Hugo match up

Ehh, he could have been taller.

lol fireballs and
if he runs at you, ex.tatsu

I am thinking of W-Ultra maybe being a solid choice in that match up. U2 to tag on dmg if you hit angled fireballs and U1 to counter ex runs similar to Rog. But in the end it may does not matter anyway, as the match is pretty advantageous anyway, if there is a 7:3 for Gouken it is certainly Hugo…

Btw, why a new thread?

We have a thread for each character. Figured it was about time we got around to making ones for the new Ultra characters.

But Reipin did already and they contain several posts…

VS Hugo
VS DeKappa

Being that
1)They were not linked to the Master Match Up thread and they were not mine, I made new ones
2) They, not being linked to the mentioned thread, went missing. This way, they can be found and accessed from the stickied thread.

I linked the new one after Climaxter brought it to my attention… As far as the other guy’s post. (Wasn’t intentional lol)

ok,so …

vs hugo on CH, has alot of trouble linking to the weaker tatsus and possible more things. I may test more in lab but idk

FYI, upclose EX Flip avoids both Hugo’s Ultra’s.

As if the big dude needed it any worse in this matchup. He’s already very susceptible to quick air Tatsus, which are hard on him to block properly and usually taking more than the normal single hit.

One thing I’ve run into is that a Hugo that is more familiar with the matchup will use Meat Squasher over Lariat, so if he shows signs of that, neutral jump when he runs in for that beefy punish and make him mix it up a bit, which you should be able to exploit with EX Tatsu or U1.

^ ex Tatsu or Ultra him simply Bc you saw him run at you, why wait?

doesn’t he look different in the run throw than the run punch? if you spot the throw rather than the punch, you can get more damage with your 1exbar via a jump punish than an ex.tatsu.

IIRC he has to block all diagonal attacks with holding back, basically all air attacks hit him as overhead when crouching, might have been patched out idk…

EDIT: ok so if your point blank or further back and within a specific range …these attacks work like overheads for gouken diag back jump lp, hp, hk when hitting him well on the front side no where close to ambiguous

Ever play a smart Hugo? It’s not so easy. There’s two levels here. Shit and gold. I’ve played two Hugos that gave me work. The rest were cannon fodder. The good ones walk right through your fireballs with claps and that armor elbow. When Hugo is near you, you better not use any slow moves like st.hp. Oh, and armor elbow eats air tatsu unless you can do the instant version. His cross up mix up is not as good as gief but its enough, and he combos to u2 very easily. Find a good Hugo and play for a bit.

I’d agree a hugo that knows the matchup and knows when to make a couple high risk hard reads will bring it down from a 9/1 to a 6.5/3.5.

I’ve played the top few PC hugos a few times, and they can make the matchup fun.

using varying tiny delay on your fireballs and lots of mp.fb can make it much harder for him to clap/elbow your plasma.

with air tatsu, if you are gonna do it, use mk and place it so that your 2nd hit will crossup, that should beat elbow. don’t use hk air tatsu, because you’ll get punished on hit if he just takes the first hit.

I find canceling into lp.palm in footsies is real good here.