I can't control it! - The Phoenix Thread

Now I am excited to play this game. Dark Phoenix is one of the most enigmatic characters in the Marvel universe. Now all we need is an Infinity Gauntlet wielding Thanos.

I am willing to learn. Thanks in advance to all of you on this board. You know a lot. And appear willing to teach.

you must be smokin dat gud dank

Her moveset is like Pyron and Bison popped out a child

Just to be frank everyone should be glad Pyron is not here to watch his daughter. The tourney scene would get stale for this game real fast.:wink:

So anyone know if she can fly?

yea it was in her reveal trailer

If this is the case, then you really could keep recycling the DP over and over, although with some smart or lucky snapbacks, she could be killed before five meters are up. Also, with how low her health is by default, you’re essentially only really raising her stamina for a very short time while upping her damage. The funny thing is, this is almost just like the “Juggernaut powerup” ability I suggested she might have if she was in the game.

As others have said, I’m looking at her as more of a utility character now more than anything where there’s not going to be any one particular strategy that’s the “I win” combination all of the time, and if you focus on always holding back five bars for DP, you’re not really going to progress much. Many seem to be focusing on DP right now just because there are so many unknowns, but even if we knew everything about it, I still highly doubt it’s going to be worth saving five meters every single time. Especially if the chip damage it does is only comparable to Storm’s Hailstorm, despite it’s own meter building potential.

Didn’t we already have that in 1995?

lol @ Phoenix needs more health.

Guess two bars aint enough huh. Plus healing.

Is it just me or does it looklike they made meter buildiing much harder just because of this broad?

I remember now! Thanks for that haha

as mentioned, HF seems to work as long as the opponent is within the bubble, and recovers red health, but unkown if yellow health recovers as well. question is, if phoenix is getting hit while she’s healing (while her opponent is within the bubble), will the damage she eventually takes be the difference between how hard she gets hit and how much she heals?

recycling DPh over and over…

phoenix dies–>DPh–>tag out–>DPh health depletes–>tranforms back to phoenix–>tag phoenix back in with 1 pixel–>DPh AGAIN

…that would be lolworthy. i highly doubt that’ll be possible. her underlying mechanics are a mystery at this point though.

Hmmm I think you have it mixed up. :wink: She most definitely recovers yellow health, and we don’t know about red recovery yet:


in the trailer when she heals, she has approximately 50% yellow health, and 50% recoverable red health. that indicates she was beat up as an assist, then tagged back in to display how HF works.

aaaaaahhhhhh yea right on. Completely missed that.:sweat:

God I love her theme…what little I can hear of it anyways, lol…shit sounds GOOD!


After the teleport she hits zero twice but gets a 10 hit counter, then gets up to 16 hits with the next attack, even though the attacks themselves look like single hit abilities… maybe some sort of special Dark property?

Was covered before, watch this:

In DPH mode all (or most) of her normals also release small fireballs.

This looks like a good time to watch the Phoenix Sagas.

I’d like to take this time to deliver a huge middle finger to Joe Quesada, who did all he could to bury Jean Grey from popularity, and utterely failed…