It’s not a requirement for anyone to help him but it is in our collective interests to help a new player come into the game. It seems that you and I disagree on that fundamental point.
Secondly, although there probably is an ever decreasing amount of people who play the game regularly, that rate of decay can be slowed by introducing new players. (Some might argue that HDR was very beneficial in that regard, but that’s another topic.) So this is actually yet another argument for being welcoming to new players rather than not.
I don’t feel like you’ve made a cogent argument as to why I am wrong - can you elaborate?
Super combos yield many more points than perfects, so the idea is to just land a bunch, and also get reversals whenever it is safe. A friend of mine who is into this game record thing told me his MAME record was attained by picking Ryu and landing as many supers as possible, which the AI would eat after ground Short Tatsumakis.
XSPR, Twin Galaxies is an attempt to gather game highscores, but truth is it is not well known. There are some videos about it here (super hyper nerd alert). I had never heard about it until recently, when this dude told me about it, and also shown a number of ludicrous highscore videos on Youtube. I believe there are some replays that you can run on MAME, but I never bothered downloading the specific version and the replays themselves.
By all means i am happy to enlighten others to my personal reasoning.
My idea is a simple one where as you can do your best to educate as many people as you would like,dealing with their reticent to learn behavior because they are leaning on you,the lack of respect you will incur by doing so and in the end maybe 1 out of 50 will become decent at the game.
Now all of that work and effort you spend leveling up their game you did not spend leveling up your own,while it may not atrophy your skills it will stunt your own growth at that point.
The absolute worse part is you are acting as a crutch and totally disrespecting the player trying to level up by providing what you had to earn on a platter,and like everything simply given away will not be respected or valued.
how about simply being nice. guy didn’t rape any babies, he just wants to beat the st cpu.
Playing the cpu can help you at least become familiar with the feeling of a game, i.e execution requirements, speed, etc. Like a moving training dummy. ST has bullshit AI but plenty other games have AIs that lend themselves for that specific purpose pretty well, so it’s really not that silly of a question.
Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Typing a reply into a web site to give someone advice only has marginal opportunity cost. It sounds like your approach is: to help them… we must punish them!
I am a member of this community, and others like me also want more respectful conduct in the community. You don’t seem to be able to make a distinction between being respectful vs. winning and getting better. I am grateful for competition, and I show this by being respectful to my opponent. XSPR’s 4th Rule: Being good at the game does not give you the right to be an asshole.
The “lack of respect”?? The best players often offer the most help of all. We want others to get as much as possible out of the game that we like. And helping others DOES level up yourself. It forces you to be clear when you explain it to someone else. It doesn’t stunt your own growth. For the long-term, it’s your service to your community that winds up benefiting you the most. I notice you’re a “premium” supporter, that means you gave some money to effectively sponsor our pedantic discussion here right? (thanks!) What on earth persuaded you to do that? You’re obviously not getting better or winning that way, according to your own view, so why not spend that money towards a premium joystick instead for yourself.
It’s not about the money to me, and the kind of community I want for ST doesn’t need someone telling us NOT to be nice. We don’t need that.
Oh yeah, that is definitely true, I forgot that part… in general, to try to hit the AI opponent with ONLY super hits. This is tough for the rounds you want to get perfects though, but much easier for the rounds you need to lose.
As I mentioned, please watch Chasing Ghosts, which is the prequel to that movie. You will see mostly the same people involved, and at one point they all pretty much shun fighting games altogether and demonstrate a lack of appreciation for what fighting games are about (human-to-human, direct competition-- not beating some high score). Donkey Kong at the highest levels (for high score) seem to have more to do with luck and random factors, in a game rife with stupid hard random punishments. Besides dissing fighting games, those guys also dissed Ms. Pacman. I took that up some months ago and the best I can get is a stage or two past the first final maze. I found a lot more to Ms. Pacman as a game than Donkey Kong. In DK I think I got to a second pie factory stage or something, definitely “tough” but I felt more for random factors than something I messed up.
It’s funny you mentioned a stick actually since i my custom is near finished.
Then you go on to mention that it’s the community you want,sadly that is a pipe dream because that is not the community you have.
The crux of my argument is you earn your skill like anyone who has truly succeeded in anything in life.
You argue for a childish fantasy where everyone gets along and all is happy and well,this is not the place for that it’s a fighting game forum it is about direct competition(i.e. Me being better then you)
I really just did not want to be a dick and say “Learn to play scrub” or “Close this thread as there are already sticky’s addressing this”
The truth is that no one can make you better and the information you need to improve is already out there as well as a matchmaking thread,and do your own footwork like everyone to has succeeded before you has.
That’s simply not true. Take a look around in this thread alone, and you’ll find your view of what the community is (and what it should be) to be in the minority. This entire website is a “pipe dream” for that matter. If you don’t like it, then get out of my community.
Anyone who has truly succeeded in anything in life stands on the shoulders of giants. To not acknowledge this is ignorant at best, and disrespectful.
Again, you fail to allow for the fact that heated competition is possible within the bounds of the game itself and you don’t need to take it outside of the game. When I make my character throw a fireball at your character on the screen, you don’t HAVE to take personal offense, you know. If anything, we have way too much of “me being better than you” outside of our games, of all places (e.g. on these forums), so give it a rest already. Work on making the distinction between relations to people in-game and out-of-game.
Then don’t be a dick. This forum isn’t exactly suffering from too much clutter these days. If you really want to discourage the same question, at least mention the search and don’t insult people with vague terms like “scrub” that everyone seems to have a different definition of.
Again, that is simply not true. I’ve gotten help before that’s improved my game, and I also give help. Pointing him to a matchmaking thread would not have helped answer his question. Even if he chooses to go there, the basic idea is to get better through the help of other people; your opponent is helping you by simply being an opponent in the first place. If you don’t appreciate that, then why are you even playing the game at all?
See here is where we get to the heart of the matter.
First this is My community friend.
Standing on the shoulder of giants?
Designed or modeled after and inspired by true, but not hollowed out for info.
This website was designed for people to share information and it has been shared and the info is there.
All your doing is hand holding and now finger wagging friend.
You then make the argument for gentlemanly conduct between competitors and that is simply a delusional view to blanket everyone under.
You must not have spent any time in an east coast arcade because that is not how it’s done.
I help alot of people improve their game when they come to me and want to play me they dont try and pump me for info as that is disrespectful i earned my skill and it is in no way my job to pat your balls and tell you it will be ok.
Life is and competition are not like that it’s my goal to beat you entirely.
You confuse helpfulness with “hand holding” and the asking of simple questions with “pumping for info”. Like I said: cynical.
Secondly, the reference to how things are done in an “east coast arcade” is an appeal to authority (a debating tactic), and is not relevant in this case since we’re specifically talking about interaction on an online forum.
Not to mischaracterize you, but you almost seem to be afraid of new players and the possibility that they might get better than you.
Quite the contrary friend i appreciate when someone gets their just rewards from hard work.
I was not appealing to a authority but you do not improve this way.
This is not an open exchange of information as this case it is flowing in one direction.
Toddler316, this website was made for the purpose of helping new players improve at street fighter. Somethings, you can’t just be spoon fed. ST is a game where you absolutely NEED experience to play at a high level, as is any game. They aren’t spoon feeding information as much as they are leading him to develop his own strategy (against the CPU). There is nothing wrong with giving information, especially for a site that was designed for that same purpose anyway.
I believe Mr. Wizard even said so on one of his blogs.