If I show ya’ll my weiner
Here a Wiener who is a wiener holding a wiener for wieners to look at.
Just don’t shrink hella fast
meanwhile in another dark corner room, labor breathing can be heard.
It wasn’t an easy task to get erect, and when I did I took out the ruler, unlocked the stall door and called him in, I instantly got flacid as soon as he opened the stall door. I stared at the ruler and the thought in my head was like “this still better count it was over 5 1/4 by the time he opened the stall door”
He made a joke about it “Man you shrank hella fast” and gave me $20.
So why did wiz have to come into measure it?
Like that scene from jurassic park
Dude was in that stall like
now imagine joey licking you like jabba
Welcome to Flavour Town!
Show this 56 year old man your weiner, he’s getting desperate.
Analpalm probably has accepted money for showing his peepee to some pervert.
So then wiz
what da…
Just gonna back out