I’m probably going to config my button setup like this:
this will depend on if they have assist combinations like qcf+A1A2, and other move sets.
I’m probably going to config my button setup like this:
this will depend on if they have assist combinations like qcf+A1A2, and other move sets.
What is S? It’s called Exchange officially isn’t it? Also I guess this means the ABC (which I thought was a lot easier to read, especially coming from BlazBlue) notation is going away…
I’ve heard it called many things: Exchange, Launch, Air Combo Button and now Special.
This Capcom “how to play” card refers to it as "Air Combo Button"
Interesting how people are going to use this character: Are they going to save they’re Super bar as much as possible and then bring her out? Gonna’ play keep away, use a few supers, then bring her in and suicide rush to resurrect herself and then play keep away? Way too early to say anything if she’s broken or not. But it would seem like you need a character with a good projectile super to take her on when she’s been resurrected.
Playing keepaway with dark Phoenix just dose not seem the best idea to me,I mean time is not on your side.
It actually could be if you want to win by time out.
That’d be hard considering she’s always losing health.
They could keep the two other characters at around 25% health, then bring her out. Of course I hope you can disable the timer in online matches.
lol@ disabling the timer
what do you guys think about Modok/ammy/phoenix team?
well why are you picking them ? how do you plan to play them
I was thinking a MODOK/Ammy keepaway team with Phoenix standalone rushdown. though im worried about meter usage not letting dark phoenix ever come out. I know Ammy has a meter assist but it’s probably not the best option…
No doubt. My best friend always throws a fit if we don’t disable the timer, because he claims this game is “all about the comeback”. Um really? Except it’s a comeback with the timer on. He basically can’t handle my runaway game, so he shuts the timer off, even though I keep telling him that people don’t (usually) play with it off online or (usually) at the arcade, so it’s dumb.
As for Phoenix playing runaway with Dark activated; that’s actually one of the worst sounding ideas because a) as it’s already been mentioned, she’s losing health b) you just blew 5 bars to…not do anything?
I…would not be opposed to that.
No I said phoenix is standalone rushdown and the other two are keepaway >.>
planning to get dark phoenix out from the start is not the best plan , even more so when the other 2 characters have good hypers . phoenix sticks out in the team. not something i would do
phoenix need assist that help her as she folds like paper
Was replying to Louis, should have clarified.
oh I see lol.
and aight…well damn guess I’ll work on finding someone else. thanks
a lot of people think its prob best if you team phoenix with a assist that locks down , so you can rush n mix up and keep your healing field on them
so she’s like strider mk. II?