I destroy my anime scroll

I bought dragonball Z scroll on 4 years ago. I use razor cut edge the picture shape my dragonball Z scroll. I want to put on arcade sideart.

How my scroll put on side art for use paint glue? what’s kind glue? normal or super glue? I don’t know, what i do??? don’t be destroy my scroll!! :sad:


If you did not want to destroy your shitty anime wall scroll/poster then you should not have have cut it up in the first place.

If you were trying to demonstrate “caustic wit,” then you failed miserably.

As for opips’s question, I’m not sure. I don’t even know of what material that side art is made. A wild guess would be to treat it like wallpaper, but if I were you I’d wait for someone more knowledgeable to answer, or search for an answer using Google. Good luck.

Just get a really really good pic (I mean the highest resolution that you can hope to achieve) and take it somewhere to see if they can print it onto a vinyl sticker. That would be much easier to work with.

Hey, that’s my question

What’s use a glue my scroll put on arcade side art? please.

I got it. I remember when my class was 2 grade what i used paint glue for school. what called??

I find http://www.eschoolnews.com/news/showstory.cfm?ArticleID=3372

Because it’s cloth it makes it very difficult. Going onto the side of a cab the only thing I can think of would be hot glue but that may very well destroy the art in the process. Check your town to see if they have some sort of arts & crafts store, the people there may know a better alternative or the correct way to put this together.

spray glue!!

Sazae, that’s safe use spray glue but free acid! what you think???


if the scroll is thick, get a rolling pin and some white glue, and a damp towel to wipe away excess. White glue is pretty universal and should do the trick for you.

again I destroy my other scroll I’m twice screw-up


I almost cut my finger skin off . WTF shitty. razor is dangerous super sharp!! :sweat:



contact cement, but test it on the parts you aren’t using first.

Yous talks like Skwisgaars

first, I’ll use spray glue is free acid. if not work. Then secondly, use contact cement. I have a contact cement in my basement.


Spray Glue is awesome!

I bought a spray glue from Canadiantire is large shop. I paid $6.29 it for 310g.

I tested, work it ! yeah hell. very smooth! :bgrin:

NO MESSY!:rock: