicks together. However, I have trouble canceling his crouching light kick into light scissor kick. The main problem for me (from my observation) is that both moves use the same button. I also have the same problem canceling Ryu’s heavy punch into heavy shoryuken, if that helps explain my problem.

Is there a special technique I should know about?, do I just need to work on my timing?, or should I be using a different combo?

Thanks in advance.

It’s hard to diagnose your problem without seeing you input, but there might be a few things going on.

If you can cancel into medium scissors just fine, just make sure you’re using the same timing when you hit the light.

If you’re still having trouble, you can actually hold the LK button down, complete the scissors motion, and let go of LK to cancel into the special move. This is called negative edging.

Make sure you are not chaining your lk’s. If you chained a lk you cannot special cancel from that lk.

If you are sure you are not chaining them and are linking them, then practice doing one lk XX lk scissor till you can do that confidently, then practice one lk >> lk xx lk scissor till you can do that confidently.

Dictator can’t chain his cr.lk, so this isn’t an issue here.

The main thing is to remember that the rhythm for cr.lk, cr.lk, cr.lk doesn’t continue when you input forward and lk. Cancels have to be fast, so it’s more abrupt, like “one, two, threefour”.

Omg flag my post for being scrubby… :confused:

And here I was thinking I was timing perfect. But the second half of my suggestion is still valid, since that is the way I learned to nail this combo.

Just count in your head “one, two, three, four” while pressing cr lk. always works for me

Thanks for all the advice guys, they were all really helpful. Turns out that cancel is just fast and I needed to adapt. I ended up using triple tap to do the third cr lk. Scissor kick in one motion. Its not perfect but I’m still experimenting with other methods suggested.

By the way, the forums here at Shoryuken are awesome! thanks for all the fast replies!

It sounds like youre making the cr.lk’s more difficult than they need to be. In the long run itd be better for you to properly learn the rhythmn of the cr.lk’s without having to double or even triple tap them.

1 2 3 45

Hi there. Been busy, sorry I didn’t respond. Eventually I learned to do the combo by learning the rhythm.