I like the Healing Hyper more than setting up for Dark Phoenix to be honest…
I just imagined Healing Hyper and lvl3 X-Factor. I bet you wouldn’t be able to see any red health at all. :lol:
Storm + Strider + Psylocke + Totally Spies = Phoneix.
I’m already seeing a number of ways to get in within the video, theoretically, such as a block string involving your projectiles -> teleport - > dive kick, assuming that is safe on block.
With so many elements she seems to have high potential and I can’t wait to get in the lab with her.
Two more things I’ve noticed, but didn’t pay enough attention to: Phoenix can teleport in mid air and [media=youtube]Bj_yVqakxV0#t=2m2s"[/media] seems pretty useless.
Berserker Barrage eats through AG. Some moves will eat through it.
After watching the first of two videos Carpark posted (new info thread), uh yeah…she definitely is a glass cannon. She takes Magneto down to 50% health in what looks like an extremely easy to do and basic combo, then takes off another 40% with a one bar hyper. And her jumping fierce looks almost exactly like the one Storm had in MvC2 but with even more range. Does it really matter that she has no health if she can seriously dish it out?
Yeah, I know that some moves keep the momentum after pushblock, I just never noticed how Berserker Barrage basically puts him right near the opponent.
The only thing that matters are that she can do this and much more, protected by her Level 1 Healing Hyper. - with the right assists, she’ll definitively be a headache.
Though, I wonder if there is some bad side effect of the Force Field~ like toning down her damage and such.
Either way… God, I’m even more hyped than before.
Dude, one of the first things everyone noticed was how quickly she could build meter.
Not really what I meant. Jiggly was saying Phoenix wasn’t worth it because “what happens if someone snaps you in half?”, something which never stopped Strider being top tier in both MVC’s.
PS, teleports and low health wasn’t what made Strider. He was structured around Ouroboros, something that I don’t see in Phoenix at all. Though her ability to gain and spend meter is kinda in the same vein as MVC2 Strider, the way the meter is gained and spent couldn’t be more different.
After seeing that vid I’ll admit Phoenix looks a bit better than I first thought, though the point of those vids are to show what the featured characters are capable of assuming their opponents never block anything. Seem like high damage, low health for Phoenix, though that’s what we’d surmised.
My only criticism is that her play style seems ridiculously obvious. She’s clearly someone you don’t want on point until you have 5 meters. Then when it comes down to phoenix, you play her vanilla, so to speak, until you get Dark Phoenix, then you use level 3 X Factor for some truly ‘Phoenix from the ashes’ shit and spend bars on health regain hyper where appropriate or that combo ender hyper if you have the chance to take em out.
She seems so simple in theory that anyone with half a brain is gonna see what you’re trying to set up and snap that bitch in.
I wouldn’t say overly predictable, since she has good RTSD and zoning from the looks of it, so she can switch up styles. beyond that she has absurd recovery on almost all her moves from the looks of it.
… I think people are way overestimating how easy it is to snap someone in and then kill them.
This. I don’t think that we will be seeing 29 second blockstrings from phoenix any time soon, but we will see.
My only criticism is that people claim that x character is obvious, despite the game itself being yet to be released.
DPh is just a nice bonus. Her Healing Field; coupled with the right team-mates, gives Jean a lof ot potential. Plus, she builds meter pretty nicely.
Her chipping game is at worst, decent (same with the recovery on most of her moves).
Yes. I also don’t agree with “you don’t want on point until 5 meters”. Why wouldn’t you use her until she’s at half life or less before switching her out if the entire point is to use a hyper that requires her to die anyway? If she’s going to die regardless, keeping her out initially just saves the health of your other two characters.
And besides that, the “threat” of five meters can be used to throw people off sometimes when you don’t actually save them, but instead start using them with your other characters in combos – which I still think is still going to be more useful overall. Dark Phoenix looks strong sure, but I wouldn’t be playing Phoenix for that, I’d be playing her for her potential damage outside of that and her mix ups. Plus, the Phoenix attack hyper (1 level) is very damaging by itself too.
Like I said, I was a little too hard on her, she’s not looking as bad as I thought she might now that we’ve seen some actual in-match footage. Still don’t think I’ll be playing her much though, just doesn’t fit my style. Good luck to you guys though.
Does anyone get that feeling that Phoenix might be banned after some months in the lab with this game?
Um, No.
Here I’ll read my post for you.
No one is trying to say anything definitive here.
Yeah because top four in Marvel 2 were banned right?