How would you re-balance Third Strike?

Players will never be judged on how good they are based on the character they use. Even if you cant win a tournament using low-tier, you will still have ppl’s respect. (Yamazaki’s12 for instance)
On the other hand, if someone can consistenly beat you, hes probably at a higher level than u anyways.

Track 8

lol i wasn;'t an excuse XD
i’m still using Q, just that it’s just slightly annoying the fact that i’m better with ken despite all the effort i’ve put in to Q…

again, my main point is that 3s is a solved game, not many lower tiers are used and it annoys me…

please excuse grammar and typos

i agree

i think 3s tiers have been one of the most talked about and discussed conversations concerning sf in total on srk. even if ppl dont play 3s they have a general impression on who’s top and high mid tier. with all the educated discussion ppl still think its a wrong answer to ask for another revision.

oh no! it might make there precious characters as hard to play as twelve, remy or ibuki heavens noez…

fine, in one choice dont change the top but make bottom just as retarded since hit confirms, multi-stock sa’s, quick meter, high damage/priority dominate the game. i rather weaken certain aspects to the top then make low tier more towards the retardation that high tier all seems to share in one aspect or another.

when did sf2 hyper edition come out? cus 3s has been out since 99 i would think 10 years is long enough to know what exactly needs to be fixed so weaker characters keep there integrity using them but offer them a better chance at the obvious advantages that top tier has THAT NO PLAYER no matter how good they are can CONSISTANTLY compensate for no matter how good they become because a 2/8 advantage this late in the life of a game is pretty much set in stone (because the tiers, advantages, etc are fully fleshed out).

higher up players in the 3s food chain need to be honest and accept this but they wont cus they think its fair that the character that they just so happen to use falls in that lucky top 8 that actually fairs well. so why would they want other players who work harder to get those 2 wins out with 8 losses (at highest level) to suddenly have a more level shake at winning using the character they WANT to learn to play?

“u shouldnt have to switch characters to win you should just learn the match up and get better”, this is the mentality high level tourny players adopt but at the same time most of the results show the same top tier dominance still to this day. makes u wonder… who are THEY using? hmmmmm… cus that system dont work for low tier and thats been proven.

lower tiers are just as interesting as top but alot of the aspects on how they play are weakened to a point where it’s unnecessary. they arent awarded for the more effort they put in to get damage thats different than top tiers methods.

buff what low tier does already so when shit lands the damage is equal to the amount of effort used to land something. THAT’S how it should be.

its been 10 years we know what are the more difficult techniques in 3s are accompanied by a characters low stamina, stun or whatever. when there stuff hits it should make up for there short comings. like how chun doesnt have decent anti airs but has the best ground game or how yun has one of the weakest staminas in the game but has genei jin to cover that. it should be the same for low tier its been long enough to know what needs to be buffed without making twelve into a shoto or some other example of pure retardedness.

it’s not in the players hands on how effective the character is with low tier because they still are restricted to what they have to offer based on other characters in the game. no matter how good a player is at highest level they will fall inline with what tournies have documented for YEARS.

make low tier as good as elena, oro, or even ryu at lowest or at highest as good as dudley, urien, akuma, or yang and the game would work so much better and the variety would still be just as fresh, but the bitterness of the frustration of hard work not being shown for wont be. so many truly good players quit playing 3s at high level because they can only go so far with there favorite… there should always be disadvantages in match ups but not to the point where winning is a clear impossibility at the highest level.

i understand a player must always try to overcome the player they are facing but its easy to see how even top character specialists eventually hit that wall because of improper balance among a handful of folks compared to the majority.

Why do so many people who use “low tier characters” have this attitude? Sure – It’s harder to win with a low tier character, obviously. This does however not necessarily mean they are harder to play – On the contrary many times low tier characters have fewer options to consider in many situations, and rely heavily on gimmicks. Which in some ways make them easier to play.

3S has been out for 10 years – So you’d think people would eventually give up on this discussion, and simply realize that IV is out. We’re not going to get a revision on 3S. If we did it’d be horrible because it would only lead to split the remaining 3S community in half.
Sure, if IF hadn’t turned out the way it did we could have kept on hoping that IV would’ve kept on building on what 3S had started and simply make a “bigger and better 3S” – That however did not happen, so you will have to accept 3S for what it is. Stick with your low tier characters if you want to, accept their disadvantages and stop bitching about it.

“Just so happen to use falls in that lucky top 8” – Could it possibly not be all luck? Could it possibly be, that we - the users of those golden top 8 characters, are simply smart enough to not put ourselves in a disadvantage before the fight has even started? … “It’s hard to win with a weaker hand” – Perhaps I like the game and the competition it offers more then I like the actual character I’m using, perhaps that’s why I can imagine playing several of the top characters, simply for the competition it offers and I enjoy. Rather then pick a character I like simply because his or hers design and then bitch about not enjoying how he or she plays.

To me, lower tier characters are usually less interesting. Sure it can be nice to see some of them just to “mix it up” – But as I said earlier, they usually have less options and rely more on gimmicks, which in the long run makes them more boring to watch imo.

On a final note, I have to say that it seems to me many of the players using lower tier characters have a fear of even competition. Not everyone, but many.
If you lose with a lesser character, you blame the character.
If you win with a lesser character, you’re the greatest because you won with a character who shouldn’t normally win.
If you play rather even with someone, using a worse character compared to your opponent, you’re clearly the better player because of your disadvantages.

