Buying a console for only a handful of games is equally just as dumb. If there is any chance that the title is coming to the PC aswell…there’s no need to be butthurt about that either.
The OP must not have realized that this was a budget game like Skullgirls. The game was not funded the money or development team to release content at a fast pace. That’s why Season 3 won’t even release till SFV launches. I wish someone told that guy that 4 months ago so he’d stop rambling LOL. It’s like asking why Skullgirls doesn’t have 40 characters or why a local latino market doesn’t have all your favorite cereals and beers.
I only play fighting games and bought the Xbox One for KI and was happy enough about it. Whereas someone else would have been spending lots of money on other video games I just spent money on one game that lasted me for 2 years. After 2 years I’m completely burnt out on the game, but at least I had my fun then.
I bought a PS4 just to play the BETA of SFV and enjoying that so far also. The only other stuff I play now is classic games like 3S or A2 on Fightcade. I’m a fighting gamer, not a video gamer so it works for me.
KI is confirmed to have a PC port now so I can now decide between keeping my Xbone (which I may only actually play for one other game) or just sell it and play the PC version. Then just hold onto the PS4 which will inevitably have another fighting game that I will play (probably Xrd or something).
Yes keep begging just like you pcscrubs always do.
They decided to port the game because the stupid community said yes, but they dont realize the games big problem was not beeing only xbox, but the stupid scrubs will soon realize that.
If they dont change things, game is gonna die anyway soon, since theres noi nflux of good dedicated players and the good ones keep dropping left and right. Everybody but the dumb scrubs is fed up with this stupid game. The game is not fun anymore thanks to ig and ms idiotic decisions and thanks to the fucking scrubs.
I could see if there was literally nothing else to play on launch but if you’re shelling out that type of money for a single game eh god bless. I can’t even justify buying a handheld for a single game.