Seriously though, I’m new to the series as well, and played 2 or 3 matches online and realized I need to work at it. I’ve been training for at least an hour or two a night with my main team (Capt. America, Taskmaster, Ryu), and have just been going over wave-dashing, TAC, etc., learning combos and having fun. Repetitive stuff. I’ll run through arcade mode a few times, then hit some lobbies in a few weeks probably. This is pretty much what I did with SF4–train, go online, get beaten, figure out what went wrong, then try to plug the holes in my game. I spend a lot of time searching specific character strategies, watching twitch tv streams, cross counter, etc. It’s an ongoing thing for anyone learning a new character or game system. Compared to most genres, fighting games are very complex things, often requiring years of familiarity to truly be a bad-ass. I just recently picked up the habit again, and am totally in love with the whole thing, but damn if isn’t an uphill battle. I’m not a tournament player, I just like figuring things out, so I play because I want to learn and getter better, not just because beating others makes me feel good. Playing the game competently will be a reward in itself.
Shittiest advice bro.
I must agree, arcade IA play nothing like a human player.
I’ve been having the same problem as you, but only for like the last two to three days. I’ve lost like almost 100 matches in a row, and I mean lost horribly. Normally most of the time when I lose I at least come close to winning. I’ve just decided I need a break from the game and have decided to not play it for the rest of the week (at least until Sunday anyway) and see if that helps. I would maybe suggest the same especially if you are getting angry at it.
It’s cool to put a game down for a while if it bugs you. This game requires quick reflexes along with execution and character knowledge, it’s so damn fast compared to a lot of games on the market, it’s gonna take time. 5 months ago I could barely use a stick, I actually played worse, and now I feel completely comfortable with it, I might never go back to a pad. Progress happens if you are dedicated. There’s such a great community around fighting games, maybe ask someone to mentor you online?
You have just summed up my situation as of late. Just getting back into things big time, spent a while on SF4 but UMVC is just too fun to pass up. I plan to basically do like you, grind my game, go online, win if i can or get spanked and go back to the lab. Its disheartening to get blown up, but thankfully that hasn’t been my problem. I’ve been in these fights so I’m learning where I’m falling short, I’m taking something away from the losses. I’ve noticed some key weak areas and plan to make some changes going forward, I think thats the biggest thing. I’m in these games, something I did made them go sour and lead to the other fighters hand being raised. Go back and figure out WHY you lost in the first place. If its a case of playing someone far too above you in terms of skill, basically bodying you before you can react then thats not going to teach you much. But games where youre in there, doing damage and getting things rolling…what made you lose the fight? You had your moments but what made you come up short? For me, I tend to let tourney play get into my head too much…I notice they rarely switch characters unless its the opportune time…being new I havent learned those times so I tend to let my fighters soak up too much dmg before making a move. I know thats huge for my games and the way I play. Like BSD said, I mentioned, I spend a lot of time on jtv watching streams, on here doing research and reading opinions. I’m determined to become solid, good thing is I’m enjoying the ass kicking on my way there. To the OP, stick with it and stay grinding, I’m on PSN, Blaq_ACiD so feel free to get at me sometime for some sparring lol, same to anyone else.
Why would he need good execution for Marvel?
Nah, fuck CPUs. They cripple you. Computers don’t fight anything like humans do and you’ll be all twisted up making a transition from one to the other.
In fighting games, especially ones that aren’t anime airdashers, you just take your ass to training mode if there are no other humans to fight.
Lol this game does not require execution
I think when people bring up execution, they’re maybe thinking of (muscle) memory in regards to the ABCD combos. Because there definitely is a laughably low execution barrier built into this game.
Know the ins and outs of your team, and keep hitting training mode. Also try to find someone you can practice with on a regular basis, preferrably someone who knows the game extensively. They can help you get better by seeing what you’re doing. If there are holes in your game, they’ll let you know and offer suggestions on how to fix it.
Don’t get discouraged, though. You’ll get your bell rung quite often, but you use that experience to improve.
You can practice BnBs all day and still get wrecked online man. I play viper and I definitely practice her every day. But viper online is…
Get Good
and I play X23 online so I can imagine how you feel. Seriously though if you are getting bodied like that online then simply don’t play there or something
lol well If you can’t play offline that often with people the options are vs pc or online, slim pickings. There is just as must frustration practicing your crap on very hard and getting your ass grabbed out of everything you do as there is dropping combo’s online, so it’s pretty much lose lose unless you play with people offline.
I know what you mean, it’s probably better for him to find somebody at his level and play some online locals. I’m not saying you can’t learn anything by facing better opponents, but the OP is simply at the point where he just wants to win (badly). Personally, I hate practicing bnbs and taking them into the online environment because I start dropping them. That transition is rough for characters that require solid execution skills.
I think in some ways as annoying as it can be, online might actually help your execution for offline play. If you have the presence of mind to land difficult combos while adjusting on the fly for input lag, landing those same combos in perfect conditions is cake.
Food for thought anyways.
You’re playing Frank. You’ll really need some characters to get him to level up. Iron Fist needs a lock down assist.
Iron Fist on point (jump kick assist)
Frank second with Dat Cart
Doom beam anchor.
best advice i say find some offline play or some local offline play because this game you can not. i repeat can not block teleport mix ups and triangle jumps because of the online delay.
This isn’t strictly true (well, it might be depending on how bad your lag is to someone). A lot of those mixups you can predict before they even happen (and block appropriately). It’s definitely harder to block them, but not necessarily impossible. You can definitely find ways to deal with it effectively even with lag - and if you can deal with it in those situations, dealing with it offline becomes much easier as well.
Not saying that teleport mixups and tri jumps aren’t a much bigger threat online, just saying that learning to deal with them online can dramatically improve your offline play (whether people want to admit it or not).
On a side note not related to the above, the recent relevation that UMvC3 has had horrible sales means that the online player base is significantly more hardcore and skilled than you would otherwise expect from a new game. Thus the rape the OP has been experiencing.