Hello everyone!, this is the official thread of the good/bad match ups for our dear Silver Knight!.
First of all this thread is made with the intention to improve our gameplay against certain characters that are specially hard (see Taskmaster) or to give some tips and advices against some easy matches. And of course to give ideas and contribute with information regarding our current situation (theoretical) against the full roster of characters.
Now, some may ask regardless why I am doing this post, if almost all the basic knowledge it’s spread across other threads here in our subforum. Well it’s for the sake of not being messy. I mean, seriously, it’s frustrating not to be able to find something that you do not know where it is in the first place without looking at all the pages and threads like a madman o_O.
Changes done since 17/03/11:** Added info regarding Amaterasu.
To do list: Investigate about Dormammu, start to put basic information in every match-up spoiler, Fire Torch shenanigans using your teammates, find the pros and cons of why the Golden Armor should or should not be used on point.
If you have any question regarding anything about Arthur feel free to ask, every question will be answered and of course, if you feel like giving a hand or your two cents or share a little secret with us the Knights of the Round Table, it will be much appreciated.
O.K! We are set.
We are going to cover the basics, the styles of play, basic and advanced knowledge, tactics against certain characters and the like.
:qcf:+ :l: - Dagger Toss. Mash :l: for multiple Daggers, up to 3 on the ground.
:qcf: + - Lance toss. Mash
for multiple Lances, up to 2 on the Ground and Air.
:qcf: + :h: - Crossbow. Fires multiple bolts at once in different angles. Fast recovery. Homing bolts with Golden Armor.
:qcb: + :l: - Fire Bottle. Slow burning across the ground. If the bottle hits opponent, no flames and meager damage. Flames will still burn even if it hits the opponent in front, flames higher and further with Golden Armor.
:qcb: + - Axe. Large spinning projectile. Goes full screen, covers a lot of space.
:qcb: + :h: - Scythe. Boomerang properties.
:dp: + :l: - Silver Shield. Deflects projectiles. Staggers opponents who strike it.
:dp: + or :h: - Heavenly Slash or Hellbound Slash. Anti-Air. Causes Hard Knockdown.
:qcf: + :atk::atk: - Goddess’ Bracelet (a.k.a Psycho Cannon)
:qcb: + :atk::atk: - Ultimate Armor
:dp: + :atk::atk: - ‘‘For the Princess’’ Great Magic, Fire Dragon
Projectile Durability
Daggers: Each Dagger has 3 Low Priority Durability Points
Golden Daggers: Each Dagger has 5 Low Priority Durability Points
Lances: Each Lance has 5 Low Priority Durability Points
Golden Lance: Each Lance has 10 Medium Priority Durability Points (!!) [Staggers on Counterhit]
Crossbow: Each Bolt (Two Bolts) has 3 Low Priority Durability Points
Golden Crossbow: Each Bolt (Three Bolts) has 5 Low Priority Durability Points [Tracking]
Fire Bottle: Bottle has 5 Low Priority Durability Points
Fire Bottle Flame: Each Flame from the Fire Bottle has 1 Low Priority Durability Point
Golden Fire Bottle: Bottle has 2 Frames worth 5 Low Priority Durability Points (10 total)
Golden Fire Bottle Flame: Each Flame from the Fire Bottle has 3 Low Priority Durability Points. [Bottle does not dissapear on block or hit.]
Axe: Each Ax has 5 Low Priority Durability Points [Staggers on Counterhit]
Golden Axe: Each Ax has 3 Frames worth 3 Medium Priority Durability Points(9 total)(!!) [Staggers on any hit]
Scythe: Each scythe has 3 low Priority Durability Points
Golden Scythe: Each scythe has 5 low Priority Durability Points
Goddess Bracelet (Hyper): Each projectile has 2 High Priority Durability Points.
Please be sure to thank Stumblebee for this information and check his Thread where he posted this for us. Thank You!
Style of Play
[*]Keepaway/Ghosts n’ Goblins
Ok, this is the Main style of play that Arthur players use, I like to call this the Ghosts n’ Goblins, because it’s basically the same idea, you have low health, and you have an array of weapons, wits, intelligence and of course you want to beat the game, but it’s not just question of survival, but to endure 3 characters where the difficulty varies, and you have no dash whatsoever and your only alternative it’s to use the Joust -> Heavy. Now, what do you need to do?, run, yes, that’s right… Leg it. Your projectiles are the best in the game, your keepaway game it’s unbeatable with the correct assists and projectiles, you can literally chip to death anyone with the correct set-up and you have many options to lock opponents in the corner that it’s just amazing not to use this ability or at least have the basic knowledge of it. Now, some advices…
First of all, if you are pressuring someone from far away, use your Daggers in the air and your Lances on the floor, Double Lances are one of the best projectiles in terms of Durability. The Silver Ax it’s a great move too, it covers a wide area and it’s the normal projectile of Arthur that causes more damage. Use assists that covers your head and watch out for characters that teleport behind you, like Dante or Phoenix, because this is a nightmare on your runaway, but it’s beatable with the correct assists and the patience. When powered-up with the Golden Armor, use the same projectiles in your keepaway, but add to your arsenal the Homing Crossbow, as it will cover you from characters that like to super-jump or to fly in order to reach you.
And now some advices from other fellow Knights.
Cee Dizzy:
"Arthur has a double jump, but you can’t double jump if you jump and throw a projectile. So be wise when you jump. Decide whether to not do anything, double jump, or throw a projectile.
Lvl 3 is like the top 5 lvl 3 in the game. It has SO MUCH RANGE AND INVINCIBLITY. If you are in a fireball war, use it."
