I need 3 New Challengers for each character

you mean 8-2 in fei’s favor? not at all man… one knockdown and flame kick gets safe jumped to oblivion. still in fei’s favor but it’s not pure rape.

Yea…learned this the hard way. I won one match though :rofl:!

Are you east, mid, or west rcaido?


I’ll be on tomorrow night after 10:00 PM

I can play my Sim vs you sometime. I’m on at random times tho.

OK cool, i added everyone on my list. Damdai im guessing you use Ken? Your ken looks like a robot fucking scary…Cant wait to play you.

So far i’ve only been able to play 3 people :sad: I’ll try to be on more this week. Come on guys lets get some games in…

Would like to play more of you guys…Especially Chun-li/Bison matchups…So far only 7 peeps played me. They were a lot of fun & helps me improve my game.

Remember its only 10 games not 1st to win 10.


I can play Claw/Honda/Fei with some competence, and T.Hawk/Gief with slightly less competence :stuck_out_tongue:

Iliad of Thor.

rcaido we seem to be able to connect now so if you want to play a long set (chun or bison, I can play both) I’m up for it tonight.

Claw/Honda/T-hawk - Alwayys great to learn more playing style, i think im ok with Fei Long. No Gief mirror matches :mad::shake:

Sweet, yeah St1peter’s bison gave me fits last few weeks. Hope it will help me out in future meetings. Also i really dont know the matchup against quality Chun players that zone. I’ll try to be on tonight…

If I see any quality Chun players that zone I’ll be sure to send them your way. In the meantime I can probably help you out with practice against turtling chun scrubs that rely on stored super like an old decrepit one trick pony whose time to pasture is long gone, but is still trotted out once in a while to entertain the dim witted and easily amused.

LOL, I about fell outta my chair on that one.

You can put me down for Chun Li and Sagat : )

Hey I just saw this thread. I’ll play you whatever chars you have left :slight_smile:

Sagat. Other then peter I haven’t seen a single sagat on xbl that made me say oh shit he’s really fucking good.

If you need another Dee Jay, hit me up on XBL.

Yeah i only played handful of people, most of the guys on my friends list are too damn lazy or just want to play games with a full room.

Guys i played so far

Deejay - Smooth, thatkidporet
Ken - Goldenarch
Honda - Alex6, Mad Possum,
Blanka - Osprey, neuroticsrk
Feilong - rightupuralley

I really need to work on my Vega/Chun Li matchups…I dont play that many Sagats so that would be great too. Yeah Deejay gives me problems…So guys go ahead & send me a friends request…

Put me down for Fei and DeeJay… my DeeJay is decent but my fei can at least give you a run for your money if you are good with Zangief. Also do I just send you out a friend request?

Hey, I think we played earlier, you have a great gief.

Put me down for Boxer because I could use some practice with this matchup. :slight_smile: