HRAP3 main thread

Looking for one here where I can ask specific questions about it, specifically the SA for the PS3, and I tried using search and im getting so many results, I cant find a main thread if one even exists.

Maybe im overlooking it. Can anyone point me to it? Im sure this thread will get deleted but I need help finding it.

I don’t know what your exact question is, but I’d try one of these two:

HRAP 3 SA - HRAP EX SE: $89 at Amazon?!

The Absolute Noobie Thread (NOW WITH MORE FAQ!)

Yes there is a “Main” thread its for all HRAPS inculding the HRAP3

How did you find that? The search here isnt great because it not only searches thread titles (which is all I think it should do personally), but every single post, so I was not able to find this through search.

It would be nice if there was a sticky with all important main threads linked inside.

There is one. The HRAP thread should probably be added to it.

Right, it should. I had previously checked there and couldnt find it. Then searched, couldnt find it that way either. Had no other choice but to make a new thread.

The HRAP thread is there under the tutorials section. Hard to find though, as there are a lot of links there.