In short: Stop bitching already, it’s been 10 years. Go play IV if 3S don’t suit you.

This shit still going on. . .Of course bottom tier characters are harder to use, that’s why they’re bottom tier. Either pick another character, quit the game or try harder.

How do you think Kuroda got so good with Q? I’ll give you a hint: He didn’t waste his time whining about tiers.

The thing that ticks me off is that there is NO REASON for Chun Li in 3S in the first place. She plays like an overpowered Elena with less options. Since her “character” is that she is the strongest woman in the world, they had to make her the strongest character, even though Makoto should be the strongest character given the engine in 3S. I say more in that freestyle.

Fighting game balance wasn’t ever made with “plot power levels” in mind, as far as I’m aware. It’s true that a few characters end up being considered good in more than one game in a series (Sagat for example), but that’s because the tools these characters have at their disposal are solid and universally useful in the first place (DP + low and high FBs with quick recovery, and not charge moves to boot…Get what I’m trying to say?). Look at Ryu, I don’t think he was was ever lower than mid tier on any SF, and he’s top tier in several titles, whereas Zangief is comically gimped in some, yet buff as hell in others, etc. That stuff just happens, nothing to do with how strong the character is supposed to be inside the game universe.

Some are: Gill and Sean for example.

chun has the fewest options out of the top 8 character but shes one of the strongest. its not like lower tier has less options its that there stuff that they play to land with doesnt amount for the effort.

compare twelve to chun: twelve actually has far more options but is limited since he doesnt have many hit confirms and damage he does is pretty limited. add the fact he bleeds and u have more negatives than positives even if he is so versatile.

when chun doesnt have meter what are her options? when she does have meter why is she so scary if she’s NOT hitting with her super? shes interesting but dont give me a blanket statement saying low tier is low tier cus they are “boring”. a person plays a character cus they like how they play to win. no one likes looking good losing.

so its untrue that low tier has fewer options they have roughly they same amount of options its just more of there options lead to either frame disadvantage/no knock down/ sub par damage/ etc…

It’s not just that Chun li is top tier. She adds nothing to the game. If she wasn’t in the game, people that liked her style would pick Elena and now you have a character than has more than one usable super art, requires more thought and is more versatile. So by sticking Chun Li in the game, it actually TAKES AWAY from the character.

If Makoto was the strongest character in the game, it would ADD to the character because she is considered random but if everyone picked her, then that familiarity would take away from that randomness. And that ability to “feel” is what SFIII is about.

Personally I think that Capcom really does try to make a character that plays like its story, and Chun Li really was supposed to be the strongest woman in the world in SFII. But my personal belief is not easily proven. Still, she takes away from the artistry of the game rather than adding to it, and that’s why she’s a bad character REGARDLESS of her power. Make her mid tier and she’s basically Elena with one good super art.

“See? There are a million opinions on these, but I don’t think game design is that easy.”

Well, it’s pretty friggin easy to see that Chun Li is overpowered from Day 1. She’s not exactly an intricate character like Yun. Don’t get me wrong. I’m sure that she has a TON intricacies that I don’t know about but it’s pretty obvious from just her basics that she would screw up the game balance. Capcom had to have known from the start.

Don’t you fuckers mess with the best Street Fighter Game ever, just give me 1080P and maybe, just maybe some new stages so every characters has their own stage. period.


none of you know jack shit about chun. for real.

lulz dude…i’m putting in ALOT of time into my Q…
still whingeing though…just ranting is all -.-

and yes, i’m going to play top tier just because they are top tier -.-
exotic-ness (if that word exists) doesn’t mean in much these days :frowning:

lol, and i’m sure Kuroda would like to verse other characters other than the top 5 or so (for variety’s sake)

just the fact that she kicks everyone’s ass ^^
except ken that is…

Aw, poor guy. He’s been struggling with Q and watching videos for a whole 3 months. Most hardcore 3S player ever.

I think that a part of what really makes 3s fun is that lots of characters have really broken shit; it just happens that top tiers’ broken shit is even more broken.
I love the game and it’s great to play, but it’s quite unbalanced, and the characters effectiveness is quite spread away. Of course a genius player can still win with Q. The game as a whole has many tools so there isn’t an “helpless” situation. But still, affirming that 3s is a decently balanced game is ridicolous. I’ll never really quit playing 3s just because it’s still fun, but it’s broken, let’s face it.
Look at sf4. It has its flaws, doesn’t have an exciting rhytm like 3s has, it has less options and less interesting characters, but it’s way better balanced. While Sagat is indiscussed #1 in the game, he’s NOWHERE as good as Chun/Yun/Ken compared to the rest of the roster, he doesn’t have any 8-2 fights and even his 7-3 are rare. The difference of effectiveness from Sagat (1st) to Claw (last) is like Dudley to Necro in 3s at most.

3 months?!
are you serious?
just because i joined srk 3 months ago doesn’t mean i haven’t been playing 3s since then

sf4 was the reason i joined -.-

Then pick another character.

It’s obvious that winning with a low tier character is hard, wining consistently with a low tier character is even harder. That’s why they are low tier, either pick chun or better yet go play SF4.