I bought dragonball Z scroll on 4 years ago. I use razor cut edge the picture shape my dragonball Z scroll. I want to put on arcade sideart.
How my scroll put on side art for use paint glue? what’s kind glue? normal or super glue? I don’t know, what i do??? don’t be destroy my scroll!! :sad:
If you were trying to demonstrate “caustic wit,” then you failed miserably.
As for opips’s question, I’m not sure. I don’t even know of what material that side art is made. A wild guess would be to treat it like wallpaper, but if I were you I’d wait for someone more knowledgeable to answer, or search for an answer using Google. Good luck.
Just get a really really good pic (I mean the highest resolution that you can hope to achieve) and take it somewhere to see if they can print it onto a vinyl sticker. That would be much easier to work with.
Because it’s cloth it makes it very difficult. Going onto the side of a cab the only thing I can think of would be hot glue but that may very well destroy the art in the process. Check your town to see if they have some sort of arts & crafts store, the people there may know a better alternative or the correct way to put this together.
if the scroll is thick, get a rolling pin and some white glue, and a damp towel to wipe away excess. White glue is pretty universal and should do the trick for you.