That’s what toddlers need. Nobody is pumping you in particular for any info and even if they did, it wouldn’t “hollow you out” any more than you already are. This has nothing to do with how good you, I or anyone is at the game, and nothing to do with anybody’s experience in “east coast arcades”.
Now not only are you off topic your attempting to bury the needle by going out of context and thats fine I understand why you would need to go that route infalliable logic does have that effect.
It boils down to every player is responsible for their own skilllevel period.
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I believe Wikipedia’s policy towards newbies would serve us well. I also believe we should get a (much) more friendly way to introduce new players to the competitive fighting game viewpoint than Killian’s texts from Domination 101. I feel they have too much bitterness, perhaps because of the constant trolling from whiners, but also because of the default internet flaming behavior, such as by the time of Also, I do not agree with some of the “need to counterpick” parts of some of them on the basis that using two characters should only come after learning two characters properly, and that hasn’t been made clear. Kurahashi using several characters is a very different thing than a half-descent player losing with his main and then trying to use a top tier character whose strongest strategy he is not ready to apply.
If everyone here was supposed to compete in tourneys and the only goal of a fighting game was to reach the top skill-wise, then adopting a “tough parenting” attitude towards newcomers would probably make sense. I agree that some expectation of self-investment improves the learning process.
But since the premise isn’t necessarily the case, with folks just as likely here to have fun or to become decent enough to beat some local friends, that sort of attitude is likely to offend as much as it is to teach.
We could use a mod here though…
I wanted a screen shot of that Champion screen from AE, so I played the damn game till Akuma. Damn, that guy cheats. He seems much harder than STurbo/X Akuma:
[]always avoids meaty hadous with Jab SRK;
[]punishes jumps on wake-up with SRK from the front and anti-air tatsu if you cross him up;
[]continuously teleports if you insist of throwing hadous;
[]sweeps instantly if you miss cr.fwd.
It took me quite some time to beat his ass. Might have taken much less if I was not playing with the stick on lap, missing some important SRKs, but still the character cheats like no other in SF2 games.
When I finally beat him, using save states, I forgot to lose a round and did not get the screen I wanted. Fuck…
Random comment: some sound effects seem to get bugged if you do combos or block strings.
I cant even get past DJ in cpu Jeezzz I must really suck ! =P
that screen is really nice huh.I just found out about it when you linked that new stuff from sf2
It would make a good stick art
with which character? If it’s Ryu, just keep doing hurricane kicks over and over. walk right up to him and use the heavy kick version just as he’s getting up and with few exception he will always get hit. Rarely, he may do a slide esp if you do it from further away but even then it usually works out in your favor by the end of the round.
That sounds exactly like the old ST Akuma AI.
I love playing the japanese arcade version on highest difficulty setting. It forces you to be solid with your movements because one mistake means 60% of your life will be gone.
I don’t remember, but it’s either in the ST in the House thread, or another random thread on here where someone posted the patterns for beating the AI. There’s also an Arcadia vid (I think) that shows how to beat certain chars. I think one of the patterns for shoto vs Fei Long is -> Fei jumps back. Repeat till he gets to the corner, and then just throw an FB everytime he jumps back. Most of the characters have easy exploits like that.