"If you have pesky rushdown characters pressuring you in every situation, remember that you can always Advance Guard them, please, USE THIS.
Also, your Level 3 Hyper “For the Princess” Great Magic, Fire Dragon it’s the X-factorable and it’s a great punish for Cross-over Combination Hypers, also, you can indeed X-factor between any move and counter-attack with the Level 3 Hyper for great results, just be wise, because if you miss the timing, you will only waste 3 Meters that could be used for Armor power-ups.
[*]Rushdown/Brave Knight
Ah…! The ‘Brave Knight’, this style it’s not like a walk on the park, nope, not even close, it’s THE SILVER KNIGHT chasing opponents, he has no fear whatsoever because he went to Hell on a suicide mission and came back alive TWICE, teaching them not to get in his way, slowly approaching them to use his decent normal moves in combination with his projectiles to scare the **** off opponents.
Arthur has a combination of very good and very poor normal moves, his standing Light it’s fast but has very poor range and medium priority, it only should be used to hit confirm magic series chains on the ground, the same applies to his crouching Light attack. His standing Medium has Auto-Guard on hits that come directly in front of Arthur (this needs further testing), it will not guard low attacks and certain normal standing moves that hits low or medium. Great damage overall but it’s a little slow. His crouching Medium on the other hand it’s wonderful, it’s a normal attack with great range and should be used always, using this from a certain distance will keep you safe from most attacks.
Arthur’s standing Heavy it’s a great heavy attack and covers a wide area, does good damage and can be used for some projectile cancels that will push Arthur a bit forward for extra range in case. Crouching Heavy it’s a great attack too, it covers a great perimeter when using it, excellent for pressure and can be canceled into projectiles or the Launcher for great results.
Finally the movement that defines the ‘Brave Knight’, the Charging Lance a.k.a the Joust -> H.
This move it’s your dash, plain and simple, main tool for getting in and of course a powerful move that can be canceled into whatever projectile you want, or even the Launcher.
This move used in close range without knowing what are you doing it’s certain death, but there are ways to hit confirm the blow and be at a safe distance at the same time, this is something that I discovered a while and maybe some of you have figured it out, but the move can be a safe move with the right tools.
And now, here’s something directly from our Alchemists in the Laboratory in the Service of the Princess:
Arthur it’s a medium distance, not too close, not too far from the opponent. Use the Charging Lance and option select this depending on the results:
1.If the opponent blocks the starting hit of the Charging Lance, you can cancel it into whatever you want (Try Daggers, I use the Silver Shield for close quarter counter-attacks mind games) and Arthur will be at a safe distance away from the opponent allowing you to pressure with something else or to back off a little and start the cycle again, and as a reward…You chipped a little from your enemy’s health bar.
2.If the Charging Lance manages to hit the opponent, remember the timing to pull off a Launcher into a Bread n’ Butter combo.
Side note: I know that it’s actually a little hard to explain in words, but try it for yourself in the Lab, the results are wonderful.
Now, with information regarding Projectiles…
Arthur can pressure with Lances, Bolts, Fire Torch, Daggers and the most difficult, the Scythe.
Remember to always end your moves that pushes back a little on block with projectiles for further pressure.
About the Scythe…It’s a decent move a la Captain America’s Shield Slash, but should be used every now and then, it’s a great combo extender while doing a chain but you are better off with the normal moves.
Using AAA to cover your head works perfectly here, but if there is no Assist available then use the Heavenly Slash.
Also, while chasing down the opponent in the air, try using your jumping H, it works wonders for those who are above your head.
[*]Defensive/Chivalrous Knight
In the history of Capcom, Arthur is a Knight, and his job, obviously is to protect the weak in the name of the Princess, by following this Knight Oath we will take it one step further by using this ideal in battle.
The main idea it’s to use Arthur on point, and to try to chip or kill as much characters as possible before taggin’ out or before switching out to restore some lost life.
For this style you can use a mix-up of both the Brave Knight and the Ghosts n’ Goblins, remember against WHO are you fighting and what attacks they use, in order to improvise a strategy to counter-attack your opponent in every way possible.
After witnessing a good Amaterasu player and a very good Magneto player that used their own defensive style (abusing the Solar Shield and the Magnetic Force Field respectably) and counter-attacking, taking advantage of their defensive tools, I tried to use a tactic based around the Silver Shield that has the nice property of deflecting/reflecting, and stagger opponents who strike it and punishing their recover with BnB combos, this style it’s not sitting out or turtle like Guile on SSFIV, no, it’s abusing everything that your opponent cannot react and taking advantage.
Remember your normals that have good priority, standing :h:, crouching , crouching :h:, those are the main tools, together with your projectiles, bait the opponent to strike your shield and counter-attack, when you are under pressure, A-Guard, and wait for the right moment to strike.
[*]Mix-up/Super Ultimate Ghouls n’ Ghosts to Goblins
By Crono_SteelShade
I’m not sure if this has been pointed out before, but as you cross up with jumping s you can cancel into crossbow and continue the combo off cr. M. This same way you can do an instant overhead with j.m, j.m, j.s xx crossbow. Works on all big characters and maybe others.
If you have any Objections (pun most definitely intended) or “Eurekas” that you want to share, I’ll put them here :D!
Thanks Chindogg for the movelist v(^^)Y, Thanks Cee Dizzy for general info! v(^o^)Y, Thanks Porter for pointing out the J.:s: Cross-up!. <( ^)! (It’s a Kiwi by the way…), Thanks Stumblebee for the Durability of Arthur’s Projectiles (-^)Y!.