Is the Dormammu match-up that hard? Gold Armor really is necessary, but what I do is super jump, shoot Golden Arrows, land, and spam Lances until he makes a move. After a blocked Lance, he doesn’t have enough frames to super or teleport, and his assist will most likely get hit.
Yes, the Dormmamu match it’s that hard, like CeeDizzy said, it’s 7-3 his damn way.
If Arthur wants to get the upper hand in this match…Then you will have to be wise in everything that you do against Dorm, because one mistake equals to Chaotic Flame for 35% or 40% of your lifebar.
The first thing that you should do it’s recognize your opponent, the behavior and the kind of gameplay that he’s using. I know, it sounds hard but it only takes 5 secs to change your strategy because the idea it’s to kill that flaming head with Arthur or without him, but with Arthur alive and well!.
If you have an assist that can protect you while on the rush like Tron’s Gustaf Fire or Hsien Ko’s Senpu Bu (powered by the Rimoukon) it should be fine. But! if you have an assist that cannot be safe after doing his action i/e Doctor Doom’s Hidden Missiles then the opponent will mash a damned hyper to punish your assist and taking away a bit of your life bar. Do not use your assist in a situation like this.
Fire Torch it’s a must in your approaching, also watch out that pesky fire carpet, you will always lose to that crap, doesn’t matter what you do.
If the opponent likes to teleport a lot…Watch out for the Floating Bomb w/Teleport shenanigans as it will take away most of your life in one damaging combo.
wow I must be fighting crappy Dorms with my Arthur? I don’t recall having any projectile difficulties, with the (BIG) exception of Dorm hitting me with his beam super to beat my projectile pressure. Without his beam super I haven’t been running into many problems. What is Dorm using to beat your projectiles? I often found that Arthur’s projectiles were fast enough to hit him out of the startup of all his long ranged stuff (with exception of beam super). Why do you guys say that gold armor is necessary? I’m genuinely interested because it sounds like I’m not fighting the right type of Dorms(?)
Like Arthur, there are users that use Dorm in one simple way (the keepaway), but there are a few ones or at least the ‘above average’ player that tend to use an advanced style where they abuse every move that they have under their disposal to waste other characters with teleports (this is a nightmare specially for Arthur), corner traps or locks and projectiles w/pesky assist (Hidden Missiles comes to my mind) to chip you to death. Also they can completely block your rushdown because of the Fire Carpet that Dorm uses to protect his area (usually the other corner but in the middle it’s a pain in the ass too.)
Regarding the Golden Armor, well first of all it raises your defense on 20%-25% to protect you from the inevitable damage that you will suffer against one or another projectile. The Golden Fire Torch has a great range, does not dissipate after hit and will allow you to move forward to counter-attack his lockdown or keepaway by turning the table. While Jumping the Homing Crossbow it’s a godsend, but the opponent may telegraph that move by doing a properly placed Purification, but it’s better than doing nothing, either that or a Golden Fire Torch.
Anyway it’s something like that o_O, cheers! Now if you excuse me gentlemen…
runs to Xbox Live
Wolverine is another to add to the list of characters that wreck Arthur pretty bad. His berserker barrage goes through most of Arthur’s projectiles, and he’s generally too fast to get a decent keep away game going. Definitely a matchup you need to have Lariat/armor pendulum/tron fire with to keep him off you.
So I was just wondering about some advice that you guys may have on Wesker. My friend that I normally plays will always switch to Wesker to counter my Arthur. The trouble is that his teleport cancels his laggy moves. So his moves that are unsafe on block all of a sudden become safe on block cuz he can port away.
Wolverine isn’t as bad as Dormammu IMO, but it is pretty bad.
Its about 6.5-3.5 Wolvies way if they were to go mano y mano. With the right assist, it is 6-4 Wolverines way. I will go as far as saying its even if Arthur has the right assists.
First off, staying full screen and not jumping alot is excellent. Lance rapes Wolverine. He can’t do anything about but block it. Picking a fast assist like Hulk’s gamma wave or Ironman’s unibeam will definately help you lock down.
Close range is bad.
Wolverine lives in your face. st. C or cr. C is brilliant, but it may not work very well at all if he is smack dab in your face. The best bet is to do one of those if he is trying to dash in or does a random full screen beserker slash.
When he is close range, DO NOT JUMP. I can’t tell you guys how many times I played those sorry sap Arthurs who like to jump when up close and I just went right under and launched them to a death combo. This is what Wolverine players love to do. They love to cross you up for shits and giggles. Seriously don’t jump, you just giving them a win.
Also if you jump, you can get air thrown, which leads to a death combo. DON’T LET HIM IN!! Easier said than done.
Haggar comes in mind if Wolverine is in your face. Use it. If they get hit, launch them into an aircombo for an easy 50% and hopefully they will fall for it again (FYI, an average Wolverine won’t fall for it again).
Midscreen is really bad
Being midscreen means that you can’t throw alot of projectiles. You risk a level 3, which is bad… really bad.
On the contray, you can jump again!! He won’t be able to easily cross you up unless he uses beserker slash.
Some more notes:
Beserker slash from full screen is hilarious. you can bracelet it on reaction and even level 3 him. Any Wolverine that does that is SOOOOOO FREE.
Gold armor torch is gdlk. Use alot to stop Wolverine from rushing down.
Torch is gdlk. But gold armor is so much better.
None of Arthurs normals beat divekick in my experiences.
Basically just stay the hell away.
Wesker is a rapist.
I like using Gold Armor Arrows in this match-up. Alot of them. They track and can catch him trying to teleport.
Um… thats it… I can’t win against a good Wesker… Ever…
Sorry for the absence, there was a lot of work on this week that I didn’t have the chance to test many things, but here’s my two cents again:
It’s a nightmare when properly assisted, but so can you do the same to him. The key to close his rushdown it’s to use the Fire Torch as much as you can. If you like to jump use the damned Homing Crossbow, because those Wolverine players like to cross you with Berserker Slash, but like Cee Dizzy said, please do not jump, push them away with A.Guard.
It appears that the Magic Sword (:h:) does beat the Divekick but it’s not very reliable because it has a lot of startup lag and it cannot be canceled, you are better off blocking.
If they like to approach you with B-Slashes, catch them on reaction with the Goddess’ Bracelet loop to kill the bastard in one attack.
Tron’s Gustaff Fire it’s a godsend as Haggar’s Double Lariat on this fight, but if you don’t have any of these, try an anti-air assist with startup invincibility like Zero’s Ryuejin or Ryu’s Shoryuken.
Is Arthur’s shield a good option against Wolverine?
Unless that you have quick reflexes or telegraph Wolverine’s Normals then no, the reason is because he’s very fast. You won’t be able to have a chance to try to deflect his attacks.
Wolverine players (good ones) tend to do mix ups to avoid being telegraphed, unlike the Solar Shield stance with Amaterasu where they only mash :f::h:., so it’s more likely to catch her with the Silver Shield rather than Wolverine.
Ugh something I recently found out is that Magneto can hit Arthur with his lvl 3 for free when Arthur’s gold armor breaks. So it’s reeeeeeeeeeally important to have Mags in block stun when it breaks.
I noticed that you were looking into fire torch shenanigans as an assist.
Right now I’m running Arthur (bottle), Tasky (Vertical), and Tron (Gustav Fire). The synergy with Tron is meh but with Tasky, this thing is AMAZING. I use Arthur at point, build meter and GA DHC into Tasky. The Gold Fire Bottle does two things. The first is that it hist confirms into a Mighty Swing which of course leads into a cheap Tasky combo. It also creates a ton of shield pressure which can force some of the most aggressive characters into the corner very quickly. Once in the corner I can retreat with an air angled arrow and call in Arthur. From there I have two more options. If I have meter to burn I can WD up and throw them as soon as the last fire hits or I can just Swordmaster right after I land and have a free 200k combo.
If you’re running a team that needs some extra pressure, this thing is amazing. It’s comparable to storms whirlwind. Also another thing tasty about fire bottle is that it eats Dormammu’s Fire Carpet which is troublesome to both Tasky and Tron.
This is very important to know, thank you!.
Using the Fire Torch it’s a great tool to deal with Dormmamu’s keepaway (at close quarters to avoid that pesky carpet).
I love arthurs fire torch assist against trons flame assist. Also not sure if I’ve just faced bad wolverines but fire torch helps so much against them with arthur on point where that is definitally part of my strategy against them.
Better yet, Ax rapes pretty much anything. People should start using this move more.
Agree, anyone who try’s to fly sent over use the axe if you don’t want to wait and use s.M to ruin their day. Not only will it stop them it pushes them back letting them know who’s boss.
Agree with Cee Dizzy and Goddess Bracelet. Grounded Axe is good for anyone who jumps.
Does anyone use Arthur’s cross bow aside from when he is in gold armor?
Yes! Normal jump with crossbow is a great way to apply short pressure or to get yourself away for a second to throw an axe again.
Hey guys, we all have been playing Arthur for quite a while now, UMvC3 is out there and Arthur is better.
I still use him as anchor because it’s where he shines.
He had two kinds of bad matchups in Vanilla…
1- People who could rush him so fast that if you tried to throw something you’d get hit and killed
2- People who could run away at the top of the screen until armor breaks.
In Ultimate, “1” was significatively improved as you can now jump and dive or use the awesome invulnerability on heavenly slash to hit those guys and put them to sleep with a super or some golden lances…
but "2"is still a BIG problem…
characters like Trish, Storm and Chun-li (now she can stay FOREVER on the top of screen using those tenshoukyakus up to 3 times in the air plus dashes, kyakuretsus and triple jump) and a lot of other people who can do this.
Some characters, you can just force a block or combo some golden arrows, but in some cases, you just won’t hit nothing for SECONDS and those seconds are precious as Golden Armor and Xfactor won’t last forever.
this is being my main problem with anchor arthur…
Is there any way to deal with people who can just stay forever on the top of the screen?
I’ve been using golden arrows but a large number of times, they just don’t hit anything at all
Throwing some axes on the mix seems to make things a little better… but still…
Does anyone have anything on this?
I would say Arthur is best used when your opponent is next to you, like in tournaments, as you can see what characters your opponent is using, your good as gold (armor). teleport characters you use him as an anchor, anythng else you can do either one. Note that while using Arthur as an anchor you MUST have at least 2 bars by the time Arthur comes out because he is RUINED if he is caught with his pants down (pun intended). Against teleport characters make sure that you don’t waste meter o. his Lv.3 unless it can finish off the last opponent. When your in Golden Armor just SPAM ARROWS, teleports don’t seem so scary now, do they?