Hub City Showdown Results

Super Street Fighter IV:

1: jakob002 ($98.00 + $50.00)
2: AceKombat ($28.00)
3: JRockEclipse ($14.00)
4: Kakitajamie
5: Kristen Klemetsen
5: Jim Haverlock
7: Mark Chatelain
7: Ernest Johnson
9: DaRabidDuckie
9: Cloud177
9: Gren Burgess
9: Jason Breland
13: Jada Parmer
13: ViceVirtuoso

Tekken 6 (round robin due to less than 8 entrants):
1: Chip Boudreaux ($42.00) (tie breaker)
2: jakob002 ($12.00)
3: Kakitajamie ($6.00)
4: Brandon Smith
4: ViceVirtuoso
6: DaRabidDuckie

Melty Blood cancelled due to no interest :arazz:

Thank you very much for hosting the tournament, it’s always nice to get some experience in so I’m not a free win 110% of the time. :shake:

Had a blast. Definitely glad I went. Top tier mousepads FTW.

Good Sh*t, sucks that I couldn’t make it due to me having to work.