"I-N-D-E-P-E-N-D-E-N-T" The Mitsuru Kirijo Thread

She got her own house, she got her own car…she a bad brawd!

Surprised no one made it yet. Discuss everything S tier here now. If you aren’t mashing A, you just aren’t doing it right!

EDIT: Added this to the OP. A list of combos based on starters. Credit to AJSmith325.

2A.) Combos

Make sure to refer to the the wiki
Mitsurus B series (5B/4B/6B/2B/JB) can all be charged. This is very important in her combos, charged normals will be denoted by “[]” (ex: [4B])

5B>2AB(sweep) is only possible on crouching, or from a fatal counter hit start. If no counter hit is specified, assume its on a crouching character (ex: 5AA> 5B> 2AB> B Coup Droit)

Mabufudyne is awakening only, so any combo with Mabufudyne is awakening only

Myriad Arrows can be delayed until the character is about to crumble for more damage

Refer to these videos for visual aid to some of the combos posted here

Red denotes counter hit.


Input [Damage/SP cost/SP gain/SP drain (if applicable)]
[]5A Starter:
]5AAAAA [1485/None/22]
[]5AAAAAA [2257/50/23]
]5AAA> 6B> 5C (6 Hits)> A Coup [1737/None/14]
[]5AA> 5B> 2AB> B Coup [2208/None/16]
](Anti Air)5A> 5A> 5B> 2B> 2D> 6B> 2AB> C Bufula> [5B]> 2AB> B Coup[/COLOR] [3371/None/30]
[]5AA> 5B> 2AB> OMC> 2B> 2D> [6B]> 2AB> C Bufula> [5B]> 2AB> B Coup [3762/0/14]
]5AA> A Coup> OMB> [6B]> 2B> 2D> 6B> 2AB> C Bufula> [5B]> 2AB> B Coup [3753/None/11]
[]5A> 2AB> OMC> 2B> 2D> [6B]> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 2B> C Bufula> [6B]> 2AB> A Coup [4019/50/10]
2A Starter:
]2A> 2A> 2A> A Coup> A Myriad Arrows [1195/50/11]
J.A Starter:
5B Starter:
]5B> 2AB> B Coup [2478/None/14]
[]5B> 2AB> 5AAA> 5B> 2B> 2D> [6B]> 2AB> B Coup [/ / ]
]5B> 2AB> OMC> 5A> 5B> 5C (15 Hits)> 5DD> [5B]> 2B> 2DD> 4B> 2AB> B Coup [4518/50/3]
[][5B] 2C [6B] [2B] 2DD [4B] 2AB> C Bufula> [6B]> 2AB> B Coup [4620/None/54/9]
]5B(or 2AB)> OMB> [5B]> 2B> 2D> [6B]> 2AB> C Bufula> [5B]> 2AB> B Coup [4741/None/9]
[][5B]> 2C> [6B]> [2B]> 2D> [6B]> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 2B> C Bufula> [6B]> 2AB> B Coup [4867/None/68/9]
]5B> 2C> [6B]> [2B]> 2D> [6B]> 5C (15 Hits)> 5DD> [4B]> 2AB> C Bufula> [6B]> 2AB> B Coup [4975/None/69]
[]5B > 2AB> OMC> 2B> 2D> [6B]> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 2B> C Bufula> [6B] > 2AB > B Coup [5088/50/12]
]5B> 2AB> OMC> 2B> 2D> [6B]> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 2B> C Bufula> [6B]> 2AB> B Coup [5088/50/12]
2B Starter:
[]2B> 2AB> 5AA> 5B> 2B> 2D> 6B> 2AB> C Bufula> [5B]> 2AB> A Coup [2215/None/20+]
]2B> 2DD> [4B]> 2B> JA>JA.JC> Getsu-Ei [2388/None/19]
[]2B> (delay) 2D> [6B]> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 2B> C Bufula> [6B]> 2AB> B Coup [4333/none/38]
J.B Starter:
]J.B> 5AAAAAA [2377/23/50]
[]J.B> 2AB> OMC> 2B> 2D> [6B]> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 2B> C Bufula> [6B]> 2AB> A Coup [4129/50/10]
5C Starter:
]5C (15 Hits)> SB Bufula> 6B> 2B> 2DD> [4B]> B Coup [2500/None/???]
J.C Starter:
[]JC> 5AA> 5B> 2B> 2D> 6B> 2AB> C Bufula> [5B]> 2AB> B Coup [2393/None/???]
]JC> 4B> 2B> 2DD> 4B> 2AB > C Bufula> 2AB> B Coup [3638/None/29]
[]JC> 4B> 2B> 2D> [6B]> 2AB> C Bufula> [6B]> 2AB> B Coup [4056/None/35]
5D Starter:
]5DD> [4B]> 2B> 2DD> [4B]> 2AB> B Coup [1801/None/25]
[]5DD> 5B> 2B> J.A>J.A.JC> Getsu-Ei [2312/None/17]
]5DD> [4B]> 2B> 2DD> [4B]> 2AB> D Bufula> 2AB [2482/None/19]
[]5DD> [4B]> [2B]> 2DD> [4B]> 2AB> C Bufula> [5B]> 2AB> B Coup [3574/None/33]
]5DD> [4B]> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 2B> C Bufula > slight delay [6B]> 2AB> B Coup [3855/none/35]
J.D Starter
[]JDD> JA.JC> JC [1520/None/10]
]JDD> JA> JA.JC> Getsu-Ei [1783/None/12]
[]JDD> C Bufula> [6B]> 2B> 2DD> 4B> 2AB> B Coup [3022/None/27]
All Out Attack Starter:
]AOA-C> JA.JC> JC [2665/None/26]
[]AOA-C> JA.JC> JC> Getsu-Ei [3034/None/??]
Throw Starter
]Air Throw> 5DD> 4B> 2B> 2DD> 4B> 2AB> B Coup [4138/None/30]
Other Starters:
[]Coup Droit> 5AAA> 6B> 5Cx6> A Coup [1840/None/18]
]A Coup Droit> 5AAA> 6B> 2AB> B Coup [2924/None/21]

