I wouldn’t go that far. They just require different strategies and different play styles. However I will admit that since almost all characters can do big damage without meter, you have to be more careful than most fighting games. One wrong move can cost you the round. Thankfully this works both ways, so even if you’re losing by 90%, you can still make a come back!:bgrin:
For the record ken’s jab srk has 3 frames of recovery, and ryu’s is 5. Online lag can make it worse. It is definitely punishable on whiff. On block they are generally safe, it depends what character blocked it, and was 1 or 2 hits blocked.
Keep at it!!!
Since when is SF2 considered the greatest in the series? Wasnt’ that 3rd-Strike?
HDremix was quickly scrambled (Atleast in the PS3 version), I dont have too many lag issues, but the frames are late in every game and this alone makes it virtually unplayable.
The game itself is just a bit evolved version from the “arcade masher” version so there is no real combo system and you win games by spamming SRK.
If this is not a troll and there are actually people this dumb i fear for the future.
A bit off topic, but a quick question. Where exactly does ken land when he wiffs a fierce dragon. Many a time I’ve gone to flash kick a wiffed fierce DP only to find my flash kick going the wrong way. So if ken to your left and he’s right next to you and he does a fierce dragon which wiffs, where should you expect him to land??
I know its much safer to attack will he’s coming down from the fierce DP, but sometimes I wanna punish him as he lands but cant always predict which side he will land on
Whiffed fierce DP is so much fun to airthrow.
Try it. And with guile’s massive damage of his airthrows…
If he’s within approximately 3/4 of the screen from your character when he starts it in HDR, then he will land behind you. In ST the range where it will land behind the opponent is significantly less (right around the tip of the range for his st. roundhouse.
EDIT: On the question of punishing it, Shari’s air-throw suggestion is right on the money.
thanks guys, I do often do the airthrow to punish, but sometimes I try to crouching medium punch>flashkick 2 hit combo as he’s coming back down, but sometimes he lands in the opposite place of where I expect him to land. Or sometimes I simply want to throw him or just flash kick, but my guile ends up going in the wrong direction.
Thanks again.
sorry to go off topic
This thread has a topic? The best ways to punish Ken’s dragon punch is a better thread topic than whatever the hell nonsense the OP was talking about. I can’t believe how civilized everyone has been in here.
BTW Mr. IG do you hang in player lobbies, or do you stick to ranked when you play? I’d like to bite your face sometime. :grrr:
At the mentioned range it will be an ambiguous crossup. Shari’s right though just airthrow it
Wow, most posts are actually helpful instead of flames? Am I on shoryuken.com? This can’t be… the apocalypse must be coming… hell is freezing over…
mainly do player matches these days cos the competition is tougher. Too much rage quitters/hate mailers, in ranked matches.