Hugo's superjump to do standing 720

it should read (b, db, d, df, f, b, db, d, df, f, b + punch) , that is how i do standing 720… i think my last post was not too clear…
of course it has to be done quickly

the same thing can be used for 360… b, db, d, df, f, b + punch

or u can go b, f, df, d, db, b + punch… this is what i do when i anticipate a move to parry, then 360

this way u won’t jump at all since no up command is entered, and u have until the last joystick input (b in this case) to decide whether or not to press punch to do the move

i used to play on american sticks and that is where i learned how to do this… and now that i play on jp sticks it’s much easier to do… but it’s prob just because i’ve played more and gotten used to the jp sticks

but i think standing 720 is something that has to be shown in real life to someone for them to see how it works… hard to just post and type up the commands… of course u still need to decide when to do it in a match :cool:

f…k i gave up no matter what i try that shit still dont work… d,db,d,df,f, b,db,d,df.f,b+p=720…:wtf: :wtf: :lol: no fucking WAY…:frowning: :frowning: :frowning:

No real easy way of doing it. Try doing a short then 720 or dash then 720. Parry into the 720. As far as doing the 720 you just need to practice . I can’t do it consistently but others can. Just roll the stick really really fast.

Learning standing 720 is a nice trick to add to your arsenal, because of your ability to do 720 easier now it can help your general 720 setups.

I have noticed a lot of people don’t use 720 reversals, it is rather effective in general game play and can be a lot easier to pull out than your usual standing 720(because you get time to do most of the 720 input in while you’re in blockstun).

for example:
block shoto:

  • close>gigas reversal
  • close>s.hp(or just s.hp)->gigas reversal

generally it doesn’t have to be a reversal… you can just play it safe and wait then gigas, but that block stun can be a big help=]

simple yet effective.

spin the stick really fast its almost insane how fast you have to go i feel like taking away a year of durability off my stick. the motion is :hcb: :ub: :u: :uf: :hcb: its that motion with rapid fire input

I think the question is: Why the hell should Gigas be used in the first place. I mean, Hammer Frenzy can be easily comboed into, and it does really good damage and stun.

damage and fear my friend… damage and fear.

It’s a shame that you’re probably never going to actually be able to land a Gigas due to that fear, since they’ll be playing keep away. If you use something less intimidating such as Hammer Frenzy, they won’t be so prone to rune the hell away from you. Anyways, you can always hit confirm a Hammer Frenzy from a crouching jab or Giant Palm Bomber, which means the damaged is essentialy guarenteed, unlike with Gigas where not only is it practically impossible to land due to its non-existant range and its practically impossible to do without jumping motion, but also that once you’ve done it, hit or miss, the only way you have to possibly do big damage for the rest of the match or future matches is to pressure your opponent into allowing you to tick some Moonsault Presses. Nay, the ungodly amounts of damage done by Gigas is just not worth the cost.

Gigas is hard to land but definately not impossible like you suggest. And it’s not like anyone could land jab/palm -> hammer frenzy every round. I’m not saying 1 super is better than the other but I think it’s best if a Hugo player could use both and mix them up.

first off there is no shortcuts in doing a Tachi Gigas, it is very very hard at first, I can do it in training mode but when i try in Vs. I have never got it out and its getting very frustrating, anyway if you wanna practice it try this first, just do a normal 360 but doing this:


practice that and try to do it very fast get used to putting that input in, i have noticed sometimes in myself anyway that when I try for a Tachi i get like a muscle spasm and miss a direction obviously in my head it feels like i did it correctly but obviously not if it hasnt come out.

anyway practice that and if you can get out 360 doing the way i mentioned above like 90-100% of the time then go for 6321478963214
really fast and you have a Tachi Gigas!! enjoy.

I have been reading the hugo threads as I am tryin desperately to do a tachi gigas. I have done one once but its just…once! i aint tried this method but was just wondering, does it work? It seems much easier but i havent heard of this method of doing a tachi. gigas.
And another thing: if a hugo does a gigas on an opponent who, before the super freeze does not jump/punch…etc, that is just stands there, are you guaranteed a gigas? If the opponent holds up during the freeze, will you still get them? All help appreciated.

Well… i can do it but so far in training mode say like 5 out of 10 tries, however in game its a little different but i do mine in a different motion to his. Take your num pad for instance i do mine from P1 side 6321478963214 + P right on 4 has to be frame perfect.

Also as for the character jumping just before freeze then he can jump, however if the super frame sequence starts (freeze) and then they try to jump they will get caught because it takes 3 frames quickest to jump and 5 frames slowest, Gigas comes out at 1 frame so yeah that answers your question.