Midscreen [works better with cornered victims, but works mid-screen]
This was in the crush list I made. It was kinda easy to miss, and I didn’t elaborate enough on it, so here it is again.
Call BH~ immediately hard gamma-charge, wait alittle, activate, hold forwards, done. You want to have the inferno on the ground before it goes vertical when Hulk goes vertical so Hulk hit’s first. This means you can…
-Combo into it off a dashjump lk, mk, land dlk, dmk…
-Tag in, Call BH, Gamma charge as above, crush.
-Airthrow, hk on the way down, call BH, gamma charge, etc…
Works on most of the cast, but has serious stability issues with some characters that either force certain timing adjustments, or make it impossible. It works on the entire top tier, but Magneto is kinda hard to get right. Doesn’t work on Sakura for some reason.
Combos with BH on point:
=[requires 3 levels…]
Dlk,Call Hulk, dmk, sj cancel, [sj hk, airdash back, sj hk, hold forwards, land]x2 land just close enough that if you engage the triple, Hulk will lift them for the float effect. If your third character’s super is something that the victim will land on and be held for a double crush [Jin-beta, Sentinel, Capcom-b, Cyclops-b,] or sets up the triple team super well by holding them for Hulk [Ironman-b is an example this is likely to kill something…]
Corner: nj hp, land, call Hulk, sj hk. if they…
-block, they fall on the gamma charge and get launched into the hk.
-guardpush, they eat the hk and get infinited
-take the hit, nj hp and a hulk assist both combo depending on timing and preference with his sj hk, so the get infinited anyways.