I can't control it! - The Phoenix Thread

This, she needs to have 5 bars to be viable life wise

she should have a move where she hurts herself for meter, even to the point of killing herself.

Always looked like a cutter.

Didn’t mean to offend. Figured with all the other twisted shit that goes on this wouldn’t be a big deal, but if I offended anyone I apologize. Wasn’t my intent.

What if DPh take 2x damage? :wasted:

And lol hell no my nigga. I was asking how long it took you to come up with that joke. I’m seeing how fast I can come up with witty shit compared to you. Shit was laughs.

Then Phoenix will inherit Roll’s crown and we will have Phoenix tier in MvC3

Oh well in that case…took me about fifteen seconds. Though gems like that from me are rare, but I do have my moments every now and then. :rofl:

I mostly agree, but I do see the potential for Dark Phoenix to get fucked up to the point of being worth the investment, the question is will people be able to figure out ways to keep her alive long enough to take advantage of it. IMO, the mechanics of healing shield are going to be what makes or breaks Jean.

I dont know if anyones brought it up already but if your in DPh mode and you activate X Factor then would that make her health stop decreasing?

Phoenix dies like with in 5 moves… she’s actually more fragile than MVC2 Akuma. It seems like a high risk to use her due to that stamina. :slight_smile:

Haters gonna hate.

I’m a Jean/Phoenix/Dark Phoenix fan. Most people who didn’t like the Phoenix arc didn’t understand the time. She was really one of the first big main heroes to die in the culmination of an arc AND the first Xman to die since Thunderbird AND she stayed dead for a long time.

I’m old school so I loved Scott and Jean. They were meant to be. I do unerstand the Logan thing though.

I’ve NEVER like Scott and Emma. They don’t mesh. They have nothing in common. It started out as a telepathic affair for crying out loud which pretty much means he just wanted a lay and we all know Emma is a whore. Somehow they turned Jean’s death into a love for Emma which in itself isn’t love. He’s just lonely and filling a hole. Writers decidedScott needed a ho on his arm so they made it Emma. The relationship still makes no sense to me to this day.

This Phoenix (MvC3) I am VERY MUCH looking forward to. Looks like she’s got some pretty decent keepaway skills and rushdown to me. I also REALLY wonder about how she takes hits. We’re all basing her taking hits off what Dante did correct? What’s to say the damage wasn’t bumped up just to get DPh to activate? I mean really… how retarded would that be to have 3 hits in a combo kill you? Has anybody considered that maybe her damage input doesn’t get really pitiful until the level hits 5? I really feel like she’s not someone you start off with. I think you start off with a battery and hand off to Jean who starts the life healing until she goes to 5 (if she’s not there already) and then you go in with reckless abandon.

I’m still running her. Ammy/Phoenix/Storm or Viper. I ain’t scared bitch. I ain’t even gonna hide my character select screen. I fuckin’ you over with my elementals. It ain’t Earth Wind and Fire, but you’ll get hurt either way.

This has been THE INVINCIBLE SWORDSMAN saying:

People not liking Scott & Jean/Phoenix are the same people who like the way comics are right now. Where there are no goody-goodys. No boy scouts. No guys who always do the right thing. Well I don’t wanna read comics to watch everybody try to be all badass and kill people. You can’t stand up for truth and justice and not kill/maim only when it suits you. imo of course.

Plus, Jean was in the middle of an backdash - most likely she ate a nice CH from it.

People are way overreacting the character (more negatively than the contrary). Sure, chances are that she’ll be a fad online with a lot of newbies and whatnot - a situation which she’ll be pretty easy to deal. Good Phoenix players, however, will be a different scenario.

Haters gonna hate, though. The more the merrier: I do love pissing people off.

bad posting schtick is bad.

We don’t know if there is a counterhit bonus in this game yet. Also, Jean took a lot of damage from a couple hits from Zero in one video. And Zero has low damage output.

EVERY FG does have any kind of benefit if you land CH on someone. Would be pretty awkward if MvC3 doesn’t.

Well, at least there’s something to lab about once the game is released.

Even with a CH bonus I don’t think she’d be taking THAT much damage unless her health was retardedly low.

Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t recall mvc2 having counterhit bonuses…

Edit: But this isn’t the thread for this discussion, so I’ll just stop…

At 1:02 in the G4 Seth Killian interview video, we see Phoenix (not Dark Phoenix) with one of her Phoenix sigil projectiles (where she places the symbol of the phoenix, and then it turns into a fiery projectile) but, unlike the other times we’ve seen it, this one sat there for at least a second and was much larger, showing that you can likely charge it to delay the firing.

At 1:08 in the G4 Seth Killian interview video, you see a version of the sigil placed on the ground, though the scene cuts away before we can see it fire unfortunately. However, in the [media=youtube]1vC_CDjy01w"[/media], at 1:00, you see her place it, and then it fire and fly up towards the top of the screen, hitting Spencer.

I think it’s likely that depending on what button you press, it changes where the Phoenix is placed, and it can be charged by holding the button before release. However, it’s also possible that only three options can be used for it, as we have yet to see an uncharged ground sigil;

A- place a sigil in the air above her, and it then quickly shoots out. It’s smaller and weaker, but faster to deploy and activate.
B- place a larger sigil in the air above her, which delays before firing. Larger&stronger, with a delay before firing, but takes longer to place.
C- place a larger sigil upon the ground, which delays before firing. Similar to B, but placed upon the ground and flies upwards.

Also at the 0:22 mark in the [media=youtube]1vC_CDjy01w"[/media] we see Phoenix charging her fireball, which causes it to travel much slower and hits 5 times. She does it again at the 0:25 mark, but it only hits 3 times, confirming that you can partially charge it. However she performs it again at 0:27, confirming that fully charged affords 5 hits.

At the 1:18 mark in the G4 Seth Killian interview video, you see her fire the fireball without charging, showing that it’s a single hit when uncharged and much faster moving. At the 0:25 mark in the G4 Seth Killian interview video, you see her fire her charged fireball, and it moves down to home in on Zero’s slightly smaller hitbox. At 1:34 in the G4 Seth Killian interview video, you see her fire a charged fireball at Spencer, and the fireball’s trajectory arcs slightly up to home in on him. At 1:20 in the G4 Seth Killian interview video, you see her fire a partially charged fireball at Zero, which deals 3 hits, and it’s arc is altered slightly downwards, confirming that partially charged fireballs can home.

It’s likely that depending on the level charged, the fireball becomes stronger&slower, and deals more hits. When charged, it also homes. However, given that we have only seen three variations of the fireball, it’s possible that it simply depends on what button is pressed;

A- a faster fireball, single hit, no homing, fastest to fire.
B- a slower fireball, causes three hits and deals more damage, homes in on opponent, takes a bit longer to fire.
C- a slower fireball, causes five hits and is the strongest, homes in on opponent, slowest to fire.


she has three variations of fireball, and three variations of her sigil.

I agree with this whole post 100% some one gets it.

Phoenix is definitely going to be all or nothing–even at high levels. Either the flow will go perfectly and she’ll dominate a match, or it won’t go perfectly and she’ll get smashed. Whoever said she was sort of the spiritual successor to Strider nailed it, IMO.

This is a perspective I never understood. What’s good about putting more negativity into the world for fun?

Don’t knock it until you’ve tried it.