I found this awhile ago, but I forgot to share it. Do you know how many options an Air S on incoming characters covers (haven’t touched the game in awhile, but I think it works better if you’re facing a wall)? It’s easy to block, but assuming you use it sparingly (fanatiq does something similar with Sent), you have a variety of choices available to you depending on what your opponent does.
Air S on incoming characters:
- they block it and you’re safe.
- they push-block it and you get a free air throw since it acts as a guard break. All you need to do is dash up and cancel that into a jump immediately after you land. This will take a tiny bit of practice, but I assure you it is incredible easy.
- or (best case scenario) they get hit and you get a free combo. In the case that you’re already in the habit of jump canceling your dash after landing just start the combo with Air L.
It’s a single move that essential covers 3 options and it’s REALLY easy to hit-confirm.