I can't control it! - The Phoenix Thread

X-factor heals you, while Dark Phoenix mode drains it. It’s likely they negate each other.

The more X-Men the merrier :stuck_out_tongue:

She (phoenix) looks OP alright !

worst thread name ever

Not only stops the drain but starts to heal her too… you see the bar move back in the other direction the split second before she goes into her hyper and also just before Dante gets K.O’d. Does X-Factor heal @ different speeds when used with no characters killed?

Her healing super may be the ultimate “Get the fuck offa me!” move. Good to see her resurrection isn’t an automatic get-out-of-jail card. She’s probably sitting on just-below average health. Not even godhood can negate having a va-jay-jay in the crazy fighting world of Capcom.

By powered up I don’t mean just damage but how they look visually, I’ll add that too.

Ever played MvC2? Go back and count how much of the Marvel side consists of X-Men characters. :slight_smile:

Talk about RAM now.

Thread should be “Rise from your grave, and rescue my meter”


this x100

hollly shiiiit. this changes everything. im going iron man phoenix hulk now

I am an X-Men fan but the MU is more than them.

Sure, I’ll take more X-Men reps than more Avengers reps personally but that’s besides the point.

There are still MU factions that need representation ATM.

I doubt it, he just made this AND the Haggar thread, I bet he doesn’t realize how hard it will be to maintain a thread, let alone two he made just to be fucking first.

one side of me says she is broken as hell and the other says nah she has really low health. Either way, she is very interesting. Haggar was revealed too but I didn’t give a shit.

I agree that more MU should’ve been given the chance. Was just pointing out that it’s nothing new for Marvel to favor the X-Men in these games. MvC2 might as well have been called X-Men VS Capcom.

Minotaur, if you cant maintain both threads i’ll be happy to take this one :slight_smile:

Depends on whether you count Deadpool and Mags as X-Men.

Also, the game still has 5 Avengers, 6 if you count the Hulk .

Now that the initial “wow, that’s pretty awesome looking” has worn off, I can’t really think of a reason to ever want to use the Dark Phoenix. You’re basically sitting on five meters just to die in an attempt to frontload as much damage as you possibly can within 10 - 15 seconds. You could have, I dunno…done five seperate hypers and not have had to die in the process. I can see it maybe being useful if she’s your last character alive, or if the damage is tremendous (doubt it’s worth it).

It seems more like an intermediate or below type of hyper that’s very friendly to newer players – you know, those that sometimes forget they are sitting on meters, or die a lot.

Dev - Magneto reps the X-Men franchise and he is currently an X-Men teacher. You know this so come on.

Hopefully this reveal kills Sentinel’s chances.

Ontopic, I’m surprised she doesn’t uses telepathy or teke moves since that’s her trademark. Reserved for Psylocke DLC maybe?

im actually abit confused as to what i would do if i i waas about to kill her and she had 5 bars , that is such a shit position to be in

like as she builds meter again could she d.p then atack then doing a healing field , and keep her out for a large amount of time