"I Make Any Team Better." Official Hawkeye Discussion Thread!

I’m interested in learning the team Yipes was messing around with on his stream in two different orders. Hawkeye/Nova/Dante and (for the
matchups were Hawkeye gets bopped in the opening gambit)Nova/Dante/Hawkeye. Can anyone shed some light on the first team? I’m about to rewatch the archives but from the looks of it this team seems amazing. Plus Hawk+Nova THC is
really solid.

Also I’m kindof crossed on the second team’s assists. I really want to have the ‘father’ team be Dante/Nova/Hawkeye. I would rarely use that order, I’d just hold assist one or two on command at the beginning of each round to get the two teams I want to run. But Nova/Dante/Hawkeye might be better with jam session as opposed to weasel shot… This preventing be from using this ‘tactic’ or whatever. Thoughts?

Just curious what you guys think, but do you really think Doom vs Hawkeye is 8-2? From my experiences against good Doom players who really have his movement down, I really don’t think its a dish served on a silver platter. The experienced Dooms know how to move in that sweet spot that’s right over j.Arrows, and below his SRK arrows, and after a few plink dashes, he’s in on you, where his tools outmatches Hawkeye’s. Hawkeye’s options usually have him commit to a certain direction for a good amount of time, like for example, one missed st.H into Triple Piercing where Doom is tri-dashing near the ground could give him a free hit. I’m not saying its even, it’s just that Doom’s only hope isn’t a couple of yolo footdives hail mary’s. IMO, Deadpool does better against Doom because Dpool’s angles (especially his up-forward guns) is more effective since it covers more area rather than just an arch, and he has options to escape pressure if hes stuck in a corner against Doom.

I guess I’m basing this off solo-play, since my main team of Wesker / Deadpool / Hawkeye doesn’t have optimal assists to help him. Plus when I do have Vergil, its very rare for him and Hawk to trade spots. I’m sure in tandem with assists, Hawkeye with Missiles could fight Doom+Beam or whatever really well.

If you can block well, I think the doom match up is pretty manageable, but it’s just more of a punish match up. Essentially just try to punish him on every whiff you can. If he doesn’t have X-factor and he goes for a yolo dootdive you can plink dash out the way and do level 3 which is pretty funny.

Sorry, there’s really not much to say. Its a tough match up that forces you turtle extra hard and try to squeeze some damage out of him at any opportunity.

I think how successful you are really depends on how much meter Hawkeye has. With meter to spend Hawkeye def has the advantage IMO. Kiss of death should be able to shut Dooms approaches down if done at the right
time. If he tries to fly to you, gimlet, that will make them think twice about plink dashing in the air. Then they’ll try to ground dash towards you where you def need to utilize jumping triple arrow and jumping spritzer to push him back.
I think scatter shot and triple piercing should only be used when a full screen away because if you miss and he’s close enough, he can dash right to you fairly quick and then your done.

Without meter its Def a harder matchup And It’s def a cat and mouse game where you have to constantly plink dash away, shoot arrows, jump out of corners, push block his foot dives that reach you and hopefully you can even bait a throw.

If Hawkeye has meter then you can zone Doom mercilessly and just cancel to super scatter if he dashes under something.

The flowchart is something like this:

  • stand H into DP arrow (the arrow depends on range and opponent tendencies, exploding arrow is always good if you have meter)
  • if Doom tries to SJ away and rain photons, (charged) stand H arrow aimed up
  • if Doom likes to airdash in at SJ height, more H into triple piercing
  • if Doom likes to airdash in around normal jump height, jump back triple arrow/piercing bolt
  • if Doom starts up ground war (i.e. grounded plasma beam), speed shot shuts him down
  • if he gets past whatever option you chose, super scatter to push him back and reset

He can definitely still approach with the right assists (e.g. Vajra) but the matchup is very much in Hawkeye’s favor.

Hawkeye and spencer combos.

Wondering what you guys think of Hawkeye backed by plasma beam to help against rushdown? Ive been playing Hawkeye/Dormammu/Doom lately, and it is def weak against rush down heavy characters like Wolverine, and was wondering if maybe switching to plasma beam for these matchups will help esp for the start of the round shenanigans that happen.

Ha! I came here to ask nearly the same question as above, though less about dealing with rushdown (defense) and more about zoning and lockdown (offense). I’m having a blast coming up with sweet lockdown and space control patterns with plasma-Hawk. So thought id check and see if there were any known standard or not-quite-standard sequences to put upon the most annoying possible lockouts. (I’m doing hawk storm doom btw. Not married to storm, but gimlet xx hail is sick, not unlike epoch’s xx chaotic or stalk-ball.

Thus far lots of H+doom xx dp arrow, sometimes into xx gimlet. Jump back + doom into triple arrow. Various speed shots or poison tips, etc etc. Def not at square 1, but the more the merrier. If someone posts up just one good lock sequence I hadn’t thought of, asking will have been worth it. :slight_smile: thanks!!

Epoch try rocks, I think they work better with hawkeye. Start of round you can just call Doom and hit st. S, if it hits you get some free damage, if they block you can set up your zoning game. Rocks are great for hawkeye, slow moving horizontal projectile that also work as a semi-lockdown assist, there are also a few that travel under most other projectiles, such as plasma beam/arrows. They work great as a GTFO, and they work great against teleporters since they cover Doom’s back and most people just teleport right into them. Hawkeye can cover Doom pretty easily too, so there isn’t much problem there either. Try rocks as your assist and let me know how it goes, and whether you like em better than plasma beam assist.

Hmm. An interesting idea, for sure. But man I had some serious success with plasma hawk this weekend. Though I’m def of the opinion such an idea deserves to be tried before commented on, and will try this. But damn, plasma is just gorgeous for hawkeye.

Tried some rocks. Def has merits, but my zoning timings felt off. Prob cause I spent a weekend beaming, but the lesser durability was felt. Dunno if I feel strongly one way over the other. Prob have to advocate beam, but def recommend messing w/ both. Ill prob try rocks some more. Maher, do u play rocks hawk? What team, out of curiosity? I’m doin hawk vergil doom and lovin it. Any footage of you, or any other strong hawk-doom?

My main team is Thor/Dorm/Hawkeye, but I have been trying some point Hawkeye teams, been using Hawkeye/Dante(Jam session)/Doom(Rocks). I don’t have any footage of a strong Hawk-Doom team since most people just play hawkeye as an anchor.

made a lil video just showing random crap.

fullscreen net arrow (standing) confirms into full combo, birthdays on standing dudes using gimlet from fullscreen, and f+m allowing you to get durability out there asap in a firefight

Nice, you should check if the F+M comes out fast enough after a blocked plasma beam or blocked disrupter, or even after getting knocked down by plasma beam, neutral teching, then doing F+M, because that’s where it would come more in handy, rather than predicting/preemptively doing it.

it’s fast enough to beat that stuff out after a block, but not fast enough to win if you get knocked down unfortunately.
you’ve got to block and then do it if you wanna go after it

Haha that’s awesome Tab. Nice work!

Haha that’s awesome Tab. Nice work!

If we hit net arrow while they’re in air, and have that lil bounce, what’s the best way to confirm that? Slide xx M trick xx freeze? Someone told me if I hit net arrow off a landed plasma I should get a full combo from that. True? How? :slight_smile:

Side note: never played such strong marvel as this hawkeye vergil doom(beam). LOVING IT! Toying w/ the idea of using vergils rising sun assist for extra defense options (both as dp and alpha counter), but it seems a bit slow for that. Thoughts?

I believe if you hit net arrow on an airborne opponent, you can [dash xx st.H xx Net Arrow] x n, until you are in range for a slide. You can do this if plasma beam hits as well, but the damage scaling from the beam will most likely make the damage very low in the combo. If the beam hits though you should get them into a combo and try resetting them instead.

Yeah after playing a night with plasma Hawkeye Im begining to think that its his best assist. I think I might be playing Hawkeye/Dorm/Doom full time and just sub out Hawkeye with Task when my opponents rushdown is just too strong. I like using plasma beam because it gives Hawkeye and Dorm that ground control that they need. I never felt like I couldnt get my keepaway started up, and every time I was maulled it was becuase of my own mistakes and inexperience with this setup.

A little confirm that I’ve been working on (don’t have quite down yet) is call Arthur daggers + jump back piercing bolt, if bolt hits they land on daggers and net arrow will combo, from there slide (or dash) -> trick H -> ice -> blahblah. That works at true fullscreen and I don’t see why plasma would be any different than daggers.

I just need to work on reprogramming my muscle memory to watch for hit on bolt instead of setting up my next arrow wave.