I’m on a one week vacation because the wife went to her parents with the kids and im being able to surft the net at night now for a lot longer. The thing is that I’ve been playing super turbo since the good old days in the arcade and i never stoped playing it even if it was only against my brother or a few friends that lived close by. We still get together and play every now and then.
I just discovered this whole fighting game scene thing and i have to say im very happy to see that this good old game is still getting so much exposure as we speak.
I dont know how many more sites there are but there are 3 (excluding srk) that seem to promote ST the most.
Awesome library of matches and reference videos from youtube, with stats on how good or bad a matchup is. I’m not sure if the site is still being updates with ST videos but there is enough info in there to last anyone a few months of learning matchups.
Really cool work done to the character movesets in a way that looks very organized. I love the fact that they showcase good players so people can look for them and play online or local. They also seem to be going to keep people posted on all news related to ST and that makes it very much worth checking out.
My personal favorite of all my findings is this one. They do cover sf4 as well but their ST guide has got to be the most revealing and complete when it comes to perfoming the most difficult moves in the game. I never for example had a clue how to do super cancels or Deejay’s MGU, rendas, proper reversal timing etc. It’s all in there and not only in text, but video of the arcade stick in POV(point of view) and slow motion afterwards.
Special mention goes to the super turbo saturday videos that i just watched earlier!
Congratulations to all these websites and their owners, please keep up the great work!!
If anyone knows any other sites that still actively post ST material please post them here.
fighter101 is the shiznits man… defiantly agree, sfdojo is like my notebook for good and bad match ups that i use on reg basis when i play ggpo online lol
Dont forget the nohoho blog:
Fighter101.net is also my favorite of the current sites working on ST material, and grandmasterchallenge looks like it has potentiall if they start adding some tutorials.
Awesome guys, keep the links coming!
I found this one that contains art from all sf2 games.
It is great that ST is still here, but I find it quite believable. The comparison to any other fighting game that’s being played today makes it clear.
There is a list of links in this thread. The list of links at the ST Wiki has also been updated.
That is a fantastic post by the OP. :tup:
That fighters101 site is cool, AND it’s built with Joomla! so it’s even better.
Maybe if all these sites keep supporting ST there will be more tournament promoters looking to get ST more involved.
Count me in to help out promoting ST and the sites that actively support it!
btw i just voted in fighter101.com poll on which is the best SF series… you already know i voted for SF2! gotta show some love on one of the most influential fighting games ever!! SF4 is currently voted the most at the moment
SF4 ahead of SF2 is the same as Guns n Roses ahead of Maiden or Purple.
LOL oldschool, true that. I like sf4 but sf2 is and will always be the best.
more like ol school jordan on lebron imo…XD
And it’s no surprise that the EX series are last in the poll 
EX is such a horrible train wreck its not even funny. I love the cvs games though and their are above mvc in the poll but below sf3.
I hope the next old game to be relaunched with online is CvS2!
I’ve been a big supporter of F101 almost since it started about 2 years ago. It’s also very cool to see this new site grandmasterchallenge helping ST stay in the radar.
Ex is better than SF4. Yeah, I said it. I can throw a hadou and expect a hadou move. I can do a SRK and expect the results a SF2 SRK would give. Yeah, they sort of screwed the tatsu, but that’s different throughout the series already. I can do a fricking normal and expect the usual crap whether I hit or block. In SF4, I can’t. What screws the EX series is the hit-confirm BS. Oh, wait: that’s in SF4 too.
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