I need some advises for a home-made pannel

Hello everybody !!

I’m looking for plans (format .pdf) which discribe positions of stick + boutons of commercial arcade stick (HRAP3 and VSHG) what do you think about it ?? is it the best way to do a super home-made arcade stick ? because i heard that many street fighters players use other plans …

Thank you for yours answers !!

Bye !!

P.S: sorry for my english which is too bad … but after all, i wish that you will understand me. :wink:

If you go to Joystickvault.com, you will find a section called Templates. There you will find templates that have hole diameters, button spacing, and joystick hole diameters.

Thank you for your link,

i didn’t find pannels with 8 actions buttons (only one: the Wii hori fighting stick but i never seen it before … is it the same modele than the HRAP 3 for PS3 ?? or a smaller version ?? i searched on the web and noway to find something good … have you a idea ??

Here’s an HRAP 2/3 layout.

Here’s an HRAP1/T5 layout

Here’s a 6button layout with Neogeo support if you don’t want to go the 8 button route.