I just want to talk about ST and nothing new is posted.. and the 08/15/ ? of the day

OK… When I am bored at work or just want to slack off, I have to admit, just as many of you who search this thread, I check it a million times… I am crazy about ST. No other game does it for me the same way.:lovin:

I often find myself at work continually looking at this thread… I wait and salivate for new posts. I feel like a little kid on a holiday morning just waiting for any little noise my parents may make to signal (being other now… I realize what those sounds were… :xeye:) me that the excitement is about to begin.

Then I see a question, and sometimes, I find myself really let down.

You see large ambiguous questions like this “How do I win with and beat every opponent with character X?”

Could you ask a harder question? :rolleyes: Isnt there enough info in the forums to at least get you started? So, at least you can come back with a more specific question? The reply to that question is so HUGE that no one really wants to take the time to answer it.

However, every once in a while you get a total gem. Everybody who was around when the new guile/claw super motion was discussed knows they all went home flipped on the game and did “db>df>ub” and proceeded to cream their paints. You know that you reflected back on you ST life and thought off how many supers you missed and how much more pain you could have inflicted on your opponent if you knew that motion! That was a great discussion!

Anyway, the point of my rambling is that I like to have fun and discuss ST. I get bothered that I have to wait hours or days to have stuff to talk about.:sad:

So I am going to start a loose discussion thread. I’m just going to bring things up that are on my mind about ST. If it is character specific strategy or if there is a thread already about it, keep it their respective thread. For example the ST in the house thread is great for real in depth discussion. I just want to talk about ST… just for the sake of talking about it.

I guess, what I am trying to do here is just have fun :party::clown:and talk about ST. If we get on a subject that gets deep take it to where it belongs. But, maybe this will just get some subjects rolling.

I’ll keep this up as long as it is fun. I’ll take the lead, but I’ll share it with anybody. If no one likes this idea, I’ll delete the thread with no hard feelings. I just want to talk about ST and figured others do to… :karate:

********EDIT 04/10/08

I thing I am going to try a question of the day as well. I’ll keep track of it in the next post. This why it just give something else to talk about for those who have already posted.

My hopes are to expand general player knowledge through fun conversation… I figured some fun things could come from these questions.

08/15/08 Question? Would you please look at this?

4/30/08 Question?

Did you answer yesterdays question?

4/29/08 Question?

What is the first action you (typically) take against the following characters (see below) with your favorite/main character at the start of a match? Why?

(The other characters will be on other days)


04/21/08 Answers according to YBH.

Q: Whose fireball does the most damage?
A: Ken’s

His Fierce Fireball, does 14% damage. (YBH PG. 14) Ryu’s Red Fireball only does 13%, however it can knock down.

Q: Whose fireball comes out the fastest?
A: Chun Li,

She has a 6 Frame start up. DJ: 8 Frames, Guile: 10 Frames (YBH Pgs: 20,74,26) ^^

Q: Whose fireball has the fastest recovery?
A: Guile

20 Frame recovery (YBH Pg: 26)

Q: Whose fireball will always knock down?
A: Sim,

Sim’s Mp & Hp Fireballs (YBH: Pg. 44). This is somewhat of a trick question, however Sim’s MP & HP fireballs K/D from any distance, Ryu’s Red Fireball does not. (past 1/2 screen just sets on fire, but no K/D)

Q: Who has the strongest non-special throw (does not include grabs: i.e. noogie, head butt, and etc)?
A: Guile

His back breaker air throw does 32% damage (YBH Pg. 25)* Cammy’s air punch throw does 29% (YBH Pg.67)

If you understood this question to be about ground throws:
Sim: 24% (Shoulder Toss). Give yourself 1/2 point. I was not clear in my question. FYI, Chun Li: 22% Damage. (YBH pgs 44 & 19)

Questions of the day:

How did you do?
What answers suprised you if anything?
No one got Q1 remotely right… What your thoughts on that?

!!! For the record I got Q5 wrong. I knew Sim had the stongest ground throw. However, Totally slipped my mind about air throws!

^^ Good job Raisin, on question 2. Wow!

Out of town bill be back 04/28/08


Stupid question alert #2

Blanka, Honda, Gief, and Hawk all walk into an IKEA really fcking pissed :mad:* b/c they’re freak-ishly huge, don’t have a fireball. and fall to impress eihter of the women listed below…:sad:

Who do you think could cause the most damage in the shortest amount of time to the IKEA store? Why?

Would the anser change if it was a Lexus/Mercedes/BMW dealer? (thisNow their pissed b/c none of them could fit in to any of the cars in the show room :arazz:)

Ps… Don’t for get to answer the 04/21/08 test. If you haven’t already.


Stupid question alert

Honestly, who did you think was hotter when you were younger: Cammy or Chun?

And if you play of the ‘other team’ (which is cool, I don’t really care) you can throw vega in there… :lol: j/k

Ps… Don’t for get to answer the 04/21/08 test


What were your thoughts the VERY first time you saw SF2 and the cast of 8 it presented?

Ps… Don’t for get to answer the 04/21/08 ?
Ppps… Jonny don’t forget to change your answers to inclued the whole cast. (minus O.sagat and Akuma)


Today?s questions are more like a** little test**. See how many you can get right. Please do not use YBH or any other Frame/damage faq to give you your answers. Try go from game play experience or memory… (Exclude. O.sagat and Akuma from your answers) I myself did not get them all right…

  1. Whose fireball does the most damage?

  2. Whose fireball comes out the fastest?

  3. Whose fireball has the fastest recovery?

  4. Whose fireball will always knock down?

  5. Who has the strongest non-special throw (does not include grabs: i.e. noogie, head butt, and etc)?

Scores will be curved… :wink:


When playing against O.Sagat how do your deal with/ attempt to get around his fireball pressure?

When playing against a good boxer, how do you attemp to deal with his rush down pressure with your favorite character?

What character do you not currently play wish you where better with?


Who do you fear more:

A good T.Hawk or a good Zangief?


Which of these two characters do you feel is better?

04/16/08 Questions ?

3 Questions today?

Do you counter pick?
How do you feel about counter pickers?
Who is you least favorite character to play against with your favorite character?

4/15/08 Question ?

Simple preference question:

-Ryu or Guile?


  • If SF was real, and a group of fighters fought against an evil tyrant with psycho energy, which of these two fighters would you really want to save the world?

Be careful here, please consider all geo-political consequences that an indivual could bring to political landscape when ruling an evil underground empire . Remeber, Ryu is the wanderer who wants for nothing of tangible wealth, or Guile the rogue military Special Forces commander so hell bent on revenge he leaves his wife and child behind to pursue it?.

B]4/14/08 Question?**

What is the first action you (typically) take against the following characters (see below) with your favorite/main character at the start of a match? Why?

(The other characters will be on other days)

04/11/08 Question?
Next question will be 4/14/08

Situation (2)

You are in a Shoto fireball war.

You are in “that” perfect distance away from each other to be throwing the fireballs: Generally safe from jump-ins, yet if the person guesses right he can nail you with that one jump-in RH right on your face and land safe. BUt if the jump late you get a free SRK.

You both have the same amount of life.

There are three ticks left on the timer.

No one has a super meter.

You just both threw 3 fire balls in a row.

You know that the other person is beginning to have the same thoughts as you: Another fireball may be coming. How do I turn that into a win?

You know if you wait and see what he does, there is a high % chance you’ll take some block damage (and lose the match) if he throws a Fierce FB or if you wait for the fireball and jump over he’ll AA you.

If you guess wrong and try an early jump or he baits you, you get AA’d and lose.

You feel your opponent is ever slightly better than you. You really want to press for a win b/c you may need next two rounds to over come him for the set. A draw-game in not a option.

What do you do?

04/10/ 08 Question?

Situation (1): 10 ticks of the timer are left: You are in the middle of the screen, you have 10% of your life bar, no super, and you score a knock down on your opponent (Sweep Distance). Your opponent is left with 15%, and fairly good with the reversals. Do you go for some form of tick throw knowing that it would be enough to kill your opponent? If not, how would you proceed?

(** remember throws that will kill you, can’t be tech’d see wiki.)

04/09/08 Questions?

