Hulk vs

Can the same be said against Arthur? I feel like once you get in on Arthur, he’s dead instantly…

I played Arthur from day 1, I am convinced he cannot win at high level. My original team was arthur/dormammu/hulk. Arthur DIES (not loses, DIES) to wolverine (his berserker slash goes through all projectiles) and anybody with a teleport. If Arthur had a dash, I wouldn’t have had to drop him for Taskmaster, who’s WAY better IMO. Arthur has no dash but seriously dies to super jumps. He has to constantly guess right, but remember, all you have to do is guess right once (with Hulk).

Ok I have a friend who plays for the most part tactically. Frame Counting and all of that. He doesn’t do what’s flashy or varied, but he finds one path that works and usually thats just all there is to it.

I usually play Dormammu/Taskmaster/Hulk, but i’ve had to swap out for Shuma, and I can get around almost all of his BS.
But he tends to get into a mode of complete dick-in-butt. Sits back and samurai edge… That’s it. Over and Over I had to swap Hulk out because whenever I bring him out, I am faced with literally 20 Samurai Edge shots. I can get a Tsunami in edgewise, or maybe punch a bullet with Standing M into Gamma Change H > L, but…

Any ideas?

[Not that it’s much difference, but this is his strategy for most of my other teams. I sit and rack my mind thinking of solid ways to get past this “technique” but I’m asking for help. Not complaining about spamming, which it debatedly may be, but looking for anyone who’s had similar problems.]

@courte I’m no expert but if you have Shuma with Ray assist and Hulk you should be able to just zone with Wave and Ray assist. I’m sure you could do the same with Task Arrows and Dorm Darkhole but I don’t play them. That should make him extra butthurt if he is sittin back.

EDIT: Anyway to stop DPh flying fireball shit? or get in somehow?

I haven’t discovered a truly satisfying solution to Dark Phoenix, but a few things:

If she’s superjumping and spamming fireballs, you have enough time while she’s charging up the move to Gamma charge cancel into Gamma Crush under her from the other side of the screen. That’s a dead Phoenix.

Thanks but you misunderstand… it is all he does. that is it. Samurai Edge. morning noon and night. wake up=samurai edge. Got a free minute=samurai edge.

…What does Samurai Edge have to do with Dark Phoenix? o_O

A little bit off topic here, but Arthur with a projectile assist is like, impossible for Hulk. He can use’s Shuma’s Mystic ray to cover the air with ease, making s.J’s a non option. Or he can use a beam assist to cover the ground while goes Air with the Axe. Also I’m not sure what game you are playing if you think Taskmaster can zone better then Arthur.

:h: Gamma Wave timed right will cause an early explosion on Pineapple Surprise, and catch Deadpool when he lands. But timing is real strict. As for Sentinel…

vs. Stoopid Robot (Sentinel)

For those of you who didn’t play against Sentinel in Marvel vs. Capcom 2, there’s one Achilles Heel to the Titanium-Alloyed Titan…Lack of Good Anti-Air. He NEEDS an Anti-Air assist to be completely effective. Meaning Hulk has a way in, but it’s not easy. If you’re facing a Keepaway Sentinel (which most likely you will be), Super Jump into the air. And just as you’ve started your descent, do air :h: (Gamma Clap), then come down with air :s:. Gamma Clap momentarily pauses Hulk in the air, which will throw off Sentinel if he tries to counter with his launcher. The air :s: allows you to easily combo him. If you’re to close for a super jump, then jump-cancel dash in with an empty jump. Sentinel will most likely respond in two ways.

  1. Launcher.
  2. Crouching :m:

Hold down-back when coming down to block both attacks, and counter with SMASH (standing :h:). As for Sentinel’s spams, approach 'em like this. Block his beams, Jump-Cancel Dash over Rising Sentinel Force, and Super Jump over Falling Sentinel Force, and try to get a cross-up hit with air :s:. Also, try to stay at least 3/4 of the screen away from Sentinel if you can’t get close. This brings him in range for Hulk’s Gamma Crush, which absolutely PUNISHES Hyper Sentinel Force since it’s invincible on the way up.

