I need help with parrying please it really would do me good to here from experts here

[/FONT]undefined :confused: I need help with parrying in the 3rd strike series if any one knows me from kaillera it’s me slash_h204. Hey guys how it’s going well if you have any facts or guides please tell me it would help cause i’m trying to be as good as the guys in sunnyvale golfland USA are so thanks bye to all. :pray:

Practice parrying multi-hit projectiles. DC & PS2 are good for this.


  1. Run on sentences are BAD.

  2. Punctuation is good.

This is for you

why do people need help parrying?There only usefull in like 4 situations, which overall it’s jus better to block.When you start parrying you start attributing the game to luck instead of skill.

Okay sorry if i was doing that too much i’m just asking for some help with parrying. It would help me if i can parry like daigo can or who ever the ken charcter was at the evoultion 04 finals who did that parrying

If you plan to parry just to show off, it is an useless skill.

You will never parry like Diago, because the likelyhood you face a ChunLi player is small. The chance your opponent does the super from far off (like a dumbass) without trying to put it in a combo is virtually zero. The chance you can parry the entire shit under pressure is even smaller.
Finally the chance you end up in a situation like Diago is virtually ZERO.

I am in Milpitas Golfland. If you ever play me, you will realize that I love parry, but you will probably also realize that I can only beat scrubs (= people who have no idea what they are doing). Parry skills is not the answer to anyone lack of skill. It helps, but you should try to improve your game over being a parry whore. I also notice that some top player don’t parry much. If you parry all the time, it becomes well too much expected… and that’s no good too strategy wise.

God, there are so many thread that want to make me read in disbelief. I notice a lot of people are so proud of SRK, and strongly believe they are so godamn good. They like to show off in the fighting section a lot, saying that they beat scrubs billions of times using one button without looking and without blocking, but the more I read the strategy section, the more I realize SRK is not far off from gamefaq forums.

Daigo had destroyed any chance of new 3s players ever being good.

ya exactly…what we need is more turtle scrubs, its a viable usefull style and is hard to play against.If ppl were more like justin it would be entertaining

at least they give up their turn faster now.

just mash foward alot, you’ll be bound to parry once.
remember, only scrubs block.

nah… you’re wrong… there are heaps and i mean heaps of chunli players out there. considering your opponent has no HP, would u chuck something that is hard to parry out??

to be honest… if i was in jw’s shoe i would of done the same thing… except chucking out a fireball first… :slight_smile:

as for parries… u dont really need it… just concerntrate on the game without parry. i believe u will win more games like that…

I heard Sean is top tier if you can parry everything the other guy does…and the other guy never throws

Really to bad no one can video this. It would be a smash here it really would be if someone could. That would be a perfect parry game but i don’t know if anyone can parry that well without losing some life.

I’ve gotten much better at parrying, but I agree with everyone else that it isn’t necessary to be a good player. I’ll usually just parry jump attacks/crossovers, the occasional predictable poke/special move, and any projectiles that come my way. If you really insist on learning to parry supers, good luck on it. I could only parry super fireballs and I managed to parry Ken’s shippu a couple times, but I doubt I could do it in a real battle. It’s better to learn the basic offensive tactics then work on your defense when you get the basics down.

One more thing, if you try to parry when you’re low on health, you’ll get too hasty and it’ll cost you. I know from experience. :slight_smile:

Well I thank you all. I’m startin a new thread today if you want to read this and still give advice go ahead folks.

Jesus and Ms. Clio can

Look for their joint video soon on combovideos.com

Listen, it’s pretty easy to parry damn near everything in the game. The hard part is knowing what the hell the person you are playing is going to do. Trying to parry everything WILL get you killed. This is why you block. Blocking is good

“But Daigo parried Chun’s super and then combo’d to super for the win”

That’s great, if Daigo would have had more health, he would have just blocked and parried the last hit. The hardest thing about learning to parry is learning not to do it. If you are parrying everything the people you are playing suck. They aren’t throwing enough or they aren’t punishing you for parrying.

Joint video? Who would win then?

I argue Jesus, since He’s perfect. Ms. Clio doesn’t have the execution, even if she COULD read everything Jesus was throwing out like a book. But then, Jesus would know that Ms. Clio can read Him, and would adjust his strategy accordingly, But then, Ms. Clio could read that he’s changing his strategy because He can read her…

Aww fuck it.

now it’s time to argue whether jesus is perfect or not.
oh snap, the thread is derailed…

jesus would definitely win hes the son of god you dont’ think he can’t block his mind? i bet jesus is a yun player to

Using parries effectively means 1) you’re not taking stupid block damage (from f-hadoukens or whatnot) 2) Psychological damage (ESPECIALLY effective against scrubs: “Oh sh*t! I just got PARRIED. My life is over”. 3) You’re psychic and plan to take full advantage of your superhuman talent.

I’ve played guys in all the groups… the 3rd group’s really the only one where the parry make or breaks their game.

As for help with the techs of parrying… huh, I think u gotta tap toward at moment of impact, low attacks tap down at moment of impact. As for multiple parries… continue tapping toward, or down with the impacts. There’s no “secret” to how Daigo did it (at least IMO). If there was, I think it’d be out by now. Just practice your butt off, you’ll get it eventually. Hell, even I can do it now… in practice mode. Seriously, in a real match I wouldn’t trust parrying as far as I can throw (haha, get it?! haha…ha…)

I hope this helps Rage

Parrying makes ppl feel stupid. Thats why its in the game :smiley:

Parrying makes people lose a fair amount of matches, that’s why it’s in the game…