Other fun things that could be fun to talk about…

[]Do you ever think your a little too “old” to be playing ST?
]Would you consider you self addicted to playing SF/ST?
[]What is your mentality when picking lower tiers?
]How do you approach a good shoto when playing your favorite lower teir?
[]Do you enjoy the technical difficulty of ST when executing moves/ combos?
]Did any of you get the SBO’07 DVD? What did you think?
[]Did any other Sim fans go crazy for the fireball>teleport>super trap Hakasese (Spelling?) sim pulled out against Honda in the SBO dvd?
]Admit it, how often do you go to nohoho’s site?
[]Do you purposely pick pink hawk?
]Who is your favorite character and why?
[]Do you love to see low teirs win as much as I do?
]Who’s your favorite low tier, and why?
[]Did you get the same feeling moving from SF2 to SF3 as you did from watching Aliens to Alien3? None of you favorite chracters returned… That really pissed me off.
]What is the favorite color of your character and why?
[]Do you even have a favorite color for a character?
]Which boss character was/is your favorite.
[]Which boss character were you most excited to play in CE?
]Do you really use the advanced methods as much as you should: piano-ing, push release, etc?
[*]How do you size up an oppent b4 you play them?

Anyway… those are some of my thoughts.


I really like this thread. Feels like a lounge fit for people who just want to experience more of this game; ST is the only fighter I try to play competitively so yeah, I’m a huge fan. I’ve been lurking around for years now; early on, I just didn’t feel like I knew enough about the games. Nowadays, I want to post more but I made an agreement with myself to do so on a certain condition related to ST that has yet to be met.

I’ve read through every thread here that could’ve offered me an advantage, stole ideas from watching the top players, and then empirically went along with whatever worked online and in my local tourneys. I still have many unknowns but each month, I feel that my progress is steadily building.

Anyway, on to the questions:

* Do you ever think you a little to "old" to be playing ST?

Early 20s? Not yet.

* Would you consider you self addicted to play SF/ST?

Sorta. My goal is more to see how far I can rise if I dedicate myself to something. ST just happens to be my venue, although it is by far my favorite fighter as well. 3 years ago, I actually didn’t like ST (CE all the way) since I didn’t like the supers, throw softening, and fast speed but after playing it more and more online and offline, it grew on me and now I only play ST. I have played a pretty insane amount of ST over the last 1.5 years though, much of it via Kaillera.

* What is you mentality when picking lower tiers?

Making up for Barcelona Attack abuse that preceded/succeeded low tier play. :shake:

* How do you approach a good shoto when playing your favorite lower teir?

Vastly depends on the character, although I always lose out against a really good shoto using low tier. Or if Honda counts (I don’t consider him low), I pressure hard.

* Do you enjoy the technical difficulty of ST and executing moves/ combos?

No, if I preferred technical skill, I’d play more technically advanced fighters. I like the basic knowledge-dependent juggles though.

* Did anyof you get the SBO'07 DVD? What did you think?

Yeah, I wish it was real ST. CE dictator/Guile/Sagat was nasty. It would’ve been cool if there were some casual matches on the DVD too.

* Did any other Sim fans go crazy for the fireball>teleport>super trap Hakasese (Spelling?) sim pulled out against Honda?

Well, as a Honda player, Hakase’s trap was a good thing to keep in mind for my own matches (although finding a skilled Dhalsim is like finding Sheng Long).

* Admit it how often do you go to nohoho's site?

Every 1-4 days. When I see the site updated, I always hope it’s not another Vampire Savior or Battle Fantasia piece. :wgrin:

* Do you purposely pick pink hawk?

It’s the Hawk that I avoid and not the pink.

* Who is your favorite character and why?

Claw: looks cool, is a charge character, is upper tier, and seemed like the best fit for me. I actually started ST planning on exclusively using Guile but it took one match with O.Sagat to realize how long the road was for Guile…

* Do you love to see low teirs win as much as I do?

No, I love seeing claw win so I can X-Copy strats.

* Who's your favorite low tier, and why?

Fei Long: so much unabused potential in the US on that Dragon Arc Kick…

* Did you get the same feeling moving from SF2 to SF3 as you did from watching Aliens to Alien3? None of you favorite chracters returned... That really pissed me off.

