I have 3 questions about tournaments

I want to participate in a tournament, but i’m not in the US, i from another country, i’m an average player, so i want to try my skills with some of the best players around the world in an official tournament with my shoto characters, so here are my questions:

Well i would like to know if can i join tournament via PSN?

is there official tournaments in the PSN?,

why in the hell CAPCOM prefer Live and not PSN?, i have a friend who plays in Live and he told me about an official tournament about 6 months ago, even David Sirlin was in the tournament(he won the tournament) and my friend won the 5th place.

This is unfair, the two online experiences have to be the same shit, i don’t care about the consoles, i do care about the games and online experience!

Sorry about my grammar, my original language is spanish but i’m doing my best with your beautiful language.


Tournaments are open to anyone although some US players don’t like playing those outside the US due to lag issues. How good is your connection with US players?

Tournaments here on PSN are run by members strictly for fun and bragging rights.

SSF2 Turbo HD was developed and mainly tested first for the XBOX, which is the main reason why the Playstation version is so buggy.

I see… so that’s why the 360 version is better than the ps3 version.

Well, i don’t have lag issues playing with US players and other players around the world, in deed i have a good connection, some users here are my friends and they can confirm that i’m telling the true about my connection.

Thank you very much prettiest bison, everything is clear now.

PSN tourney

I have never heard of a networked tourney w/o the lag issue. Nor Sony sponsoring one…