HSF/SSF2x differences

Ok, some people are trying to organize a ST tournament here in France, but they had problems with CCC2 and some adaptators/sticks (can’t tell you what those problems are exactly since I haven’t experienced them myself).

They are still investigating these problems and I hope they will figure them out, because if they don’t they will use HSF and only allow Super Turbo and Super mode (as a remplacement for original characters).

My question is : what would be the differences between ST and HSF with only the two modes cited above allowed ?

Here are the ones I’m aware of (I don’t count the stored charges, etc. because they can be accessed in HSF) :

  • problems with claw’s wall dive
  • super turbo characters can’t tech throw when thrown by a super character
  • super characters aren’t exactly the same as original characters

I also noticed that honda (super t version) dealt unusually high amounts of damage (that might also be the case with other characters) but I’m really not sure about that.

Are there other differences ?

Thanks for your help.

the game engine might be slightly different,i suspect

it’s hard to put it into words,but 2X feels a lot “tighter”

Ken’s super glitch has been fixed. In original arcade board, if reversing with Ken’s super, you would not ever get the super, but rather the last special move you did would come out. If it happened to be a hurrican kick, then you would get a “glitch” hurricane, which is extremely fast and low to the ground. HSF2 allows reversing with the super. That’s more of a fix.

Just to let you know, HSF2 does have an “O.ST” mode that you should use instead of the regular Super mode. To use it, you select Super while holding Start, I believe. It’s not 100% accurate, but moreso than just using the Super mode. Maybe you already know about this, but I wasn’t sure by the way you were phrasing things.

There were one or two other characters beisdes Ken who couldn’t originally reversal Super but can in HSF2.

O. Sagat’s fireballs have longer recovery time in HSF2.

What about the version someone posted about that has stuff fixed like O.Sagat tiger shots and Vega walldive and stuff? Is that for real? Anyone have it?

I’m pretty sure it’s in “ST in the House” thread. It’s Japanese only, and it came out pretty recently IIRC.

Professor Jones, is the problem with CCC2 more technical or is it more about the game itself? Are they going to play in Versus mode? I heard that had some bugs, and people were just better off playing the game in Arcade mode.

Hope that helps some.

Is it for real tho? I’d like to get it, but I can’t read the website… Some first hand testimonials would be prime. :smiley:

They had bugs even in arcade mode… I think that it has to do with the sticks and adaptators they used. When I play with my friends we use two HRAP2 and play in arcade mode. The only bugs we encountered were sound related and also some minor slowdowns, nothing important.