Nope, I just didn’t like the new game mechanics.

* What is the favorite color of your character and why?

Blue: who doesn’t like blue?

* Do you even have a favorite color?

Black or white, but claw doesn’t really have them.

* Which boss character was/is your favorite.

Claw: the best AI in ST I’d say.

* Which boss character were you most excited to play in CE?

Dictator: but I was sad that there was no more creepy red eyes and low Knee Press.

* Do you really use the advanced methods as much as you should: piano-ing, push release, etc?

Yup, I press a lot of buttons.

* How do you size up any oppent b4 you play them?

Start an average character like Guile against them. Switch to random other characters to see how well they fare/how much they know/how fast they react.

Do you ever think your a little too “old” to be playing ST?

Would you consider you self addicted to playing SF/ST?
It’s my heroin.

What is your mentality when picking lower tiers?
The good thing about ST is that every character has some bullshit. Some just have much better and more bullshit than others. I like to find out what the lower characters bs is and then use it on others.

How do you approach a good shoto when playing your favorite lower teir?
My favorite low tier character is Fei who is more like lower mid tier than low tier. I rush that shit down

Do you enjoy the technical difficulty of ST when executing moves/ combos?
It’s not that difficult but kara/renda cancelling is a bitch.

Did any of you get the SBO’07 DVD? What did you think?
nope but I wish I did

Did any other Sim fans go crazy for the fireball>teleport>super trap Hakasese (Spelling?) sim pulled out against Honda in the SBO dvd?
sounds awesome. someone should post it on youtube.

Admit it, how often do you go to nohoho’s site?
once every couple of days. He is a godsend to the English-speaking ST community even though he sometimes is a bit of an asshole. No offense if you read this nohoho.

Do you purposely pick pink hawk?
I don’t pick hawk as I think he is boring. He just tries to get in and infinite them

Who is your favorite character and why?
My favorite character is Ken because I always imagine him talking like Keanu Reeves. I play Vega though.

Do you love to see low teirs win as much as I do?
at least they can win in ST. Imagine trying to do so in 3s.

Who’s your favorite low tier, and why?
My favorite of the actual shitty characters (I don’t think Fei Long is nearly as bad as Cammy, Gief, Blanka, and N. Hawk) is probably Cammy. I want to say gief but gief has retard strength in a2 and when he wins in that game he taunts you with his retardedness by screaming “DARRRRRRR!!!”

Did you get the same feeling moving from SF2 to SF3 as you did from watching Aliens to Alien3? None of you favorite chracters returned… That really pissed me off.
SF3 was like the anti street fighter. The characters introduced in NG were good designs. 2i was ok but the new 3s characters sucked. Makoto was simply lesbian karate Sakura (not that bad of a design but very generic), Twelve was a giant wad of Shang Tsung’s semen. I did like Q though.

What is the favorite color of your character and why?
Ok, my favorite vega color is short vega aka “Bloody Claw.” as I always think of him like painting himself in the blood of his enemies. My second fav Vega color is rh vega which I call “Celtic/Viking Claw” as he is blue and I imagine him painting himself in warpaint like the ancient Celts/Vikings used to do.

Do you even have a favorite color?
I call certain character’s color palettes various amusing names. I will describe Ryu, Ken, Vega, and dictator. First you have the old colors which I just call the old colors.

For Ryu:
Jab= Batman Ryu, my favorite Ryu color
strong= confederate ryu. I sometimes make redneck jokes here when my opponent chooses this color.
fierce= baby blue Ryu. I usually just call him light blue ryu.
short= orange Ryu. no special name
forward= blue Ryu. no special name
roundhouse= green/Lime/snot Ryu
hold= Peter Pan/Christmas Ryu.
start= dirty Ryu, my second favorite Ryu color.

For Ken:
jab= white Ken. no special name
strong= wannabe Batman/poser Ken. This is ken attempting to rock Ryu’s Batman getup but just coming off as a poser
fierce= purple/Mattsun Ken
short= green Ken. no special name
forward= cerulean ken. no special name
roundhouse= no special name. This is my favorite Ken color by far.
hold= Shit Ken as his gi is covered in shit
start= Banana Ken.

