master akuma:
What. On. Earth.
Worst commerical ever.
Sonic Boom xx Super Flash Kick
Okay, at first I though it couldn’t be done and kind of dismised it, but after actually sitting down and messing around with it I found it can be done and is a lot simpler than you might think… Bear in mind though when I say simple… I mean complicated.
Good? Okay. When I first tried it I deemed it couldn’t be done over two factors, one I couldn’t do it and two, the activation for a Sonic Boom was f. and not d/f. But after a while thiking of the only other real form of Super Canceling in Street Fighter, 3rd Strike, I remembered using half circles in Charge Super Cancels.
The only way you can do this is off charging d/b as you need to charge both the Sonic Boom and Super at the same time. From here you need to do a half circle forward, passing down forward which is the second command of the Super, and activate your Sonic Boom.
Now from here you have to be quick, I’ve found two methods which are useful, one being more effective (for me) than the other. The first is to instantly do a full circle backward (think of standing 360) hitting kick at up forward, or, returning to neutral and manually hitting down back, up forward and kick.
Now, I actually find the second easier to pull off than the first, but both work so it should be cool. At first I concidered doing a 540 from charge which should work by the way, but if you’re inconcistant with 720’s like me you’ll find it a lot harder to do because it will have to be fast!
Another thing which I found hard was canceling the combo off a The recovery on the Strong makes it very akward to time, it’s possible but it may take some trying. Anyway keep at it and enjoy adding Super Canceling to your Sonic boom Combos.
[:db:], :d::df: :r: + :hp:, :r::df::d::db::l::ub::u::uf: + :hk:
[d/b], hcf+p, 360/b+k
[:db:], :d::df::r: + :hp:, :db:, :uf: + :hk:
[d/b], hcf+p, d/b, u/f+k
P.S. You can also Flash Kick xx Super Flash Kick with Charlie
It’s been a while since I tried this cancel…
If the super canceling is anything like it was in SFZ3 on the Sega Saturn (World Tour, ISM Plus), I was able to charge :db: and excecute the sonic boom by pressing :df: + :p: . Considering that I had already completed 1/2 of the input for the super, the only thing left to do was go :db: , :uf: + :k: to complete the super. Can’t remember how effective this cancel was, but it sure was fun to do. This cancel can also be done with anyone with any charge character with a super with that type of input (Claw Vega, DeeJay, Charlie).
DISCLAIMER #1: It’s been a while since I’ve played, plus the effectiveness of the cancels are up for debate, (but they’re good for show). The Vega cancel is good for confusion if used correctly.
Since I’m on the topic of effective super canceling, Zangief can cancel his 360 + :k: with his FAB. What makes this so effective is that it offers scrubs like me an alternate way to execute the super besides the standard jump-in attack, empty jump-in, or the wake-up. Even if your opponent attempts an attack, you can make use of Gief’s brief window of invincibility to land the super. Heck, if you want to walk the whole course of Gief’s command grab, you can. Just add the 720 degree turn before the walking animation ends, or before you get hit. (May also work with Sodom as well.)
DISCLAIMER #2: I’ve only tried this on the SS/DC versions of ZFZ 3 with a Lv. 32 X-ISM Zangief, and that was a while ago.
I tried and I don’t think you can activate a SB with d/f.
Huge thanks man, I just updated the first post with all those Dip Switches options stuff, now just a question:
What mean exactly with these: Zero 2? Zero2’? Alpha 2? Zero 3 Upper? Zero 3 double Upper?
I know that in Japan they Call Zero, and in Europe + USA we call Alpha, but in this PS2 version we have the normal versions and alternate versions of Zeros/Alphas, right?
Can you tell wich versions are wich? is Zerp 3 Upper an alternate (the hold select + O versions)?
Can you please clear this out? once again many thnaks for all those Dip Switches info :tup:
Fell free to let me know if you find anything wrong in the first post.
The four Street Fighter games in the collection are:
Street Fighter Zero
Street Fighter Zero 2
Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha
Street Fighter Zero 3
Once you beat these games, you can access alternate versions for 3 of them by holding select when selecting the game you wish to play.
So Street Fighter Zero 2 becomes Street Fighter Alpha 2; Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha becomes Street Fighter Zero 2 ’ and Street Fighter Zero 3 becomes Street Fighter Zero 3 Upper.
Street Fighter Zero 3 Double Upper is the name of the PSP game which has Ingrid, Yun, Maki and Eagle among the cast.
My dip switch post has been updated. Please update accordingly, master akuma.
You need to change A3 Arrange in the dip settings for it to become Upper.
Akuma can sc his teleport into raging demon.
I’m still confused about the CC issue in HSFZ. I was unable to do any sort of CCing in this mode, and then you said you could easily. Then people said it was because of a dip switch, but I’m not seeing the dipswitch for it in your post for HSFZ, unless its also the 16th star like for SFZ3 arranged/
For Hyper Street Fighter Zero, the crouch cancel dip is the 16th star on the top row. To enable crouch cancel, this star must be off.
Dip switch post has been updated.
I just added that into the first post (it makes much more sense now)
More dip switch options added thanks to Middlekick.
Middlekick: I updated the first post with the info that you posted here:
btw: do you know if we can make or put the Oricom in one single button in Zero 2/ Alpha 2 games?
Oricom: CC
Thanks for the info man.
But the CC’s are limited to only a few reps right? A player was also remarking that CCs in Hyper Mode are harder to do because if you hit neutral state for just a fraction of a second, the combo dies. He said that A3 arcade version was alot more forgiving.
^^in answer to this, V ism characters have genuine CC inf’s that can be combo’d into. (green) S-ism characters also have CC inf’s but they have to be caught on counter hit or from a flip, in other words they can’t be combo’d into. If you combo into them the opponent automatically flips after around 8 hits. There are other CC inf’s in hyper but as far as I can tell they all follow the (green) s-ism rule I just mentioned.
Also i’d say CC’s in hyper are pretty much identicle to A3. The timing seems to be just as forgiving.
ergh, having 3 threads for this game is no good.
That makes a lot of sense, thanks for clearing it up. For some reason I always thought that CC’s can only be done in V-ism mode.
No. A3’s crouch cancel infinites are completely intact.
SaBrE was referring to VCs, not crouch cancels.
He meant that VCs are a lot more forgiving when performed against characters who are able to air-recover, because a: unless the oppoenent on the receiving end of a VC watches like a hawk for the VC to fail so as to escape (which he or she should), even if you fail your VC - timing-wise - and reach a neutral state the opponent can still be juggled; and b: in the case that the opponent does air-recover, some characters have to ability to reset the VC for even more juggle damage - even though situations like this are more common in the corner. This cannot happen against the A1, A2, CE or Classic characters.
Thanks for clearing that up. But to clarify, VC’s still work the same versus A3 characters right? If so, what about if they choose any of the new Isms?
Kinda noob question but, is Yun or Ingrid in any of the million versions this game has?
^No, PSP Max.