HUDless training sessions?

So, while playing in casuals last night, we decided on going HUDless for a few rounds. While my comrade complained of lack of UI interfering with his playing (Shrugs) I found it an intriguing experience, and have been training and playing matches HUDless for the last hour or so. I feel it definitely took my focus away from actively worrying over how much health I had left(Which while I see the importance of knowing, I worry TOO much about it.), and more on cues and spacing. (I also found out, it basically disables the announcer, too. o_o)

Has anyone else tried this? Was it effective for you? I feel I should stick with this, at least as another way to practice.

never tried. definitely sounds interesting.

here’s the problem I foresee. Imagine Sakura vs Zangeif. If you train hudless, you begin to lost track of cost/benefit. Zangeif will feel like he’s getting his butt kicked, because he’s getting hit 3 times as often…because he doesn’t have that health reminder that his hits are more powerful. HUDless will encourage fast attacks that hit, even if they do very little damage. Also all trades will appear even trades.

how much worrying about remaining life totals is too much? i think life differential and meter amounts should factor into pretty much every decision you make…

Definitely seeing improvement. Had 40 rounds HUDless yesterday evening, dominated my opponent 32-8. He got pretty damn sea-salt over it. Though I could definitely see it as he also needed time to adjust, at one point he just broke down into a pile of salt. Calling out ‘Spammer’,‘Cheap’,‘Broken’. It was awesome. Exposed him and everything. Basically went down like this:

[I use Ryu’s cr.Fierce/Dictator’s cr.Fierce or st.RH/Cody’s b.Strong or st.Fierce or DA BOOT/Any other character that has a remotely good anti-air normal.]

Bubbles:Man, why do you keep doing that!? Do something different!

Kei: Why do you keep jumping into it!? Do something different!

Good times. Good times.

I guess its worth a try but it seems like you’re denying yourself important information. It’s like playing a different game. Imagine playing as a fireball character and not knowing whether a Rufus opponent has U2 stocked. It’s like playing a different game.