Im kind of confused doing reversal, I’m having a tough time trying to hit people who are -8 in a block move and when I’m trying to do ex tatsu, I do it late… but that’s not all, if the guy is -5 or something and I try to hit him with cr Mk either wiff or late, I don’t know if is because the hit stunt or what but I’m missing a lot of punishing opportunities because of that… ohh its not even online is only on practice mode, any idea on how should I work this???
The only way to truly work on it is to remain in training. Just keep practicing your punish timing and it will come.
Also, there’s this thing with the SF4 engine to where if you input the move at the very end of block stun, but not completely out yet, it will delay about 2 frames and then execute. I have no idea why or how this may be but I know it happens to me frequently. In the past I’ve been guilty of mashing ex tatsu out, seeing the guy stop attacking, me stopping mashing and then like a mili second later ex tatsu coming out. Maybe your input time is in this window and your moves are being delayed because of it. Again, this can be fixed with just some more time in training practicing the correct punish times.
Wait, really?! I thought that leniency buffer was on wakeup only.
Are you sure you’re not just getting negative-edged???
Well I dont mash out EX Tatsu or anything anymore so I’m all good lol. That may be the case but I dont know for sure. I know that one time I completely stopped and like a short time after the move came out. It happens sometimes on my OS’s as well. I’ll do a good OS and if I do it slightly after the window I’m supposed to the OS will come out after my move hits. But I dont mean like, Im doing the OS way late making it combo or anything…I’m still waaay off the ground (safe jump OS). I dont know what it is…wakeup, blockstun, hit stun. It just seems like if you do a move riiight before you’re actually allowed to by the engine in any of those situations, the engine will delay about 2 frames and then the move will execute.
Actually that just sounds like online. SF4 netcode uses a delay system that causes all inputs to be delayed 1 or more frames depending on the connection with your opponent, the amount being what the netcode needs to properly communicate both sides in time. So lots of stuff online happens later, but the worse a connection is, the more delay there will be. Also special moves have a huge reversal window ina ll situations and you just need to get used to that/fight less laggy opponents, normals however need to be frame precise so I recommend against normal punishes online, unless you’re abl;e to develop the mentality, of" oh how cute he random dped me when I would have hit him with a normal punish, yay online)
If you want to practice normal move punishes, offline opponents and record in training mode are the only way to practice properly(Even arcade mode is iffy as cpus just sometimes forget to block and/or random ultra all day).