For Vega:
jab= no special name
strong= Irish/Leprechaun Vega.
fierce= Steelers Vega as his uniform reminds me of the Steelers.
short= Bloody Vega as his “tattoo” is instead painted in the blood of his fallen opponents. This is my favorite Vega
forward= Gayga/Flaming Homo Vega.
roundhouse= Viking/Celtic Vega as his tattoo reminds me of blue Viking and Celtic warpaint. My 2nd fav Vega color.
hold= no special name.
start= lamb Vega as he is white like a lamb.

For Bison=
jab= no special name
strong= green/CE Bison.
fierce= Captain/cruise ship/Love boat Bison
short= no special name
forward= army/military Bison. This reminds me of the excellent last fight scene in Fist of Legend, which is otherwise a mediocre movie.
roundhouse= gay Bison. Bison finally shows his inner homo.
hold= Oscar Bison. Viscante came up with this
Start= Death Star Bison as it looks like he mans the Death Star. My favorite color Bison.

Which boss character was/is your favorite.
I don’t really have one. Probably Sagat.

Which boss character were you most excited to play in CE?
I am not OG enough to answer this.

Do you really use the advanced methods as much as you should: piano-ing, push release, etc?
I try to.

How do you size up an oppent b4 you play them?
I don’t really other than what controller they are using. Arcade-quality stick = potentially good player, non Arcade quality stick = could be anyone, Saturn pad = hardened pad warrior, SNES pad = OG, other pad = potential scrub.

I don’t think he’ll care!

Interesting thread fatboy, I might be peeking into the ST area alot more often now.

  • Do you ever think you a little to “old” to be playing ST?
    Quite the opposite since this game came out when I was 6.

  • Would you consider you self addicted to play SF/ST?
    More like a fighting game addict because I like alot of SNK fighting games and Virtua Fighter.

  • What is you mentality when picking lower tiers?
    I like this character so i’m going to pick him/her but when I pick O.Cammy its just lol.

  • How do you approach a good shoto when playing your favorite lower teir?
    I try to guess his fireball pattern and try not to jump at him so I dont eat a DP.

  • Do you enjoy the technical difficulty of ST and executing moves/ combos?
    Yes, even though I get frustrated.

  • Did any of you get the SBO’07 DVD? What did you think?
    No, mainly because it was AE and because I bought YBH instead. Besides, I need to get the x-mania 7 dvd before SBO '07.

  • Did any other Sim fans go crazy for the fireball>teleport>super trap Hakasese (Spelling?) sim pulled out against Honda?
    I didnt see it plus I hate Sim so eh.

  • Admit it how often do you go to nohoho’s site?
    I use to check it at least 3-5 times a day, hoping for a new update about anything but now I check it probably every other week.

  • Do you purposely pick pink hawk?
    I avoid everything pink…except pussy.

  • Who is your favorite character and why?
    Hard to say, there are alot of characters I like alot in ST but my favorite would have to be Ken. He can zone, he can do crazy combos, Knee Bash is tight and its always fun to see an opponent catch on fire. Second would be Hawk but I suck with him.

  • Do you love to see low teirs win as much as I do?
    Yes, especially Hawk, Fei, and Cammy.

  • Who’s your favorite low tier, and why?
    T-Hawk: Takes alot of hard work to even be decent with him plus its always fun to see tick tick HUMMMM.

  • Did you get the same feeling moving from SF2 to SF3 as you did from watching Aliens to Alien3? None of you favorite chracters returned… That really pissed me off.
    Can’t say, to young.

  • What is the favorite color of your character and why?
    The CE color: I dont know if its a weird light black or a really dark blue.

  • Do you even have a favorite color?
    Black and Red son!

  • Which boss character was/is your favorite.
    I’ll give you a hint: This is Delicious!

  • Which boss character were you most excited to play in CE?
    Sagat: I dont know, he seemed tight and didnt look creepy like Dictator.

  • Do you really use the advanced methods as much as you should: piano-ing, push release, etc?

