I dont think I'll ever make it to EvO

Man, Cowboy Bebop is so much better than Naruto.

The question for every complaint anyone has:

OK, so what are you going to do about it? So far, your answer is to complain. Nothing wrong with that if going in circles is what you want to do.

That’s true but I still like Naruto :cool:

why do you keep bringing up naruto? so what if I watch? its not your problem.

Job market’s tight, so you gotta go beyond the normal call of duty to get a job. It’s not that there are no jobs (heck, 2 of my friends got jobs in the last month), it’s that the competition for them is tight.

The 2 keys to getting a job is literally being the most competitive candidate (that gets you interviews), and knowing people in the industry.

Becoming the most competitive candidate takes a lot of effort and planning on your part. But that’s a long term thing. However, it’s still important. This includes taking exams, getting experience, working for free, talking to people, going to college, etc. You have to be proactive about it to get a competetive edge, otherwise you look like everyone else trying to get a job. I used the example of A+ certs for this very reason. Why would I hire someone who doesn’t have the cert over someone who does? I always ask in the interview, and most of the time I get crap answers…I don’t have enough time or money is not acceptable.

Knowing people is equally important. People hire other people they believe in. You gotta do your best to get your name out. Sending out random resumes only goes so far.

Also, you gotta take what you can get. I spiral out slowly and get further away from where I live when looking for work. If you have to drive two-three hours to get a job, then suck it up. Just quietly be on the lookout for something better. Keep your mind, eyes, and ears open. Sometimes you might be working for something you totally weren’t expecting.

Also, when talking to people (and the first rule is to talk to everyone, even your grandma about finding work), don’t just say, “I"m looking for a job.” That’s f-ing fail. You gotta key in on what others are saying and respond.

For instance, someone says, “You know, I’d like to paint that fence but it’s too expensive.” THen you get off your ass right there and then and say, “I’ll paint that fence for you for cheap.” Once again, you gotta be proactive about it. Someone says there’s a need for something, you jump on it. If you hear something needs doing and you can do it, you let them know. You tell them to let everyone else they know that you can do it.

Lastly, the world doesn’t give a shit how many hours you were looking, how long you were looking, etc. The world is cruel and isn’t fair. You still have to have a positive attitude and outlook to approach anything. That’s how the world is. Don’t be down. You hear the numbers, 15% unemployment, 22% adjusted for part time and other shenanigans. Well, there’s still 75% of the working world still working. THere are still jobs.

Go out there and get one.

I’d do that if i had the money. College takes money, which is something i dont have. Trust me, I’ve tried everything you’ve said and yet I’ve had no success. I guess i can get easily discouraged and I don’t know how to fix that. Going to a psychologist costs money, but again, I dont have money. It is just very discouraging when you do everything and do all this hard work and nothing good comes out of it, so i feel like i have wasted my time.

“im bad at fighting games and my life sucks bawwwwww im gonna go watch naruto”

That’s the biggest load of crap about college I have ever heard.

I didn’t have money either when I went to school. There are ways…financial aid, army reserve, scholarships, student loans, commercial loans, military service, grants.

That’s just off the top of my head.
Hell, if you have financial aid, you can go to community college for free with money leftover from the pell grant for personal spending.
<shakes head>

It’s another, “I can’t get a cert from an easy one hour exam because I don’t have time or money.” Like I said, unacceptable.

“I’d do that if I had the money.”

Bullshit. I hear that crock of crap all the goddamn time. What it really is, is that you chose not to go.

what part of “NARUTO IS IRRELEVANT HERE” don’t u understand?

yeah well i dont qualify for scholarships, so what now? I dont qualify for pel grants either because I dont have the grades for it". I have a learning disability which keeps me from earning A’s. Trust me, Ive tried! the army wont take me simply cuz i have hypothyroidism. If u dont know what that is, go look it up.

Try playing different fighters. You might not be good at Capcom’s version of Mugen, but you might be decent at Blazblue, Tekken, SNK’s games, etc

Oh really? What scholarships have you applied to? Name them. Not every scholarship is based around grades. I can tell you lied about the pell grant because that’s a financial grant given by the federal government to those in financial need.
What and where was the military recruitment center you went t

You know what, forget it.
Like I said, you chose.

I stopped playing Guilty Gear series simply cuz none of my friends like it. They say the moves are way to complex (points at all of Dizzy’s super move commands).

The games I do play by myself are: KoF 99 (DC version), Rival Schools, Project Justice, some obscure fighting games some of you probably wont care about (which is fine by me, i do the same with others like Tekken, which feels very slow for me), Arcana Heart, Bleach DS (the only good fighter on nintendo ds), all the mvc series, a lil of MSH (some of the shit in that game is hella broken), Soul Calibur 1 and 2, a lil bit of SF3 3rd strike (i dont take that game seriously, its just not my type). i would like to try Blazblue, arcana heart 2, Melty Blood series, and some others.

the military recruiting center? they turned me down the moment they heard the word “hypothyroidism” and also on the fact that i was wearing glasses (:lame:), and the funny thing was that my recruiter was wearing glasses so that makes no sense at all. About the pell grant, I called and asked about it and the person told me I had to have a certain GPA to be eligible for it. Now she either lied to me about it, or just didnt care much.

I don’t care much but goddamn 5 pages?

Thanks for trying, scudd :rofl:

whats with you guys? why the fuck do u keep bringing up this naruto shit. dont’ u see i dont care what u think about naruto? im not gonna stop watching it. I dont think it has ANYTHING to do with me playing marvel or whatever other fighting games I play.

yeah whatever