Most important thing though is to get in and make your combos count. Don’t try to wait out Sentinel, because even without assists he still does some of the best chip damage in the game.

Wesker’s counter hyper can counter Hulk’s gamma crush, anyone feels this is stupid? because it’s not a real physical move, he comes down with a meteor for Hulk’s sake

Yeah it’s pretty silly.

Anyone have any tips vs trish or wesker.

Taskmaster can shoot directly into the air above him. You can get in on arthur much easier than Taskmaster, assuming the char knows what he’s doing. Arthur has holes in his offense, you can get in on him. He dies to teleport chars and wolverine and all Hulk needs to do is hit him once in the corner, dead. Arthur is annoying but he can be beaten for sure

I was surprised when I saw that too lol, was like… whaaaat ?. Gamma Crush is great for getting in on a lot of other characters Supers though. Ammy for sure when she does the Okami Shuffle randomly, it’s like GG. Also works good on Dante, when he turns his back for the final shot of the gun super… GAMMA CRUSH !.

It is stupid…but then again, I never needed the Gamma Crush against Wesker.

vs. Puny Wesker!

There are two things you need to remember with Wesker, Stay Close & Stay Aware. Wesker may be one of the most powerful fighters in this game, but his vitality is a dream to Hulk users. Two of the Gamma Giant’s BnB combos puts the “Good Doctor” to sleep. First off, watch his speed. Using Hulk’s SMASH (standing :h:) recklessly is a quick way to put Hulk out of commission. Instead, substitute with AA Gamma Charge :h:, which has much better recovery. Save the SMASH for when Wesker tries his Teleporting tricks to get close, and even then see if it connects before going for the Launcher. Most of Wesker’s Special Moves aren’t really lethal when just thrown out there, but Samurai Edge is a reason you need to stay close. Being full-screen away from him is giving him an invitation to spam the move, and Gamma Wave isn’t fast enough to duel against it. In fact, this would be the best case for Hulk having a Beam Assist, as it can strike back at Wesker and give Hulk enough time to Jump-Cancel Dash closer, forcing a change of strategy.

As for Maximum Wes–er, I mean “Phantom Dance” (=P), Hulk’s SMASH CAN absorb the first hit & stop the Hyper Combo cold. But it’s quickness makes it too risky to try unless your absolutely sure he’s coming with the move. Rhino Charge is lethal to the Hulk, as it stops any physical attack (including the Gamma Crush). So avoid the air:h: & air:s:, and don’t be afraid to go for empty jumps. You could bait him into using Rhino Charge, which you can counter with Gamma Tornado xx Gamma Tsunami. Just block low when you land, Wesker’s low attacks are some of the quickest in the game. As for Lost in Nightmares, try to jump away once you see it activated.

Basically though, like I said, just stay close & stay aware. Wesker has a LOT of tools to Punish Hulk’s mistakes, but as the old saying goes “He can dish it out, but can’t take it.”

The only characters i have trouble with are zoners: Dormammu, Doctor Doom, Dante, Arthur (depends on opponent skill).

Any advice Vs. zone?

I have trouble with Dormammu players spamming quick projectile assists (magneto), Doctor Doom… then using purification

Could check my first page post on Dormammu :slight_smile:

What to do against Sentinel with Dr doom missiles? that keeps spamming his spit?

I am new to shoryuken but I’ve been lurking and reading up on hulk. I have been experimenting with stuff online and I found that tron users who abuse her J.h(I still need to learn the jargen for MvC) can be stopped with hulks S.M and when you do that it seems to make tron users scared to just jump in carelsessly. Also a haggar who just jumps and drops the pipe can also be knocked out of it with hulks S.M

The only characters that give me trouble are wesker, deadpool, and dark pheonix. Wesker mainly because his dam gun can stop anything hulk attempts. Deadpool because he has insane zoning and getting near him is a pain to deal with. Now dark phoenix is well she is dark freaking phoenix and is just a power house.

Yeah deadpool is cheap. There I said it lol