Yeah, but I’ll be more than glad to see those players. Anyone who manages to work around that little life in a vs. game has my praise. Not even Red Venom had that little life, and that dude has infinites for days.
It just doesn’t make sense to have such little life, can you imagine what an xfactored character will do to her? Hopefully capcom know what they are doing.
I have an idea:
Hey, brah…brah listen. I’m just sayin’ - bitch got fucked up. Fucked UP!
I got nothing but respect for you guys who use her. But damn…DAMN. You don’t even need hyper to take her out. Just a full ground to full air combo -> OTG with Hulk can take care of her.
I don’t give a fuck if Phoenix has an attack that sends a shock to your opponent’s fightstick, with that little health shit doesn’t matter what her offensive options are. The game is too fast and chaotic to assume that a player can demonstrate perfect defense in the entire match flawlessly.
It seems that other than Phoenix, Zero’s got the lowest health in the game. Phoenix’s health should be only -slightly- lower than Zero’s. I can recognize that Phoenix must have some destructive shit for offensive tools, but her health just seems way too low.
Its funny to see all the people lol’n at her now. Come 2 weeks all those laughs will turn to tears.
I personally Can’t wait!!
edit: it is mad funny to see her did in like 5 hits.
:tup: K, I see your point. I think she’ll turn out to be good, but we’ll just have to wait until the game comes out.
I’m not sure but I think her Phoenix hyper can wall bounce.
- this
If Capcom really spent a LOT of time balancing characters, then they will fix her… just as people here are hoping they balanced out Team MSS.
Except other characters were fixed from builds. Jean’s health is still bad in the actual game…
Didn’t Seth mention before that they may release a more balanced update (or two) after a few weeks of the game’s release, so they could better guage what tweaks may be needed after testing the online community’s response?
I don’t know what kind of drastic tweaks they may implement. A stamina tweak could be possible… yes/no?
To be fair, ground chain into Gamma Crush does like 50-60% on normal stamina characters. Hulk hits like a truck made of fat people on fire.
Granted, Jean has absolutely atrocious health. She also has incredible mobility and a good keepaway game, which becomes fucking stupid once she hits Dark Phoenix.
Safe DHCs, buffering tags, and good “oh god get off of me” assists are going to be paramount for her on point though. I still fear the thought of KFC’d Dark Phoenix. She’s definitely not going to be a pick up and play character though.
Releasing a patch to ‘balance’ things based off of online play in a week or two could be the dumbest thing done, ever, in the Earth’s history.
You want to wait, and see how the community adapts to seemingly “over or under” powered characters. If you start panicking and altering shit every few weeks the game is not going to have any basis.
Keep in mind, Sagat was known to be god tier for quite awhile in vanilla SF4, and we observed a few things. 1) Capcom didn’t patch him, at all. 2) The community found ways to manage against Sagat players. So while he was still top tier, he became a sort of ‘common’ enemy where players shared strats on taking him down. Ultimately making majority of Sagats out there, not really a threat. Even in Vanilla SF4.
Ground chain? That was just standing C into hyper
:wow::clapdos:Hahahah!!! Anyone defending this is delusional. Phoenix needs health. She died in two freaking hits! People are talking about strategy and whatever, but one hyper and poof! We haven’t seen anything impressive from Phoenix or Dark Phoenix much less something to warrant what I saw in this vid.
#1 I love to hear people talk about tiers. Especially in a game they haven’t played. Or barely anyone else for that matter. Most people who immediately bring up tiers only give a shit about whoring the best characters and not learning shit. It’s also these people who are the best to earn rage-quits from because they don’t understand shit and don’t know how to figure shit out.
#2 That video was so worthless. Wow. She can’t take hits. Who the fuck didn’t know that already?
#3 That was a great time to tag in Phoenix. Hell. Why not just have her lead off and stand there while he was at it?
This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:
As soon as something REALLY good is found out about Phoenix, you clowns who were saying “She won’t be worth a crap!” will flock to her like Paris Hilton to a hollywood red carpet.
No way in hell could anyone seriously justify what happens to Phoenix in that video.
That is not enough health for a fast paced game like this. Period.
I can’t wait to one hit kill your asses.
Uh… isn’t that the same move that took out 80% of Thor’s health with lvl 3 X-Factor? And that was without the C hit too. I’m honestly not that surprised.
Fuck that, I’m never flocking to her, unless I suddenly become masochistic.
As for her not taking hits, hahahahaha. SETH…couldn’t take hits. STRIDER couldn’t take hits. AKUMA couldn’t take hits. Phoenix can’t take a gentle breeze or touch.
Going back to my original post: [media=youtube]DhiU4tHuW-I&feature=player_embedded#[/media]!
Interview shows Seth talking about “possible balance patches” though… so maybe they can get away with it if it’s like the inital Day-1 patch or something.
I hope anyone who has frequent this thread isn’t’ surprised by hulk killing her off landing one hit, with all the discussion about ryu killing her in a Magic series to super You’d think nothing would surprise you concerning her getting killed, I can’t think of a character that will do less damage off a magic series… Maybe VJ but that still would kill her.
It be more upsetting if it was trish killing her like that but, really anyone who is planning on playing her at all should already know that anyone that lands a hit and cancels into super is gonna kill jean ANYONE.