I made a removable lever for my stick

So, that Phreak mods ‘the link’ looks great, but it’s hard to find and really expensive in the UK. So I thought I’d have a go at making my own.

I cut the top off the joystick shaft, drilled and tapped it M6, and put flats on it so it can take a 7mm spanner to nip it up.

The top section is just a short piece of M6 rod screwed into the ball top, with a plastic sleeve over it.

I’m hoping that by using a spanner, and the fact that its plastic tightening onto metal, will keep it in place during use. Seems good so far, but needs more testing!

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does it change the mounting height?

I’m not sure what you mean I’m afraid. The overall stick height is more or less the same, and could be easily raised or lowered by changing the length of the plastic sleeve. Nothing has changed with the bottom part of the stick. I chopped it off with just enough sticking out of the case to get a spanner on it.

This is how the joystick shaft looks compared to an original one. I tried to upload this pic in my first post, but it got stuck saying 'uploading’

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That’s a good idea! Make it easy to quickly remove the stick before throwing it in a bag and then putting it back on when you’ve arrived at a tournament.

pretty cool, this could actually be used for mounting a stick that isnt tall enough due to enclosure space. Like the VSHG for example if i want to get a ls40/32 in it

Just a heads up for other europeans. Smallcab.net sells a link clone called smallcab shaft qr for 20€

Ha, if I’d known about that I probably would have just ordered from there and saved myself the effort! Good to know about another arcade parts supplier though.

hey, but you solved a problem on your own. thats all that matters man