5A Starter:
[]5A> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 2B> C Bufula> [4B]> 2AB> B Coup [3352/None/30]
]5AA> 5B> 2AB> B Coup > 2A> 2B> C Bufula> [4B]> 2AB> B Coup [3626/None/35]
[]5A> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 2B> 2D> [4B]> 2AB> C Bufula> 5B> 2AB> B Coup [3911/None/41]
2A Starter:
J.A Starter:
[]j.A > 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 2B> C Bufula> 6B> 2AB> B Coup [3435/none/29]
]JA> 5AA> 5B> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 2B> C Bufula> [4B]> C Bufudyne x2 [4533/None/100]
5B Starter:
[]5B> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 2B> 2D> [4B]> 2AB> B Coup [4130/None/31]
]5B> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 5C (15 Hits)> 2C> 2A> 5B> [2B]> C Bufula> [4B]> 2AB> B Coup [4782/None/41+]
[][5B]> [4B]> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 2B> 5C (15 Hits)> C Bufula> [4B]> 2AB> B Coup [4911/None/39]
]5B> 2AB> OMC> 2B> 2DD> [6B] > 2AB > B Coup > 2A > 2B > C Bufula > [5B]> 2AB > A Coup [5128/50/12]
[][5B]> 2C> 6B]> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 5C> (15 Hits)> 2C> 2A> 5B> [2B]> C Bufula> [6B]> 2AB> B Coup** [5201/None/72/15]**
][5B]> [4B]>2AB> B Coup> 2A> 2B> C Bufula> 6B> 5C (15 Hits)> C Bufula> C Bufudyne [5260/50/31]
[]5B> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 5B> 5C (15 Hits)> 2B> 2D> [j.B]> j.C> C Bufula> [5B]> 2AB> B Coup [5270/None/46]
][5B]> [4B]>2AB> B Coup> 2A> 2B> 2D> 6B> 5C (15 Hits)> C Bufula> [6B]> B Myriad Arrows [5632/50/34]
[][4B]> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 4B> 5C 15 Hits> 6B> 2B> 2D> 6B> 2B> C Bufula> 4B> 2AB> A Coup> C Bufudyne [5883/None/??]
][4B]> 2C> [6B]> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 5B> 2B> 5C (15 Hits)> [6B]> 2B> C Bufula> [4B]> 2AB> A Coup> C Bufudyne [6222/50/???]
[]5B> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 5B> 5C (15 Hits)> Mabufudyne> 2A> [2B]> C Shard> [5B]> 2AB> C Shard> [B Myriad Arrows]> C Shard> D Bufudyne [8246/150/???]
2B Starter:
J.B Starter:
[]J.B > 2AB > B Coup > 2A > 2B > C Bufula > 6B > 2AB > B Coup [3389/none/30]
]J.B > 66 5A > 2B> 4B> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 2B> C Bufula > 4B > 2AB> A Coup [3594/None/34]
5C Starter:
J.C Starter:
5D Starter:
J.D Starter
All Out Attack Starter:
[]AOA-D> 5A> 5B> 5C (15 Hits)> 2B> C Bufula> 2AB> B Coup> [3321/None/37]
Throw Starter
]Throw/Back Throw> 5AA> 5B> 2AB> B Coup> 2B>C Bufula> [5B]> 2AB> A Coup [3293/None/33]
[]Air Throw> [5B]> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 2B> C Bufula> [5B]> 2AB> A Coup [4799/None/38]
Other Starters:
]B Coup Droit> 2A> 2B> 2D> JB.JC> C Bufula> [5B]> 2AB> B Coup [3890/None/33]
[]B Coup Droit> [6B]> 2AB> B Coup [3185/None/21]
]A Myriad Arrows> OMB> D Bufudyne **[2337/100/None] **[/spoiler


