i need a case

looking to buy a gutted TE case or just home arcade style case… the kind that have the little feet and sit on the floor…

i only need the case. Im located in denver…

if anyone has an extra that they dont use and dont mind sellin me… hit me up.

I have a TE shell but i honestly do not know what they go for.

where are you from

idk what they go for either…

I am from TN, USA
Also when you say case do you mean just the shell or both the shell and panel? I have both just wanting to know.


yeah i have both. I do not know what to ask for it since i have never seen one sell.

I’d say about $40-$50.

screw buying a TE case lol

$45 shipped for a beautiful custom case :slight_smile:

you need a case? say word

I have a few that are at a pretty good price. Check out my FS thread in my Signature. Good luck.