Yeah, yeah, get the laughter out of the way first.
More specifically, I play Dee Jay and this is supposed to be an easy match for him, right? Well, it isn’t. I always hear people saying to zone her out, which doesn’t even remotely work for me. My greatest success comes from trying to rush her down instead, which still doesn’t work real well, as you might expect.
This, by far, also, is the match I’m worst at. I do okay against everyone else in the game, and the people I regularly play are not really exceptionally skilled Cammy players. There is - or must be - something I am apparently doing entirely wrong against just her, and I don’t know what it is. As it stands, this is my most infuriating matchup in the entire game, because I am constantly getting my ass handed to me by her for apparently no goddamned reason whatsoever.
Like all the women in ST you need to play dirty against them when using DJ as its tough otherwise.
There are no key tactics in this matchup to be honest.
Its a deceptively tricky matchup because so few people have a good cammy, so the loses you expereince are possibly due to a lack of matchup.
I would say to try and catch her out with an upper cut kick, then start the dirty process of a cross up, crouching medium punch, trip, throw whatever you can.
Its just one of those mathups that will feel scrappy, its why I hate fighting Chun Li with DJ, it just feels so messy and slightly relieving when the game is over.
Sorry I can’t be of more help, but DJ has some matchups where he has no definitive method for winning and I think this is one of them.
Keep it basic, look for the knock down and cheap as much as you can or you will lose.
My experience against Cammy in this matchup has also been limited, but here’s what I know.
In certain situations, cr. strong beats or trades with drill. I am so far unable to do it consistently though. Most Cammy’s I play like to repeatedly poke with that cr. mk, so get a feel for when they do it, and punish with a short sobat, since it will clear the kick and score a knockdown, which pretty well puts the ball in your court.
If you find that they do a spinning backhand through your maxouts, use standing fierce as a fake-out, and then hit her with your choice of knock-down attacks when she’s vulnerable.
Be vigilant in looking for those Hooligan attempts. If they’re smart, they’ll only toss them out occasionally, at points in their block-strings where they usually do something else, hoping to catch you off-guard. If you keep your eyes peeled for it you can stop it cold very easily with upkicks, standing jab–pretty much whatever you like.
Be careful what attacks you commit to. Things that you can risk whiffing against most of the cast at certain ranges will be unsafe against Cammy, because her footspeed will carry her into range much more quickly than you’re expecting.
Most of all, if you have the advantage, press it hard. You can beat Cammy in just about any situation, but if she works up her pressure game, she can keep you guessing, and that’s almost certainly where you lose. If you can keep her reacting to you, then she won’t get comfortable enough to start putting the pressure on you.
A huge part of your zoning game against her should be using the anti-air trip with the tip of your cr.MK when she jumps from semi-far away. None of Cammy’s jumping attacks have particularly great horizontal range; even something like her j.HK doesn’t reach as far as you might think. So you have a lot of wiggle room when using your cr.MK and don’t have to be too precise with your positioning to get her to land on it.
She eats the knockdown, and then you can (often) throw a meaty fireball on top of her as she’s standing up. This pushes her back, makes her take chip damage, and resets your zone.
The cr.MK is also important because it gives you a mobile anti-air. For example, there are times when you might just want to walk backwards to establish some distance from her. Now, DeeJay’s HP fireball has a lot of mustard on it – he’s about tied with Ryu for the fastest fireball to a half-screen distance. So all the while when you’re backing away from Cammy, you’re threatening to rip off a fireball in her face very quickly if she tries to pursue you on the ground. Most opponents are aware of this, and many get fidgety and will try to jump at you in this situation. (Maybe they think it’s safe because you’ve given up your down-charge for upkicks.) But now you can simply anti-air trip her.