Match vids coming soon…

I’d like to know specific strategies for certain matchups, or things I can do against certain opponents that they have no answer for. Like I know people say Elizabeth is very bad against Mitsuru, and I’m guessing it’s because she doesn’t have much of an answer to A and Coup pressure. Other comments about how to shut down certain matchups’ strategies and bnbs?

I was about to make a thread, but name it “FREEZE! ICE STORM!” shrugs

Elizabeth vs Mitsuru is one of the worst match ups in the game. Coup destroys pretty much every option that she has, and considering Mitsuru’s range and how often Elizabeth uses her Persona to attack, her Persona is can be easily broken. It takes a lot of prediction for her to win, and even that is risky.

Yeah, Mitsuru is looking pretty easy mode right about now, ain’t gonna lie.

Mitsuru is pretty good in this game although a bit boring. Gonna keep her in my pocket though for Kanji and Chie’s worst match-ups.



any bnbs?

and her aegis reflector, uses for it outside of using her (bishamon style) spirits>6P move? sorry cant recall the name this second, the D then another d if they get frozen.

Finally someone made this thread. Any BnBs that you need to know with Mitsuru or what?

5AAA, 5C (6 hits) xx A Coup
2AAA xx A Coup
After All-Out Attack launch: jA, (jump) j.A, j.C xx A+D
DD, B, 2B, 2DD, 4B xx A Coup
J. DD, land, C Ice Mirror, whatever combo you want afterwards.

During the auto-combo, if the opponent blocks it, begin charging back while doing the auto combo. When the auto combo ends with the A coup, you can manually do an A Coup immediately after. It’s really nice pressure, and you can get a free throw or all-out attack (if they block low) after that.

During a throw, charge down back for the A Coup. After you throw them and they are full screen, use the A Coup to get back in, but execute it by charging downback, then down forward + A. This way you have a full down charge so you can do a D Ice Mirror after the Coup and get some free pressure on the opponent’s wakeup. Attack behind the shield or dash through the opponent for a mix-up.

After a A+D reversal, you can go for the Bufudyne super (ice pillar) afterwards when you land since it is air-unblockable. If they tech to far, they’ll escape, but it’s great in the corner. Bufudyne is also invincible on startup btw.

Only tips I can give so far.

Thread title is weird. Personally, I would have called it “The Imperious Queen of Frame Traps” thread or something.

I say, learn your fatal counter combo when people are B+D happy or when they whiff big time.

I use this one 4B> 2AB> B Coup> 2A> 4B> 5C 15 Hits> 6B> 2B> 2D> 6B> 2B> C Bufula> 4B> 2AB> B Coup>

The first B coup has to bring them in the corner for it to work but it’s Mitsuru, she’ll push them into the corner no problem. ^o^

its from a rap

Link to this?


…its shit tho

Wow people didn’t realize the title was from a rap? LOL.

If I do play this game I’ll probably pick her up since I like my ho characters.

<— metalhead

fu trial 29

< No longer a rap head, now a jazz and video game music head.

Thanks, this will help me out plenty!

What do you do when you hit them with say 2B anti air?

I really enjoy playing her so far :slight_smile: Here is all her challenges