  • How do you size up any oppent b4 you play them?
    I start out with Fei or O.boxer, I try to beat them while there laughing.

Ugh I need to take a break from SRK. I don’t care if nameless fuckers like y’all think I’m a prick but if I’m actually pissing off New York players that’s no good. Should have used a nickswitch for local tourneys…

Here’s a pm I sent deadfrog re: recent outburst on HD thread. He’s on my case about HD. (sorry, bruddah, I’m just not interested.)


Wow hahaha

For the record I love Nohoho!:lovin: His site F*cking Rocks!

I’m staying far away from this thread, because I don’t want to lose.

But I like this question!

Sometimes I check as often as twice a day. When I see an update, I pray that there’s not another pic of Gary Busey.

I never knew about this until now:


I gots a question for you guys. Back when you first started playing, did you ever have serious trouble with any moves or techniques? Did it almost turn you off the game? I mention this because I’ve only been playing a few weeks, and it took me ages to get the DP motion down.

Another question you might think about, do you enjoy the game more now that you are awesome at it, and know its intricacies? Or was learning this stuff part of fun?


Hahaah! My bad, fixed!If you can’t l:rofl:augh :rofl:at yourself what can you do? :sweat:

fatboy, how do surf these forums at work with an avatar like that???

[*]Do you ever think your a little too “old” to be playing ST?
No. Most of the people i play are older than me.

[*]Would you consider you self addicted to playing SF/ST?

[*]What is your mentality when picking lower tiers?
I always thing to myself, “i can’t believe some japanese developer thought it was funny to put 3 quarters of a circle inputs on these characters.”

[*]How do you approach a good shoto when playing your favorite lower teir?
When he expands i contract, when he contracts i expand.

[*]Do you enjoy the technical difficulty of ST when executing moves/ combos?
not at all. i’m still at the point where i am worrying about whether or not this move is going to come out rather than worrying about if it’s the right time to execute my desired move.

[*]Did any of you get the SBO’07 DVD? What did you think?
No but i saw some bootleg youtube clips and interviews from it. There was this one matchup i saw with Kurahashi and this green/yellow ryu, and out of no where, the announcer and the crowd start to go crazy when all whats going on is a fireball spam stalemate.

[*]Did any other Sim fans go crazy for the fireball>teleport>super trap Hakasese (Spelling?) sim pulled out against Honda in the SBO dvd?
didnt see that matchup

[*]Admit it, how often do you go to nohoho’s site?
everyday. i also managed to get a nico video account. theres a lot of interesting clips on that site. the only problem is that you have to search in japanese.

[*]Do you purposely pick pink hawk?
i dont pick hawk unless i want to change stages. mexico and jamaica are my least fav stages to play on.

[*]Who is your favorite character and why?
if you mix chuck norris, michael dudikoff, and van damme, you get guile

[*]Do you love to see low teirs win as much as I do?
I like to see them win more than you do.

[*]Who’s your favorite low tier, and why?
Fei Long

[*]Did you get the same feeling moving from SF2 to SF3 as you did from watching Aliens to Alien3? None of you favorite chracters returned… That really pissed me off.
Hells yes. They could’ve atleast put in sim, blanka, and guile in instead of necro, 12, and remy omfg.

[*]What is the favorite color of your character and why?
Blue. I like to rep the hyper fighting colors.

[*]Do you even have a favorite color?
poopoo kaka

[*]Which boss character was/is your favorite.

[*]Which boss character were you most excited to play in CE?
Vega/claw. I remember playing WW on the snes as a little boy and i thought his walldive stuff was just too rediculous. I wanted to do the same stuff on other people only to find out that he doesnt climb on the cage.

[*]Do you really use the advanced methods as much as you should: piano-ing, push release, etc?
i piano.

[*]How do you size up an oppent b4 you play them?
not too many chances to see my opponent play before i play him. so i just observe.

