I can't control it! - The Phoenix Thread

Wesker warz…

I think it will be the opposite as everyone plays her and gets tricked but will find ways around her (like Cable)

What exactly is she doing in this picture? Is this her regular throw, or maybe a command throw? If so, maybe that’s how they decided to implement some kind of telekinesis.

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Et tu Ermac?

Look at post #29

Marvel vs. Capcom 3: Fate of Two Worlds for Xbox 360 - Preview - G4tv.com

Just posted this in the New Info section. (Which I in tern got from Gamefaqs). Some more Dark Phoenix footage, her normals get a huge boost when powered up, apparently.

it’s about time that she was put in a Vs game! XD

We all knew Phoenix has low heath but HOLY FUCKING SHIT, even ZERO takes like half her life in like three hits.

So I see:

  • Her fireball is chargeable. The regular version is fast, the chargeable version is slow but hits 5 times and homes in on the opponent.
  • The extra hits I was talking about duning DP mode are those tiny fireballs.
  • The move at 1:21 looks like a command overhead.


I don’t see it, I watched the whole movie like 5 times and Zero does his 3 hit sword slash (standing C?) for like 15% and a 5 hitting Ryuenjin for like 25% of life. That’s Chun’s health pretty much.

So basically all of her normals will do chip damage in Dark Phoenix mode. Jokes.

what the fuck this bitch is instant S-tier. her normals shooting projectiles like she got the reality gem

Rose says sup too. That’s my favorite throw of hers to use, it just reminds me of Ermac. Shits kew

Re: Dark Phoenix
Yall niggas already noticed that her health is constantly draining when she’s in DP mode right?
Just checkin.

Any team I see online that has Phoenix on it, that bitch is first to die. I’m not dealing with that Dark Phoneix bullshit if I can help it.

Yeah, that might really be the matchup that finally teaches me to use snapbacks, cause I NEVER use those.

Actual match Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Haggar and Phoenix Gameplay Video in High Definition ? G4tv.com

It’s already been shown that X-Factor negates that. And I’m still wondering if she can use Healing Field while powered up.

Aww, she says “Scott…” during her crumple KO.

Too bad Scott loves Emma now! Ha… that was mean.

I wonder if there’ll be any recovery frames on resurection… Maybe you’ll be able to catch her with some 0-1 frame command throw super as she transforms?

Phoenix was MAHVEL before Marvel was MAHVEL. This is the first time I explicitly wanted a character to be broken. And not broken by design, either.

I’m thinking that as soon as she transforms throwing out giant ass beam hypers that she’ll have to block…if nothing else, it’ll keep her locked down for a bit while her health drains.

she start matches off with 5 meters nice…

First message here, just had to say Haggar punching Zero into light orbs was incredible! Lol!!

Is Capcom high?