
Did some random fan art. Tell me what you think. Thanks. :slight_smile:

I freakin love it!! You got some real talent, thanks a million.

not bad.

Thanks! I don’t mind if you use it as your avatar, but could you please ask first next time. Also give me credit in your sig please. :slight_smile:

The first thing I thought of when I saw it was that I had to get it. I forgot to ask first, my bad. And yea, I will put you in my sig as the creator. If you make more of Ibuki I would love to see them, and yes… I will ask before I use it :slight_smile:

NP, I have some stuff coming up. Friend me. :slight_smile:

It looks cool. I don’t know if this was intended, but the lettering actually dominates the picture. It’s kind of hard to read her face. Maybe if you brought out the lightness of her face and toned down the lettering, it would be a more successful piece. Great stuff though.

^Thanks, Ill keep that in mind.