I wanna play =D

  1. Nahhh, Im only 25, thats like a spring chicken or something like that.
  2. Actually, yes.
  3. It IS possible to win.
  4. I pretty much only play DeeJay.
  5. I love this part about ST, you have to be precise.
  6. No, but I have seen whats on youtube (Xmanias) and even that is amazing to me. Top level play in ST is truly beautiful.
  7. I didnt see it, but I am a Sim fan. SkillSmith he is.
  8. Hmm, only once in awhile.
  9. I purposefuly avoid picking T-Hawk altogether. I got love for him though. Not man love, kinda weird love I guess =/
  10. DeeJay. He is very versatile, has good normals, is a charge character, has huge damage potential, and is flashy. Plus he has lime green pants. Love that crossup too.
  11. Why yes, yes I do.
  12. Fei, definitly Fei. Very technical character, love his move set, and a really good idea for a SF character IMO. He is just fucking cool.
  13. Didnt play SF 3 =]
  14. Well, my fav is red pants DeeJay. Sucks I have to give up his super to get red pants, but them are the breaks. I dont do it very often, but everyonce in awhile I will. Secondarys are lime green, black, and blue. DeeJay has good colors IMO.
  15. Black
  16. Dictator
  17. Claw
  18. I would say that I always piano, but I dont negative edge as much as I should. Very important for cr fierce ->MGU combo. My success % goes up when I neg edge that combo.
    Shit, is neg edge even what you meant by “push release”?
  19. I dont, actually. IMO, you cant get a true, accurate reading on a persons skill level untill you have gone about 10 rounds or so with them. Some people sandbag, etc. I guess sence I still havent answered the question, I judge by the character they pick. Not very accurate =D

[*]Do you ever think your a little too “old” to be playing ST?
Nope I’m 23, started with SF2 and just kinda went from there

[*]Would you consider you self addicted to playing SF/ST?
Probably, in some sense

[*]What is your mentality when picking lower tiers?
Whore the BS and get back to basics, the same as top.

[*]How do you approach a good shoto when playing your favorite lower teir?
Try and bait a DP, get a lucky jump, use other shiz to get around FB traps, just getting in, then worrying. Not a huge fan of lower tier though

[*]Do you enjoy the technical difficulty of ST when executing moves/ combos?
What technical difficulty? This is about as easy as it gets ever.

[*]Did any of you get the SBO’07 DVD? What did you think?

[*]Did any other Sim fans go crazy for the fireball>teleport>super trap Hakasese (Spelling?) sim pulled out against Honda in the SBO dvd?
Not I.

[*]Admit it, how often do you go to nohoho’s site?
Maybe once ever.

[*]Do you purposely pick pink hawk?

[*]Who is your favorite character and why?
Bison. Damage. Pokes. Ticks.

[*]Do you love to see low teirs win as much as I do?
Probably not.

[*]Who’s your favorite low tier, and why?
None. I don’t handicap myself for cool points.

[*]Did you get the same feeling moving from SF2 to SF3 as you did from watching Aliens to Alien3? None of you favorite chracters returned…
In my area SF3 was a joke and left the arcade in less than a week. Never really saw much of it.

[*]What is the favorite color of your character and why?
CE Green Bison. Madri Gras style

[]Do you even have a favorite color?

]Which boss character was/is your favorite.

[*]Which boss character were you most excited to play in CE?

[*]Do you really use the advanced methods as much as you should: piano-ing, push release, etc?
Why wouldn’t you?

[*]How do you size up an oppent b4 you play them?
You can’t. Thats ridiculous. Thats like looking at someone and guessing what their favorite color is. I start out the basic gameplan then see what play style they have…

YES YOU CAN!!!:woot:

Another loose random topic kinda sorta like was already mentioned by Mr. FatBizzoy…

When teh clock is runnin out and your behind in life, have you noticed beast mode gets activated by the person thats behind. It seems like something clicks in your head and you just start playing better than you did through the whole round. Like when you see those awsome come backs on YouTube.

I mean the whole round you fell behind maybe because of stupid mistakes and you were getting hit constantly and then you are down to one more hit kills you and you avoid getting hit ONCE for the rest of the round for the glorious come back. After all the mistakes in the round you would figure the person thats ahead in life to get at least a chip KO easily.

ST is so fucking awsome !!!

Ok I’ll play.

Hope that makes him happy! :wink:

I am an addict for the site, and he’s my dealer… I check it out everyday… call me ‘needy’… :rofl: