I have come to retrieve my power... You can't handle it. Vergil Combo Thread

This thread will be updated with Vergil combos after the UMvC3 Guide is out.

We all now that since Vergil is a DMC character he will be very good albiet not as stylish as Dante but im sure he will have some very unique combos given his toolset.

Layout stolen from Shine in the Dante combo thread because Vergil told me to do so.

:l: = Light Attack
:m: = Medium Attack
:h: = Heavy Attack
:s: = Special or Exchange
:a1:= Assist 1(2nd listed on your team)
:a2: = Assist 2(3rd Listed aka Anchor)

1 = Down Back
2 = Neutral Crouching
3 = Down Forward
4 = Back, blocking and walking backwards
5 = Stick is in a neutral state
6 = Forward, walking forward
7 = Up Back, jump backwards
8 = Up, Neutral jump
9 = Up Forward, jump forward

Examples: 214 = :qcb:, 236 = :qcf:, 623 = :dp:, 412 = :rdp:

Until then here is a few BASIC Vergil combos from Maxmillians Vergil assist me. Combo section starts at 8:50


midscreen to corner: 1
L, M, H ~ Stinger (6H), S, j.M, j.M, j.H, Helm Breaker (j.2H), Trick M (214M), High Time (3H), Dimension Slash (236+:atk::atk:)

midscreen to corner: 2
L, M, 2H ~ Stinger (6H) ~ teleport, M, H, S ~ H ~ S, j.M, j.M, j.H, Helm Breaker (j.2H), High Time (3H), Dimension Slash (236+:atk::atk:)

from Rapid Slash (5 meters, lvl 3 ender, ~1.3m damage):
Rapid Slash (623H) xx Devil Trigger (214+:atk::atk:), M H ~ Stinger (6H) xx Lunar Phase (623M), 2H ~ Stinger (6H) ~ teleport, H, S, j.M, j.M, j.H, Helm Breaker (j.2H), Dark Angel (214+:atk::atk:), High Time (3H), Dimension Slash (236+:atk::atk:) Credited to Maziodyne.

Here are the same combos but changed for those who don’t understand keypad notation.

midscreen to corner: 1
L, M, H ~ Stinger ( :f: H), S, j.M, j.M, j.H, Helm Breaker (j. :d: H), Trick M ( :qcb: M), High Time ( :df: H), Dimension Slash ( :qcf: +:atk:**:atk:)

midscreen to corner: 2
L, M, 2H ~ Stinger ( :f: H) ~ teleport, M, H, S ~ H ~ S, j.M, j.M, j.H, Helm Breaker (j. :d: H), High Time ( :df: H), Dimension Slash ( :qcf: +:atk:**:atk:)

from Rapid Slash (5 meters, lvl 3 ender, ~1.3m damage):
Rapid Slash ( :dp: H) xx Devil Trigger ( :qcb: +:atk:**:atk:), M H ~ Stinger ( :f: H) xx Lunar Phase ( :dp: M), :d: H ~ Stinger ( :f: H) ~ teleport, H, S, j.M, j.M, j.H, Helm Breaker (j. :d: H), Dark Angel ( :qcb: +:atk:**:atk:), High Time ( :df: H), Dimension Slash ( :qcf: +:atk:**:atk:) Credited to Grimstar Isedelica’s Vergil Combos

1: c.:l:s.:m:s.:h: xx Stinger xx Rising Sun xx Trick Down, sj.:m:sj.:h:sj.:s:, s.:m::h: xx Stinger xx Judgement Cut :l:, :s.:h::s:, sj.:h: Helm Breaker, High Time, Dimension Slash
2: [hold] c.:l:c.:m:c.:h: xx Stinger xx Trick :m:, s.:m::h::s::h: [release :l:], :h: xx Judgement Cut :l: :h::s:, sj.:h: Helm Breaker, High Time, Dimension Slash
3: (Mission 10) Stinger xx Rising Sun xx Trick Down, sj.:m:sj.:h:sj.:s:, :h: xx Stinger xx Trick :l:, c.:h::s:, sj.:m:sj.:h: Helm Breaker, Spiral Swords, High Time xx XFC, Judgement Cut :l:, Lunar Phase, DT, Dark Angel

4: c.:l:s.:m:s.:h: xx Stinger xx Rising Sun [hold :l:] xx Trick Down, sj.:m:sj.:h:sj.:s:, [release :l:] Air Round Trip, :h: xx Judgement Cut :l:, c.:h: xx Stinger xx Judgement Cut :l:, Stinger xx Spiral Swords, Trick :m:, walk like a boss…
5: c.:l:s.:m:s.:h: xx Stinger xx Rising Sun xx Trick Down, sj.:m:sj.:h:sj.:s:, s.:m:s.:h: xx Stinger, wait, Spiral Swords [hold :l:], j.Helm Breaker, j. Helm Breaker, [release :l:] Round Trip, c.:h: xx Judgement Cut :l:, Lunar Phase, High Time, Dimension Slash[media=youtube]MpOkO6qyves[/media]

Thanks for the Notation and the vids Dlanijer. :tup:

December Update.

Basic Combos no assist needed

Testsuro basic.

,:m:,:h:, StingerxxRising sun, s.j :h:, s.j:s:, s. :h:, stingerxxlight judgement cut, s.:h:, s. :s:, s.j :h:, s.j Helm breaker, (call strider), OTG high time, trick downxxspiral swords (hold :l:), j. :s:, round trip, light judgement cut, lunar phase DAMAGE= 650-700k

Day 1

c.:l:s.:m:s.:h: xx Stinger xx Rising Sun xx Trick Down, sj.:m:sj.:h:sj.:s:, s.:m::h: xx Stinger xx Judgement Cut :l:, :s.:h::s:, sj.:h: Helm Breaker, High Time, Dimension Slash DAMAGE=???

Ryose 1 Meter
cr.:l:,cr.:m:,st.:h:, :f::h:(stinger), :dp::l:(rising sun),sj. j.:m:, j.:h:, j.:s:,:h:,:f::h:,:qcf::l: or :m:(if :m: then dash quickly), :h:,:s:,j.:m:, j.:h:,:d::h:,:qcb::m:(trick behind), :df::h: into Super DAMAGE= 620k+

OG Ramza sword combo

cr.L(charge Round Trip), st.M, cr.H xx Stinger xx M Trick, St.HSH, release Round trip, st.SH xx L Judgement Cut xx Spiral Swords (charge Round Trip during cinematic) , Lunar Phase, release Round Trip (timing is tricky, needs practice to perfect), cr.H xx L Judgement Cut, cr.H xx Lunar Phase, High Time, Dimension Slash

Assist Required Combo’s

Upgraded Ramza

The AceKillah No Swords


Call2Arms Doom Missiles Combo


TestKils Deadpool Katanarama Ground Bounce Reset combo

Not the best name there is, but that’s not what matters. I’m counting on you on this one, and I hope you are the dude who came some time ago to say he was going to make this thread.

Actually that is the most important part of a new thread :lol: I had a few other names for it but I just wanted something that even people who haven’t played DMC would recognize. Suggestions?

Organization, that’s what I’d like to see.

I would really like it if you arranged the combos according to the setup you use. For instance, if it’s possible to start a combo from a Rising Sun, put all the combos together that start with that one.

Although you may be seeing the same combos with slight variations according to the setups, the damage does change.

That’s about it for now.

Anyone have notations on the BnBs showed in the Max vid?

I’ll edit this post in a few with the notations. lemme go bring it up. even the one with the level 3?

edit: combos

midscreen to corner:
L, M, H ~ Stinger (6H), S, j.M, j.M, j.H, Helm Breaker (j.2H), Trick M (214M), High Time (3H), Dimension Slash (236+:atk::atk:)

midscreen to corner:
L, M, 2H ~ Stinger (6H) ~ teleport, M, H, S ~ H ~ S, j.M, j.M, j.H, Helm Breaker (j.2H), High Time (3H), Dimension Slash (236+:atk::atk:)

from Rapid Slash (5 meters, lvl 3 ender, ~1.3m damage):
Rapid Slash (623H) xx Devil Trigger (214+:atk::atk:), M H ~ Stinger (6H) xx Lunar Phase (623M), 2H ~ Stinger (6H) ~ teleport, H, S, j.M, j.M, j.H, Helm Breaker (j.2H), Dark Angel (214+:atk::atk:), High Time (3H), Dimension Slash (236+:atk::atk:)

edit 2: I just realized this post is already better than all of that fool’s threads. you know the one.

Thread should be titled “Now I’m a little Motivated!”

Fixed for weeaboo notation illiterates :wink:

Lol, saw that coming.

I dont know if you guys watched the Norcal Vs Capcom stream but Dacidbro played a good Vergil

Nice, I really like the teleport reset. Can’t wait!

I believe these are the notations for the Rising Sun combo Max used in his vids.

L, M, :d:H ~ Stinger ( :f:H) ~ Rising Sun ( :dp: L) ~ Trick Down (H), j.M, j.H, Starfall (j. S), :d:M ~ Stinger ( :f:H) ~ Trick L ( :qcb: L), :d:H, S, j.M, j.H, Helm Breaker (j.:d:H), High Time ( :df: H), Dimension Slash ( :qcf: +:atk::atk:)

And the Devil Trigger Version

L, M, :d:H ~ Stinger ( :f:H) ~ Devil Trigger ( :qcb: +:atk::atk:), M, :d:H ~ Stinger ( :f:H) ~ Rising Sun ( :dp: L) ~ Trick Down (H), j.M, j.M, j.H, Starfall (j. S), :d:M ~ Stinger ( :f:H) ~ Trick L ( :qcb: L), :d:H, S, j.M, j.M, j.H, Helm Breaker (j.:d:H), High Time ( :df: H), Dimension Slash ( :qcf: +:atk::atk:)

thread name needs more motivation

combos motivate people to play.

I’ll get on linking the LPN video once Iplaywinner releases Ultimate Norcal vs Capcom 2’s videos. It also has good resets.

real talk, I only posted in numpad notation because it makes me look cool and technical. I always prefer :qcf: over 236. LOL.

Yo this is fuckin Homo, the one day I’m totally busy and dont have the time to browse online SRK decides to fuck me over and make the new character forums…

eh, but AceKillah is kewl so at least I know he’ll do a good job with it…

You dont remember this quote? It was like the greatest moment in DMC 3 :wasted:

Well I wouldn’t say greatest but that’s because I really hated Jester. Stupid bouncing balls…

Although kind of ironic since I play Dorm and he LOVES to summon balls to hit people with.

greatest? I barely remember this line let alone the very forgettable Jester/Lady’s father. Especially when Vergil is sitting on a bunch of other funny/hilarious/ better quotes lol.

That and I don’t see the combo connection. I personally would want a quote to go along with it. But that’s me.

Honestly, my favorite Vergil quote might be “You’re going down.” in his last boss, fight. So epic with the yelling he follows it up with. Other than that, “I need more power.” is his best quote overall. Pretty much sums up everything about the character: motivation, actions, personality, why he’s so against Dante, etc. But he says that during X-Factor, so maybe we can’t use it as a thread name.