I need 3 New Challengers for each character



Honda if you’d like. We played the other day.

you can add me for Dee Jay

where’s gief? no mirror match?

I’ll play you with Claw if you want me to.

But I don’t play Vega :sad:

Gief vs Gief is 6-4 in Gief’s favor. That’s common knowledge.

I’m always up to play. You know which character, LOL.

P.S. I’m not on your friend’s list anymore? :frowning:

Dhalsim here, though I haven’t been playing him much lately. Tryin to pick up Ryu but I’d get owned by a gief so it wouldn’t be a worthy set.

I’ll give you a shot at my character:Blanka


I think i added everyone…i added you too mad possum, i could use more honda matchup. I’ll probably go 0-50 against honda haha, BTW you were never in my friends list :sad:

I’ll try to get some games in tonight guys but im w/ my newborn all alone i’ll probably stay up all night though so i can get some late late night games.

You can add me if you want (gamertag: neurotic srk)…I play blanka. My schedule is non existant though so hopefully we’ll be on at the same time.

Cheers to newborns…mine hit 2 months a couple days ago. I can’t complain though since he only wakes up once between 10pm and 7am and has been like that for the past 5 weeks.

My Deejay is AWRIGHT!!!

Add me for Boxer

Hmmmm…I can’t help but notice how you have an influx of honda players eager to take on a zangief player…:slight_smile: LOL

Well to anyone out there who’s jumping on board to take him on, let me just remind everyone that this is not your average Gief player.

Let’s just say I’m praying to God I don’t end up on Youtube.

lol, that’s not funny…

i’m wondering if you can post some of the match vids vs honda when all is said and done. i don’t think hubs.com got it right with 3-7 either. honda’s got too many ways to reset positioning against gief, but i could be wrong and i want to see how this all plays out.

What’s the result vs. Fei Long?? I have high belief that it’s 2-8 versus Fei :smiley:

thanks guys i just added you all & those who i missed

I have trouble w/ honda too but only w/ the really good turtle hondas. Its probably just my skill level but i’ll see if i can get a vid of me get my face sat on & bitch slap 100x block damage :rofl:

No matches w/ Fei Long yet. Actually only been able to play Osprey & that was it. Been having connection issues or people are too busy.

Osprey those were really good games man, the final score doesn’t really represent how close the matches were. I think 80% of the match went to the the 3rd round w/ just tiny health bar left.

you can add me for ryu if youd like. you dont have to like me to fight me.

Cammy player here, add me if you want