I need help deciding on a 3rd charecter

My team right now is Taskmaster/Vergil/Cap and i want to get rid of taskmaster but i cant think of anyone in replacement for him. I am also new to fighting games so i dont want someone too complicated. Thanks

Assuming that you want to maintain a zoning playstyle, Hawkeye w/ Greyhound is probably the best choice, but your team’s damage output will suffer greatly. Hawkeye’s zoning outclasses Taskmaster’s but just realize that you aren’t gonna be able just zone off for a bit then get a one touch kill combo going into Vergil from Hawkeye. Greyhound will benefit Vergil and Cap greatly, but if he’s on point, it doesn’t matter.

Only problem with Hawkeye is that he and Vergil are greedy when it comes to meter. Hawkeye has 5 bars? Those are 5 Gimlets. Vergil has 5 bars? Those are 5 Gucci belts.

If you go Hawkeye, the main tradeoff is damage for zoning prowess.

Why do you want to get rid of Taskmaster?

What type of characters are you looking for?

Looking at your team, have you tried Cap/Task/Vergil? Which is a better order.

@DKR25 I will try him out.

@scytheavatar I want to get rid of him because
I am looking for a character that if the need to they can zone but they are also great up close.
I will try that order. Do you have any assist recommendations for each character?

Thank you.

Task can zone and is also great up close too. If you are looking for someone who isn’t “too complicated” it’s not going to be easy find a better alternative than him. You can try Doom, who has a learning curve but plasma beam works great for both Cap and Vergil. Otherwise the team I recommendation with Task horizontal arrows and rapid slash for Vergil should work well too.

I have to seriously question you team order before moving to a 3rd pick.

Cap is typically a terrible anchor and limited as an assist. Cap can already TOD without blowing X-factor but has no real way to open an opponent up and has bad match ups that require assists to fill out his game. The ideal spot for cap is always first, BUT in second he has some potential as CS assist is amazing GTFO and SS has interesting properties with being able to pull an opponent. At the end of the day cap needs assists to DHC blocked hypers, create cross ups, help get in, and make CS safe. There’s really no reason to ever put him 3rd intentionally.

Vergil is an AMAZING anchor. While 2nd is equally as viable, he should be considered in this spot when fed meter as he is very dangerous with x-factor given his huge coverage and set ups with swords. Vergil’s rapid slash assist can also keep cap safe after charging star so he should be behind cap.

I would suggest doing Cap(ss or cs)/???/Vergil(rapid slash). In the 2nd spot put a character with a safe DHC and can help with cross up set ups.